I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1387

Drake let out a hearty laugh, unmistakably big sister.


There is no more.

Olga Marie was carried out of the men's room by Drake in despair.

It can be seen that her future life must be happy and happy.

Shirou, on the other hand, will hide his merit and fame.

As for why you betrayed Olga Marie?

He didn't nod his head in agreement at that time, so why betray him?

But speaking of it, why did he find Olga Marie's dead fish face funny?

This is indeed the spiritual pollution of the evil king!

Damn it!

Shirou, who was walking in the corridor, met Hercules again.

At this time, he was holding someone affectionately.

— Jason!

He is like a blow-up doll, being praised by Hercules.

"Let me go, let me go, Hercules! Damn it! Damn Da Vinci! There was no such clause in the debt repayment agreement signed at that time!"

"Hey hey hey——"

Hercules held Jason in his arms, smiling like a six-hundred-pound child.

As for Jason...

He had been cut off by Hercules and ascended to heaven happily.

Shirou understood.

This is probably the ulterior py transaction between Hercules and Da Vinci.

To actually use Jason to make a deal... How inhumane!

Chapter 87 No one knows what Matthew saw [Update]

My name is Matthew Kyrielight, and I'm recently, very insecure!

Since my senior rescued me from the explosion in the control room caused by Professor Leif. I secretly decided that I must protect my seniors.

Because, senior is a very shining person.

People who are not afraid of danger, warm in the sun, and take life as the foundation.

Such a senior, no matter what, is too attractive to me, like a big sister.

In the following singularity adventures, the senior also showed a calmness and maturity beyond ordinary people, just like sunshine.

Since then, I have understood that I like my predecessors.

Of course, not only I like it, other heroic spirits also like Senior.

Because, senior is a very sunny and sincere person.

Who wouldn't like such a person?

However, other people like seniors - I will not be jealous or depressed about this.

Because senpai is liked by other heroic spirits, this is proof of senpai's excellence.

Also, I'm not one to be jealous of others.

——The above cognition is based on my cognition of myself before the white-haired demon king appeared.

After the big white-haired devil appeared, I realized that I was not depressed, but because before the white-haired big devil appeared, the eyes of the seniors were more on me.

After the white-haired demon king appeared, the eyes of the seniors were all attracted by the white-haired demon king.

If it goes on like this...

If it goes on like this——

I will definitely be forgotten by important seniors.

Uh... only such an ending, I absolutely don't want it.

So, I asked for foreign aid.

— Da Vinci dear.

Although I would like to ask Romani more, but I don’t know what’s going on recently. Romani is always depressed. It must be that the director is bullying him again, right? For example, give him heavy tasks and the like. Therefore, it is better not to go to him recently, because it will definitely disturb him.

When I came to Da Vinci's workshop, Da Vinci was like a money fanatic, wandering among the property just won from the Hercules Arms Wrestling Special, his eyes gleaming and he was taking inventory.

"Eh? Emotional advice? This really stumps me. I've never been married! Besides, I don't have time right now. I haven't checked my treasures yet."

——It's only natural, Da Vinci was so lucky this time, and won so much treasure all at once.

Although I really want to ask Da Vinci for advice on how to make seniors pay more attention to me, but seeing how busy Da Vinci is, I should forget it.

Because no matter how you say it, Da Vinci is in charge of it, but the alchemy items in Chaldea are all in charge of it, compared to my small personal problems.

How can I bother Da Vinci because of such a trivial matter?

Sure enough, forget it.

I was about to leave, but at this moment, I found a pair of red-rimmed glasses with a unique shape.

It was placed alone on the workbench at the side. I felt that the glasses were a bit strange, so I couldn't help but take them over and take a closer look. This should be the latest alchemy product developed by Da Vinci, right?

But what's the use of making a pair of glasses?

Could it be...

Combat power tester?

Can you directly detect the fighting power of the heroic spirit, and then let the seniors make better decisions?

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