I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1380

King Edison's plan worked very well, but at this time there was a sudden change.

Originally, the bright factory suddenly became extremely dark.

"what happened!?"

Datong Wang Edison frowned, and hurried out of the factory to take a look, he was stunned.

The originally clear sky had become extremely dark at some point, as if the light of the entire world had been deprived of it.

"Then, what is that!?"

Datong Wang Edison stared at the distant place in shock, only to see a dark beam of light rising from the earth and shooting into the sky!

In an instant, the situation changed!

The pitch-black clouds and mist are like waves stacked on top of each other, rotating with the black beam of light as the center.

The entire sky seemed to form a rotating, black vortex.

Dark clouds hissed and cut through the thunder and lightning in the sky, and Xiao Sha's strange aura permeated the whole world.

"What, what happened here!?" Datong Wang Edison was shocked: "The Celtics... Are the Celtics going to attack first? Impossible... Their soldiers are obviously different from my mechanical infantry. Still fighting in the west!"

In the end what happened?

This is not only the doubt of the king Edison, but also the doubt of the Celtic side, Queen Maeve who holds the Holy Grail, and the mad king Cu Chulainn.

What exactly happened... The only one who knows the truth is Fujimaru Tachika and his party at this moment.

They looked at Shirou in astonishment.

At this moment, Shirou held the Death Star sword high, and a jet-black beam of light shot out from the Death Star sword, straight into the sky, rushing out of the constraints of the planet, emitting a magnificent black light in the vast, dead universe.

next moment--

The situation changed suddenly!

Countless black rays of light shot out from the beam of light formed by the Sword of the Death Star, shooting them in all directions!

Each of these black rays of light is full of the magical power of destruction, and its power is extremely strong!

The black rays of light shot out like a swarm of meteors, falling from the sky and shooting towards the entire North American singularity.

"That—, that is!"

Maeve was shocked!

Because of the black light emitted by the Sword of the Death Star · Solitary Pilgrimage, one of them shot towards Maeve.

"Don't think about it!"

The Mad King Cu Chulainn who was standing next to Maeve yelled, holding the Spear of Deaththorn, trying to defend against the black light.


How can man be faster than light?

There was only a sound of "cha", and the black light directly pierced through the chest of Mad King Cu Chulainn, destroying his spirit base.

"Okay, so strong...the destructive power...can actually destroy my body and spirit base in an instant..."

Mad King Cu Chulainn looked down at his empty chest, his face full of astonishment.

Not only that, Maeve behind him was also shot in the chest by one of the black rays, destroying the spirit base in it.

However, this is only one aspect of it.

These black rays of light that erupted from the Sword of the Death Star Lonely Pilgrimage were not aimed at the Mad King Cu Chulainn, nor the Great Commander Edison.


Servants and foreign objects in this entire singularity!

However, just as the Mad King Cu Chulainn would resist, the others would naturally not be willing to be destroyed.

"Don't even think about it!" Datong Wang Edison shouted, activated the Gundam in the factory, and wanted to use the Gundam's body to avoid the attack of the black light, but there was a "cha", and the Gundam, including the Gundam, was shot by the black light. kill.

In addition, Rama, Sita, Scathach, Billy the Kid and other heroic spirits who were summoned to this singularity were shot and killed at the same time.

"Sita, my wife... I'm sorry..." Rama.

"Rama, my dear, I have not been able to see you..." Sita.

"Who is this destructive force... who is destroying me?..." Scatha said.

"To exit in such a way..." Billy the Kid.

All the heroic spirits were shot, and other than that...

"What's going on? How could this happen!" Romani, who was checking the data in the control room, was full of horror.

"What's the matter, Romani?" Da Vinci couldn't help asking out loud.

"All, all disappeared...the mysterious reaction in that singularity, the spirit base reaction...all disappeared!" Romani said in shock: "Wu Ming, this blow...killed all the heroic spirits!"


The Heroic Spirits present were all stunned.

Caster Cu Chulainn, who was still out of the matter, asked loudly: "Are you kidding? That singularity...in that singularity, there is Scatha!"

"Skathach's spirit base reaction has disappeared...it has been confirmed...he was killed..." Romani said with a solemn expression.

Hearing this, Cu Chulainn froze on the spot.

that woman...

He was actually killed...

It's incredible!

Cu Chulainn turned his head to look at the demon holding the black space, as if his world view had been broken.

This devil...

too strong!

With one sword, all the heroic spirits including Scathach were killed!

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