I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1388

It should be like this.

Really reliable, dear Da Vinci. Making such a treasure quietly must be a surprise for the seniors!

In comparison, I was really too boring and useless.

No wonder the senior's gaze no longer looks at me.

"Huh? Are you looking at Jason's glasses?" Da Vinci asked at this moment.

I turned my head, looked at Da Vinci, and asked strangely, "Is this pair of glasses Mr. Jason's?"

"Yeah, he asked me to make it, saying that he would use his life to pay off the debt. I was obsessed with ghosts at the time, so I agreed. It turned out that the guy didn't know anything, and he really screwed me up. But fortunately, Hercules If I like him, I won't lose this deal." Da Vinci said with a chuckle.

"By the way, if you want to play, you can play with it. However, remember not to wear it for other heroic spirits, Matthew." Da Vinci explained.


I nodded.

Mr. Jason asked Da Vinci to make the glasses. There must be something special about them, such as the ability to never lose their way on the sea?

If this is the case, seniors will never lose their way again if they enter singularities such as sailing in the future.

I put on my glasses, and nothing strange happened.

It should be that I didn't use it correctly?

I turned my head and looked at Da Vinci, intending to ask Da Vinci about how to use this pair of glasses, but seeing Da Vinci's concentration on taking stock of the finances, I think it's better to forget it.

It's not good to disturb others.


I can go to the seniors and study it.

In this way, you can also distance yourself from your seniors.


I'm so smart!

Wearing my glasses, I left Da Vinci's workshop and ran towards the senior's room.

Halfway through, a very beautiful girl came out of an office next to the corridor I passed.

A head of long chestnut hair clings to her sweet face, her skin is fair and tender, and she is wearing a white coat, exuding a gentle aura like that of a big sister next door.

She saw me and greeted me with a smile: "Good afternoon, Matthew."

"Ah... you, hello." I responded hastily.

But honestly...

I don't seem to know her.

"Don't run in the corridor, you will fall down." The girl said softly.

This kind of gentle persuasion reminds me of Romani.

"I, I see." I nodded.

The girl smiled and left.

I looked at her back, full of wonder, is there such a person among us Chaldea?

It seems not?

Could it be the heroic spirit newly summoned by the senior?

If that's the case...don't you even call me to summon the Heroic Spirit? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Since this is the case...

"Well, who are you?" I asked the girl's name aloud.

She turned around and looked at me strangely. That kind of gaze is like looking at a child with a high fever.

"I'm Romani, Matthew. What's wrong with you?" the girl asked.

ah! ?

I froze for a moment, thinking it was impossible, how could Romani look like this?

How could the doctor be a girl?



I immediately realized something, took off my glasses and looked, and the gentle chestnut-haired girl in front of me suddenly turned into Romani.

I get it, the real purpose of these glasses!

After dealing with Romani's doubts, I quickly rushed towards the senior's room wearing my glasses.

Be sure to tell the seniors about this!

Mr. Jason is too much!

Let Da Vinci make this pair of glasses!

If other male heroic spirits knew about this, they would definitely throw him in front of Ms. Medea!

Thinking of this, I quickened my pace, and I must let the seniors know about Mr. Jason's crimes first!

There was an intersection ahead, and I rushed so fast that I didn't see someone passing the intersection ahead. Not surprisingly, I collided with that person.

However, I didn't hurt, but threw myself into a warm embrace.

Just, who did I bump into?

A touch of snow-like long white hair flashed in front of my eyes, I raised my head, and immediately saw a pair of bright ruby-like eyes.

"Are you all right, Matthew?"

There was a voice in my ears, the sound quality was soft and delicate, like a spring flowing from the tip of my heart.

However, I've stopped noticing this.

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