I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1400

However, Shirou didn't see them.

He looked straight at the dark cube in the distant Arabian Sea.

His goal is only that one, the others are meaningless!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!!!"

On the bloody ground, the roars of monsters came and went.

This is the lair of monsters on the plains of Mesopotamia.

Warcraft gathered densely, and in terms of number alone, there may be more than one hundred thousand.

No one can ignore such a huge number.

Even the former Eternal King is the same, because the Eternal King once faced the last god and Vortigern, the king of monsters, the battle between man and beast.

He will definitely not ignore such a huge number of Warcraft.

However, what is standing here right now is not the Eternal King who is like fire, but a cold and lonely demon.

Shirou's gaze was fixed on the dark cube in the distant sky, and he kept telling himself in his heart.

go there... go there...

Definitely go there!


beat him!

In his heart, the chaotic consciousness kept telling himself this sentence, and kept repeating this sentence.

There is no room for any other existence in his eyes.

Whether it's mountains, water, or monsters in this vast ocean...

Can't stand it!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!!!!!!"

Terrifying beast roars came and went.

The monsters found Shirou and were furious.

Their territory has been invaded by tiny humans!

This is unforgivable.

Human beings who are just food broke into this place!

Never forgive!

The monsters sprinted towards Shirou, grinning hoarsely, with ferocious faces, exuding a terrifying, fierce killing spirit.

Thousands of beasts are galloping, and the earth is rumbling, just like a flood, rushing towards Shirou.

And Shiro, like a flat boat in the sea, will be submerged by this flood.



A terrifying sound resounded, and black thunder erupted from Shirou's body.

The black thunder is like a terrifying sky whip after another, bombarding towards the surging monsters.

This black thunder has terrifying power and extremely powerful power. After hearing a few "chachacha", the monster that came into contact with the black thunder was killed without even struggling and turned into a spirit.

Shirou was covered in pitch-black magic flames, and the black thunder that emanated became more ferocious.

One, a whip of thunder that looked like a startling dragon emanated from Shirou's surroundings, sweeping around.

"Boom, boom!"

It was like the sound of thunder exploding, one after another.

The ground cracked, and huge rocks rose into the sky one after another. Countless monsters were either killed by the whip of thunder, or fell into the moat swept out by the thunder.

A doomsday scene.

Staring at the pitch-black cube, Shirou walked forward in the vast sea of ​​monsters.

He is like a sword that divides the sea, straightly expanding a path from the vast sea of ​​monsters.

Shirou at this moment is too strong.

This strength is not in quantity, but in quality.

One hundred thousand monsters, to him at this moment, are nothing but worthless.

His goal was that pitch-black cube.


This is his battlefield!



Suddenly, golden ripples flickered in the air not far away. Countless golden chains pierced the sky like meteors and bombarded towards him.

The black lightning on Shirou's body struck like a whip of thunder, and with a "boom", it hit these golden chains, but these golden chains were tough and were not broken by the black lightning. Instead, they moved towards Shirou like a dragon. rushed over.

Shirou finally reacted, saw these golden chains in his eyes, and then he raised the Death Star sword in his hand.

The Sword of the Death Star exuded a mournful aura of death, and was followed by Shirou. The terrifying sword light rushed out along the destructive and dead energy of the Sword of the Death Star. With a "clang", the extended golden chains were all counted in an instant. Cut in half and destroyed.

"That sword..."

A voice suddenly sounded next to his ear, Shirou raised his head, his dull red eyes turned around, and saw a slender young man with green long hair floating in the sky.

Chapter 93 Tiamat is here!

Holding the Sword of the Death Star, Shirou raised his head slightly, looking at the green-haired young man standing in the sky.

There is no doubt that he sent out the attack just now.

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