I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1383

That is a woman who has graduated from the world and maintains a comfortable attitude towards everything.

A rotten woman who seeks death with all her heart.

Although it is decadent, it is also elegant. It will definitely not be as embarrassing as it is now...

So, what the hell is going on here? !

While Cu Chulainn was suspicious, Fujimaru Tateka walked over.

"Really, you killed Scathach again, Mister Unknown."

Standing in front of Shirou, Fujimaru Tachika puffed up her cheeks like a squirrel, "Stop persecuting Scathach, Mr. Unknown. Every time you summon Scathach, you need to consume call signs! Da Vinci personally made a call Fu Ke spent a lot of energy... Really, don't kill Skaha again!"

Seeing Fujimaru Tachika standing in front of him like a hamster puffing out her cheeks, Shirou thought it was really cute, so he couldn't help but stretched out his hand, poked her forehead lightly, and said softly: "Next time... "

Feeling the temperature of her forehead, Fujimaru Tateka stretched out her hand to cover her forehead, her heart fluttered slightly, and listening to Shirou's gentle and doting words, her beautiful face suddenly flushed red, she lowered her head, and a bulge appeared on her head. There were bursts of heat.


Matthew, who watched this scene, couldn't help biting his handkerchief, exuding a breath of defeat.

"My senior...my senior...my senior is going to be snatched away by Mister Unknown! Woo..."

"In short, in short, don't make trouble for Da Vinci..." Fujimaru Tatsuka lowered her head, steaming from her head, and whispered.

Shirou nodded affectionately.

Fujimaru Tachika used the call sign to summon Skaha again.

After being summoned, Scathach attacked Shirou again.

The spirit snake came out of its hole and hit the yellow dragon... all kinds of superb spear skills were used continuously, but it was no surprise that Shirou grabbed the end of her spear and remained motionless.

"I said, you should be satisfied, Scatha?" Shirou asked.

"No, that's all, how can I be satisfied?"

Scathach trembled all over, and said dissatisfied with desire: "That taste of death, that sense of satisfaction that seems to disappear forever, ah... Oh devil, only you can satisfy me. Come on, this time I lost again , come and kill me!"

Shirou: "..."

Although it is not unknown that Skaha is a superficial queen shaking S, but actually a hidden shaking M.

But Scathach in this new world is really a bit perverted...


It should be said that he shouldn't have let Scathach realize his abnormality and the essence of his desire and dissatisfaction.

Shirou sighed deeply.

That's right, the Scathach of this new world will become like this, and it has nothing to do with Shirou.

This Scathach did not experience the short-lived youth of the Eternal Dynasty like the Scathach of the old world, and his body and mind have completely decayed.

For her, her life is meaningless, she just pursues powerful enemies and death.

But no one can give her this.

She is like a boudoir who has not been nourished for a long time. She is lonely, empty and cold, so she becomes more and more decayed, more and more sad, and more and more pursuing death.

At this time, Shirou appeared and satisfied the emptiness in her heart.

It's like a bitter woman who hasn't been nourished for a long time, but when she gets nourished, she will pursue death more and more. It's not a strange thing...


This kind of thing is really weird when you think about it carefully!

However, in short, there is another Heroic Spirit who is close to Shirou in this Chaldea...

Although a disgraceful pervert.

Shirou sighed deeply, and said: "I said, if you are pursuing death in Scathach, you can go to someone else. If you go to fight Hercules for power, no matter what, you will be killed by him." Killed it? So don't keep pestering me, I don't want to be hated by Xiao Lixiang!"

"That's not okay, Demon. Only you can meet my needs." Scathach shook his head and said.

"Why?" Shirou asked in bewilderment.

Skaha smiled and said: "As a demon, it's impossible for you not to notice it? This world has been reset by the power of the savior."

Hearing this, Shirou's heart tightened, did you notice it?

Immediately Shirou thought again, it is not surprising that Scathach noticed this, because during the Fourth Holy Grail War, she also noticed the existence of the Awakened One.

It's just that even Merlin in this new world had to rely on the records in the crown to know about the things in the old world, but this woman has relied on herself from the very beginning to realize the truth of the things.

It's not easy.

indeed so.

That's right.

Although this woman has always been ashamed in front of him, it is undeniable that this woman is very powerful and reliable at the same time. It's just that her embarrassing performance in front of Shirou covered up this point, and people couldn't help but subconsciously regard her as a funny character.

"I am isolated from the outside of the world, so I can feel that the world has been reset by the power of the savior, and I have also been reset. Although I can detect some traces of the old world sporadically, I don't know everything about the old world , and what happened. However, I am very clear about one thing.”

"I must have known you in the old world. Because I don't hate the feeling of staying with you and being killed by you. So, no matter what you look like, I think you are a good boy, yes A good boy."

Skaha said with a smile, as if pampering a child.

Seeing Scathach's smile, Shirou felt the urge to cry.


Whether it is the old world or the new world, no matter what he becomes, Master has always cared for him and believed in him.

How much he wanted to hug Master, fall into Master's arms, and rely on Master, just like when he was a child, in the dangerous situation of being alone, relying on Master, pouring out his pain and sorrow without reservation.

But Shirou resisted the urge.

Regardless of whether it is the old world or the new world, the master is still the same master, but he is no longer what he was back then.

The great horror to face is no longer comparable to that when I was young.

He has no one to rely on, and no one can stand by his side.

He walked too fast, too far ahead.

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