I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1393

His hands and feet became even colder.

Shirou showed a forced smile and asked, "...Take it easy, wouldn't it be good?"

"Being involved in this catastrophe of human incineration was not voluntary, right? Why did you reject me? I——, I really want Xiao Lixiang to rely on me!"

"Mr. Unnamed, although he is a demon... but it really feels like this. It is the same as the young heroic spirit I met in Fuyuki City... like a big brother." Fujimaru Tachika said.

Shirou's heart tightened.

"Yes, I am not voluntary. But I have been involved. To this point, it is not a question of whether I am involved or not, but a question of whether I am willing to go on. I must go on. , to grow into what I want. I——, I am not a child. I have my own choice, and I have to stick to the path I want to go on. At the beginning, I was indeed a little bit repelled. For the rest of my life, it is not a horror, but I really do consciousness!"

Shirou: "..."

Seeing the resolute Fujimaru Tatsuka, Shirou couldn't help but said, "Sure enough...it's different from before..."

Fujimaru Tachika: "?"

Shirou took a deep breath, looked at Fujimaru Tachika calmly, and said with a smile: "Okay then, let me take a look, Xiao Tatsuka, what you call enlightenment!"

Fujimaru Tachika smiled and nodded.

Sure enough, Mister Anonymous is easy to talk to.

Seeing Tatsuka Fujimaru smile, Shirou also smiled.

Fujimaru Tachika turned around and left happily.

Only Shirou was left alone, standing in his room, holding the chocolate gift bag in his hand.

Hold your hands tightly.

The gift bag still retains the temperature of Tachika Fujimaru, but his hands are already cold.

Chicks, after all, have time to grow into eagles.

Shirou shook his head and put the chocolate away.

This is priceless treasure, not just food.

At this time, Nero walked into Shirou's room again.

"My friend!"

"What's wrong, Nero?" Shirou asked.

"Hmm!" Nero nodded, handed Shirou a report, and said with a smile: "I plan to form a Chaldean band, and now I plan to recruit you as a member of the band! Come, sign Download this entry form!"


"Hmm! Yu is very optimistic about you. I will leave this tour registration form with you first. Remember to fill it out! Yu will leave first. Xiao Lixiang plans to take me to explore the singularity of Orleans tomorrow." Nero explain.

Shirou subconsciously clenched the admission form in his hand, and nodded with a smile: "Then go and fix it first."


The Romans left, leaving behind a Camelot.

On the second day, Chaldea's attack on the Orleans singularity was launched!




pS: That's all for today, good night~!

Chapter 90 You, bastard!

The next day, everyone gathered in the control room of Chaldea, watching Fujimaru Tateka getting ready for the journey to Orleans.

This time, Fujimaru Tateka brought the original team who traveled to the North American singularity last time.

Rose Emperor Nero, and Zhuge Kongming Weber.

Of course, Weber didn't want to leave Iskandar, but he was pushed out by Iskandar laughing and scolding, so he reluctantly joined the expedition team.

Originally, the troops were assembled, except for Shirou who easily ended the Singularity crusade last time.

The heroic spirits offered blessings to Fujimaru Tatsuka, and Shirou couldn't help but said to her: "Little Tatsuka, if you meet an enemy that you really can't deal with, as long as you call me, I will definitely come to you."

"I see. Mu... Sometimes I think Mr. Wuming, but he really looks like Mr. Emiya." Fujimaru Tachika said with a smile.

Shirou: "?"

"They all like to worry about other people's affairs, just like old mothers." Fujimaru Tachika said with a smile.

Hearing this, the Heroic Guard at the side suddenly had black lines all over his head, and couldn't help saying: "Hey! Master, I can't pretend that I didn't hear this sentence! Who is the old lady!"

"It's you bastard!" Cu Chulainn, among the heroic spirits, said in a strange way.

"You bastard, you're an old hermaphrodite." Heroic Guard Palace looked at Cu Chulainn speechlessly.

"You scheming bastard, you have no right to blame me!" Cu Chulainn said with a displeased face.

Red, blue, the two began to tear up again.

The heroic spirits are used to it, and have automatically ignored them.

Shirou looked at Fujimaru Tachika in front of him, wanted to squat down, put it on her shoulders, and dote on her, just like when he was a child, but suddenly came back to realize that Fujimaru Tachika in front of him had reached the height Here on my shoulder.

Already, not a child.

Shirou looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka and said, "If you encounter a hurdle that you can't get over, just call me, Tatsuka Tachika."


Fujimaru Tachika nodded, and brought Mash, the lively and cheerful Nero, and the reluctant Weber into the Lingzi frame.

"I didn't expect this devil to care so much about the Master."

"Who knows, it's hard to guarantee that it's not a disguise. In short, the heart of defense is indispensable."

"Speaking of which...we've been together for so long. It's true that he didn't do anything."



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