I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 144

It turns out that there is really light in this world!

Those who were not seriously injured began to follow the path of light, to save people, to put out fires, to rescue themselves from despair.

A match, a weak fire, can be extinguished when the wind blows. But it ignites others, causing a raging fire that is ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, or even tens of millions of times bigger than itself!

"Never forget this sincere heart, this is why you were chosen by the light!"

After leaving these words, Shirou flew away from the ground and flew into the dark sky, the magic power burning all over his body turned into the brightest star in the sky.

Darkness envelops the sky.

A star brighter than the sun.

That is the heart of people.



Emiya Kiritsugu walked aimlessly in the sea of ​​flames.

His eyes were numb. The flesh is numb. The soul is also numb.

He was walking like a walking corpse.

He was betrayed by his own justice.

Betrayed by what he believed in most.

He is already dead.

I thought that was the end.

However, he is alive again.

To live again in this numb world.

With a "click", he tripped over a stone, and the flames followed the path and were about to burn to him.

But he seemed to have never heard of it.

His eyes are dead.

Like his soul, it was dead.

At this time, a hand stretched out in front of his eyes, and someone asked him, "Can you help me?"

Emiya Kiritsugu raised his head slightly, with empty and numb eyes, what he saw was the person in the light.

It was the boy he had been trying to assassinate all the time.

"Help?" the boy asked.

"Are you coming to save me?" Kiritsugu asked.

"Yeah. You're asking for help, so I'm here to save you." The boy said with a smile, and then pointed around. The victims who started to save people said with a smile, "It's not just me, they will come to save you too." you."

Kiritsugu looked around, watching people saving themselves, watching people dispel their own despair, watching people comfort each other.

His nose was sour, and tears welled up in his eyes.

He grasped Shirou's hand with both hands, and burst into tears, crying like a child.

Kiritsugu finally found a partner of justice.

He finally understood true justice.

In this world, there are no partners of justice at all, but there are "partners of justice"!

The so-called partner of justice is not a person, but a spirit!

It's spirit! ! ! ! !

How could he be so stupid?

How could he understand now?

A six-year-old child would understand the truth, but it took him nearly thirty years to really understand it!


Tears fell like rain.

Looking at Kiritsugu who was holding his hand tightly and crying non-stop, Shirou smiled and said, "No matter how long you cry, I will listen to the end."

Around him bloomed black, fragrant flowers of evil.

October 12, 1993, 11:32 am.

Emiya Kiritsugu met his true partner of justice.



ps: The fourth battle volume is over! Wait for a free single chapter, talk about the group number and some general highlights of the second volume.

By the way, ask for tickets~! Anyone who has votes, please vote for me~! I want everything~! ^_^~!


The four battle volumes are over, and the basic threads have all been recovered.

Originally, I wanted to open Mo Yi directly, but it was very abrupt and blunt to cut directly to ten years later, so I set Mo Yi as the third volume, and the second volume is the story of Britain and the court of Avalon. This is also the beginning of the ambush in the first volume. Although the detailed outline has not been written yet, the outline has been completed.

This is a beautiful story, and I dedicate her to you all. Hope you all like it.

By the way, I haven't saved the manuscript now, and there are some BUGs in the current code, and there are some mistakes in the sentences. I hope everyone can forgive me. If I catch a bug, I'll change it. Then work hard to code and save some drafts first, so that it is easy to modify.

The group has been built and is called "Story Hall". As the name suggests, there is no tearing or fighting, a place where you can share each other's stories and happiness. Although Xingyue is a thing, it is difficult not to fight and fight, but I still hope that everyone can abide by and like this place.

Group number: 626760284

The answer is Shiro Fujimaru

I originally wanted to pass on some highlights and lines from the second volume. But the splendor of the text lies in the contextual connection. It is really meaningless to release the lines so thinly.

In short, I hope everyone will support the second volume, and I will continue to write it seriously~!

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