I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1382


"Ah, ah, it's so uncomfortable, this feeling. It's so uncomfortable, what kind of strange feeling is this?" Fujimaru Tachika reached out and scratched her hair.

"Sure enough, does senior also feel this way?... This wonderful feeling as if he is a useless piece of trash..." Matthew said with a troubled face.

Fujimaru Tatsuka nodded empathetically, with a distressed expression on her face.

Because, this feeling of being a useless piece of rubbish is really uncomfortable.

Shaking his head, Fujimaru Tateka said: "No matter what, I'll try to see if I can summon the heroic spirits in the North American singularity..."

"Can you summon them, senior? Obviously we haven't contacted them..." Matthew asked worriedly.

"I can only try it..."

"It's true."

Mash and Fujimaru Tachika looked at each other, and both sighed.

Clearly, it is a good thing to easily solve the singularity, but they just feel that something is wrong, and they are very uncomfortable and uncomfortable...

Sure enough, human beings will commit crimes.

Fujimaru Tachika summoned with a call sign.

She originally thought that she would fail the summoning, but as soon as she activated the summoning, she succeeded immediately. From the summoning formation, a woman holding scarlet double guns ran out.

As soon as this woman was summoned, her beautiful red eyes shone with light and fighting spirit, and she asked excitedly, "Where is the person who killed me!?"




pS: That’s it for today~! good night~! I still owe 2 updates, and I should be able to make up for it tomorrow.

Chapter 85 Master, dear Master, you are embarrassing again!

Shirou has been a little depressed lately.

The disgust of the heroic spirits and the fear of the people are nothing to him, who has nothing.

His purpose of coming to Chaldea was not to do anything here, but to worry about his sister.

That's all.

Therefore, whether Heroic Spirit hates him or not is meaningless to him.

but now--

Shirou meets a pervert!

And it's super perverted!

The scarlet spear came from the sky like swift red lightning, stabbing straight at Shirou, the speed was so fast that it flashed in front of Shirou as if traveling through space, making people unable to react.


Shirou stretched out his hand, grabbed the scarlet spear, and said with some helplessness: "I said, you are almost enough."

The owner of this scarlet spear struggled hard, and found that Shirou's strength was too great, and she couldn't pull it out with her muscle strength.

However, facing Shirou's words, the owner of the scarlet spear said, "This is a real fight—!"

Shirou nodded, understanding what the woman meant.

Then, he pulled out the Death Star sword, raised the knife in his hand, and hacked the woman to death very quickly.

Seeing this, Caster Cu Chulainn, who was sitting by the side, sighed out of habit: "Ahhh...the old woman is dead again, it's really inhuman."

That's right, the pervert who was hacked to death by Shirou was none other than the shameful Scathach.

Logically speaking, as Scatha's disciple, Cu Chulainn would be furious when he saw Scathach being hacked to death by Shirou.

But in fact, he was like a pervert who got to the g-spot, he was secretly happy, and his face was full of gloating.

Beside him, Matthew asked: "Speaking of which, Miss Scathach, how many times have you been killed?"

"It's the 24th time."

Cu Chulainn laughed loudly, and said this very clear number without hesitation.

It is impossible for him to count wrongly, because he has witnessed every Skaha's defeat with his own eyes.

Matthew looked at him with cold sweat all over his face, saying that the master and the disciples are as close as father and son, but looking at the posture of Scathach and Cu Chulainn, it is not like that at all... It seems like there is a deep blood feud.

But then again, Miss Scathach like this is really...

"Hmph. Is this the Celtic queen of death? It's really funny."

The Yinglingwei Palace passing by, with a notoriously poisonous tongue, gave his comment without hesitation, "It can be seen that her disciple is not a serious person."

Cu Chulainn, who was laughing loudly, was choked at the time, turned his head, stared fiercely at Heroic Guard Palace, and asked, "Red, are you scolding me?"

"This is what you understand, not what I said."

After a pause, Ying Ling Wei Gong added: "Of course, if you think so, I can't help it."

With the word "well" all over Cu Chulainn's face, he said furiously, "One-on-one with the uncle! The uncle will tell you what is polite!"

"Give up. You, who appeared in the world as a Caster, are no match for me no matter what. I don't want to be told by the Master to bully the children after easily defeating you." Heroic Emiya said.

Cu Chulainn was trembling with anger, this guy did have an outstanding talent in angering him.

Seeing the two people who were at war, Matthew quickly acted as a peacemaker and comforted them.

Really, when these two people meet together, it will always evolve like this.

"But, again. If Scathach is so embarrassing, why are you so afraid of her, Cu Chulainn?" Heroic Guard Palace asked.

As soon as this was mentioned, even Cu Chulainn had to say with black lines all over his head: "No...she wasn't like this before..."

He realized that he shouldn't gloat so much, because Skaha is his teacher anyway, if the teacher is so embarrassing, even the apprentice will become a funny character!

In fact, Scathach would become like this, and Cu Chulainn also felt inexplicable for a while.

In his heart and memory, he remembered what kind of person Scatha was.

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