I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 145

Chapter 1 Shirou Pole Vault【Third update】

The British Isles in the fifth century AD.

The island is in endless turmoil.

It began with successive popular uprisings and foreign invasions in the Western Roman Empire located on the mainland. The Bagoda movement in Gaul and the Argonist movement in North Africa shook the imperial regime.

The turbulent empire caused the decline of British power under the aegis of the empire. The turmoil in the mainland also made this island country call in powerful foreign enemies.

In order to survive, the materials and shelter, in simple terms, came across the sea for the alien Saxons who sought land.

Britain is an island nation of innumerable peoples and kings.

Even though there were constant disputes among the kingdoms, the kings of each kingdom worked together to attack and resist the foreign enemies because they had to guard against the Picts who were stalking the north.

But there was one king who broke the bond of unity and cooperation.

That king used the Saxons who came across the ocean to unify Britain.

Its name is the humble king Vortigeng.

Born in Britain, it is said to be the incarnation of the white dragon born to destroy Britain!

The British king Vortigern attracted the Saxons, destroyed the pivotal city of Londinium, which was built when the Western Roman Empire was still ruling Britain, and defeated Uther Pendela, who was praised as the greatest king. Tribute, fight against the Picts, and look down on Britain!

On this day, it was raining heavily.

In a forest near the territory of the Liao Dekuan Kingdom, on a muddy road, a young man fell to the ground covered in blood, panting violently.

He has black hair and is wearing a white shirt. There are three claw marks on the back, flowing black and red blood, rolling from the wound along the skin to the muddy road.

"Tick tock, tick tock"

A red swamp.

The black mud was churning around the wound, as if it wanted to repair it, but the magic power that was almost consumed was unable to activate the effect of the mud.

Being able to kill from [there] is already a great fortune, and the magic power is completely consumed, which can be said to be the lightest price.

But is life going to end here?

No——he still has to go back.

Back to the family.

The meaning of fighting is definitely not for the end, but to be able to smile again and say goodbye to important people.

This sentence has become one of the beliefs of the teenager.


Anyone can, save my life first!

Footsteps sounded next to his ears, and the boy struggled to raise his head.

Blood flowed from the wound on his forehead and dripped into his eyes, but he could still see the beautiful figure walking towards him.

A princess, a princess with long black hair, came to him with soldiers.

"My God! How is he so badly wounded? . . . Lift him up, my knights!" said the princess.

Sensing the evil of human beings, absorbing the evil of human beings, the exhausted magic power began to work, and the mud began to exert its ability to repair.


The boy passed out.

It started ten days ago——



Tuesday, April 5, 1994 at 16:00 pm.

The sky in early spring was getting late very quickly, and Shirou hadn't practiced pole vaulting for long before the sky became very dim.

He reached out and was about to turn up his sleeves to wipe the sweat off his face, but just as he was about to turn up his sleeves, a dozen colorful towels appeared in front of Shirou.

"Senior Fujimaru, please use this one!"

"Fujimaru-san, use this one!"

"Fujimaru-senpai, I heard you like pink ones, please use mine!"


The boys and girls in front of them handed out towels one after another, staring at Shirou with shining eyes.

Cold sweat broke out on the back of Shirou's head, "No...no need. Thank you for your kindness, but no need."

"Then Fujimaru-senpai must be thirsty, right? I've prepared lemonade for you! Please look at me more with your eyes!"

"Me too, Shirou-san! You must be very tired from practicing pole vaulting for the sports meeting, right? I prepared marble soda! Be sure to keep your eyes on me and drink it!" It was a big boy who said this.

"Drink my..."

Chattering, some boys simply quarreled with girls.


The cold sweat on the back of Shirou's head grew even more.

At this time, the head teacher of Mediterranean Sea came, he scolded all the students around, then patted Shirou on the shoulder heavily, and said earnestly: "Shirou, in order for the class to get good grades in the sports meeting next week, you worked so hard Training pole vault. As the class teacher, I am very relieved that you don't have to do homework this month. Come——, look at me more with your eyes."

The cold sweat on the back of his head was getting more and more, Shirou said: "Um... Teacher, I'm going home. If it's later, my mother will come to see me."

"Okay, okay, go home first, go home first. Do you want the teacher to send you?" the teacher in charge of Mediterranean Sea asked.

"no, I'm fine."

Shirou picked up his schoolbag and left.

Walking on the road, every passerby with a sad face passed by Shirou, as if his bad luck had been sucked away, with a refreshing smile on his face, and walked with his head held high.

Aware of some gazes, staring at him from all corners, Shirou guessed with his toes, knowing that his classmates and teachers were spying on him.

Because, this kind of thing has been going on for almost five months!

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