I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1401

And this young man with green hair is none other than Jin Gu!

At this moment, he was floating in the sky, his eyes looking at Shirou were full of vigilance, and his handsome face could not help but become serious.

He stared fixedly at the Death Star Sword in Shirou's hand, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart, and murmured: "That sword... there is such a vicious star weapon..."

Jin Gu couldn't believe what he saw.

The star weapon, logically speaking, is the existence of the blessing of the star, but the posture presented by the sword of the death star is such a vicious curse.

Moreover, this person...

"A devil?"

Looking at Shirou, Jin Gu couldn't help but frowned, and asked, "Majin, instead of attacking humans, you attacked here. What does this mean?"

Devil, that's human cancer. It is an existence that appeared in order to destroy the primate world.

From this point of view, they are existences with the same purpose. Even if they are not partners, they will not attack each other, not to mention that the evil king will also make demons.

But the devil in front of him has invaded here!

Facing Jin Gu's questioning, Shirou replied casually: "You guys are blocking my way."

With a twist of his wrist, the Death Star Sword in his hand, Lonely Patrol, erupted with terrifying black light, and then he swung the sword out, and in an instant, the Death Star Sword blasted a black light towards Jin Gu. Boomed past.

No matter how chaotic his consciousness became, Shirou still remembered one thing.

He wants to crusade against the evil king, and those who stop him are enemies!

"Damn it!"

Seeing the black light of the Death Star sword roaring towards him, Jin Gu secretly cursed, how dare he resist the sword light full of curse aura? Hastily dodged away.

With a sound of "咻", the sword light of the Death Star Sword pierced the sky, leaving a black arc in the air, and then disappeared.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!!!"

The monsters gathered around rushed towards Shirou desperately.

Seeing this, Shirou was not flustered, his eyes were flat, and his heart was even calmer. The black thunder jumping all over his body seemed to turn into a dense net of thunder and lightning, covering Shirou in it.

Those demonic beasts charged into this black lightning net, and almost instantly turned the impacting demonic beasts into ashes.

Of course, nothing in this world is invulnerable. After all, there are loopholes in the dense lightning net, allowing a few monsters to come in.

The monster that charged into the net of pitch-black thunder roared and rushed towards Shirou.

When Shirou saw this, a cold light flashed in those red eyes, he stretched out his hand to grab the monster's sharp claws, turned his heels, his waist shook violently, and the power surged into his arms, and immediately regarded the monster that had to be caught as a meteor hammer Usually, it hit the monster that rushed behind him.

With a sound of "click", the heads of the two monsters collided, and they both sank in immediately, screaming and disappearing.



Accompanied by the strange sound of breaking through the sky, Jin Gu stood in the sky, and the surrounding space shone with golden ripples, and then hundreds of golden chains fell from the sky, falling towards Shirou like a meteor shower.


The golden chains fell like a meteor shower, densely packed, as if there was no place to dodge.


Not as if.

But must!

Jin Gu is very sure, because he has blocked all Shirou's escape routes!

"Fall right here, Moren!" Jin Gu shouted.

These golden chains are actually the heavenly chains created by the gods to rule the world!

In the hands of Gilgamesh, the Sky Lock can already exert incomparable abilities, but in the hands of Jin Gu, the ability that the Sky Lock can exert is still higher than that of Gilgamesh!

This is because his body...

It is the appearance of the lock of the sky, the weapon of God-Enkidu!

Jin Gu was very convinced that under such intensive attacks, Shirou would have absolutely no chance of escape, and would end up under the bombardment of the Sky Lock.


"how come……"

Jingu's face was full of astonishment.

Hundreds of sky locks fell, and their positions were carefully calculated by Jin Gu, Shirou absolutely had no chance of escaping.

However, reality slaps Jin Gu hard.

I saw Shirou's vigorous body running on the ground, easily dodging the attack of the sky lock.

It is true that Jin Gu calculated the attack direction of the Sky Lock, and it is true that he blocked Shirou's retreat.


He miscalculated Shirou's strength, and Shirou's speed!

The falling speed of the sky lock broke through the speed of sound, but Shirou's speed was still above it!

It easily escaped the bombardment of the sky lock, and then kicked his feet fiercely, and with a "boom", the solid land of the Age of Gods burst apart like a spider's web!

With the help of this huge force, Shirou's body soared into the sky, and rushed towards Enkidu like a shooting star. The speed was as fast as flashing, and he appeared in front of Jin Gu, and then the Death Star sword in his hand was high. Holding it up high, he slashed down with a terrifying sword with a calm face.

not good!

Jin Gu screamed in his heart, suddenly countless golden chains appeared all over his body, wrapping himself up, forming a huge ball of steel.

At this time, Shirou's sword fell.

There was only a "boom" explosion, the sword was too heavy, and when it fell on Jin Gu's golden chain, even the space was shaken and twisted slightly.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

The golden chains burst open one after another like candles in the wind, and the golden metal ball wrapped around Jin Gu was smashed down by the sword, smashing into the ground with a "boom", and the momentum continued unabated. Go down, boulders rise up into the sky one by one.

Shirou didn't intend to give Jin Goo a chance to regroup.

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