I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1394

Heroic Spirit looked at Shirou and commented on Shirou's behavior.

As for their words, Shirou didn't pay attention to them at all, but stared at the screen in the control room, watching Fujimaru Tachika crossing to Orleans, with a hint of worry in his heart.

He was afraid of any danger or setback Fujimaru Tachika encountered in Orleans.

He didn't know before, he wasn't around before... Now he just wants to protect his only sister, so that she can have a happy and happy life.

And this is already one of the two obsessions that he must achieve no matter how he is tortured and his consciousness becomes more and more chaotic.

One is revenge.

The second is to let her only younger sister live happily and keep the sadness away from her.

This is the most sincere desire to protect as an elder and as a relative. Because of the hardships and sorrows, I hope that my younger generation can stay away from these things.

And this, perhaps, is why he became so verbose, like an old lady.

Shirou stood in the control room, looking at Fujimaru Tachika on the screen.

Fujimaru Tachika, who had traveled to the singularity of Orleans, immediately took action under the instruction of Weber.

They first searched for clues and information about this singularity in Orleans.

Later, they learned that the time point of this Orleans singularity was the historical time point after France's national salvation saint, Joan of Arc, was captured by the British and burned to death.

At the same time, I also know that the culprit of this Orleans singularity, the person who holds the Holy Grail, is the one who holds the evil dragon Favna, the Witch of Dragons, Joan of Arc!

It is reported that the Dragon Witch, Joan of Arc, also used the Holy Grail to summon a group of heroic spirits, preparing to destroy the entire Orleans.

But this is not the point. The point is that Fujimaru Tachika and others who have just traveled to the Orleans singularity not long ago, soon encountered the Dragon Witch Joan of Arc and her minions!

"I won't be deceived anymore. I won't be allowed to be betrayed anymore. Speaking of it, I can't hear the Lord's voice at all. Since I can't hear the Lord's voice, it means that the Lord has long lost trust in this country. In this way Let me destroy your country! Travelers of Chaldea, since you stand in my way, go to destruction under the breath of the dragon!"

The Dragon Witch, Joan of Arc laughed loudly, driving the dragon species, and the heroic spirits under her control, to attack Fujimaru Tachika and the others.

Seeing this scene in the control room of Chaldea, Shirou clenched his fist, wanting to [appear alone] directly, but he still held back.

Because this is Xiao Lixiang's journey.

"You really, really like Xiao Lixiang."

A soft voice like that of a big sister next door sounded in his ears. Shirou turned his head and found Scathach in casual clothes standing beside him, looking at him with those beautiful red eyes.

Shirou said coldly: "Yes, I like her."

After a pause, Shirou added: "A strong girl, there is no reason not to be liked."

"Really?" Scathach smiled, "But in my opinion, you are also a likable and strong child."

Shirou said flatly, "I am a devil."

"Yes. Although we may be acquaintances in the old world, but now it seems that you don't have the same feeling for you as I do." Skaha stretched out his slender index finger and put it on his lips, feeling a little distressed Said.

Shirou: "..."

Scathach's distress was only for a moment, and he soon showed that gentle smile, saying: "Although you are a devil, don't forget to look around you. The light shines in every corner and exists in everyone's heart .If you open your eyes and look around, you can find the light.——There is such a saying in my memory, I don’t know who said it, but it is very suitable for you.”

Shirou remained silent.

Because, that sentence is exactly what he said.

Talked about but not done.

Once a hero of fire, but became a devil. It's hilarious.

However, this is also impossible.

He must wear the crown, the heavy, sad crown of the old world.

How to save people without wearing a crown? Wearing a crown, how to love?

There is nothing more helpless in the world than this.

Between loving and saving people, Shirou chose to save people, so he turned back into a devil.

Shirou remained silent.

He will not reveal his heart to anyone, reveal everything about the old world. Because in the new world, there is no room for the king of the old world.

Even if it is revealed, it will only make people feel emotional, worry, pity and sad.

This is meaningless, people in the new world don't need to bear the sadness of the old world.

People should walk towards the hopeful future, but not look back at the disillusioned past.

That's all.

And this is also Shirou's tenderness.

He bears the sadness of the old world alone, accommodates the destruction of the old world alone, and wants to open up the way of freedom for this new world.

He wants to avenge the evil king and defeat the evil king.

This is not a question of success, but an answer that must be successful.

Because, there is only one way to defeat the evil king——

Scatha left.

She was feeling a little emotional at first, so she told Shirou about the phone call.

Shirou still looked at the screen worriedly.

On the screen in the control room, Tatsuka Fujimaru obeyed Weber's suggestion, calmly commanded the heroic spirit, and retreated.

She is no longer a fledgling of the singularity in Fuyuki City, she is already the last Master of mankind who has conquered several singularities, defeated the heroic spirit, and defeated the Demon God Pillar!

Shirou was a little relieved, but he was still watching.

The attack on the singularity is definitely not like the previous North American singularity, which was attacked in an instant.

After all, it was an accident, only Shirou's accident, it was a BUG!

A normal singularity attack battle would basically take days or even months to attack.

For example, Tatsuka Fujimaru first personally took the Raiders of the Roman singularity, it is said that it took a month.

It was gradually getting late.

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