I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1536

"Emiya unexpectedly turned into this..."

Angelica picked up the six-year-old Emiya Shirou who had fainted, and placed his head on her soft thigh.

"That's not the point, Angelica? The point is... Miyu, Miyu has become a baby!"

Looking at Miyu being hugged by Pandora, Illya scratched her hair frantically.

It's about Meiyu, Illya is completely calm.

"Give it up, Illya." Tweety Biss, who was leaning against the door, glanced at Angelica who was gently stroking Emiya Shirou's cheek, curled her lips, "This guy has completely degenerated into a love brain. Leaving Einzbern and Lord Julian behind, you probably just want to be a good wife and mother right now? Phew! The disgusting sour smell of love!"

"Let's not talk about that," Chloe looked at Pandora who was holding Meiyu, and asked, "Can Meiyu's curse be removed, Pandora?"

"Sorry, Sister Chloe." Pandora shook her head, "It's the same as Sister Grey's curse, even if I am a container, I can't absorb this curse."

Chloe turned her head, looked at Morrigan who was dozing off, and asked, "Morrigan, can't you get rid of it?"

Hearing this, Morrigan woke up with a start, then stretched out his hand to wipe his sleepy eyes, and said wearily, "No. The mysterious base of this reverse growth curse does not belong to any civilization on earth, and even the secret arts of goblins cannot get rid of it."

"Speaking of which, why are you so sleepy today?" Chloe asked strangely.

"Mum... there were too many patients yesterday, so I worked too late." Morrigan said sleepily.

Hearing this, Chloe's eyes sparkled, and she looked at Morrigan adoringly, "You really deserve to be Miss Morrigan, you are so dedicated!"

"It's nothing!" Morrigan smiled and scratched the back of his head.

Standing aside and quietly reading, Kazuko pushed her glasses and looked at Morrigan with a contemptuous expression, saying that it was not this guy who was crying and begging her to go online for power leveling yesterday.

"Is this what you're talking about now, Chloe?"

Illya gritted her teeth and said, "Since there is no way to lift it. Okay! Saber, get ready, we're going to South America to find a way to lift the curse."

Hearing this, Saber Alter, who was standing aside, was stunned, then nodded, showing a serious expression: "I see, Master."

Seeing Ilya who was anxiously about to kill the South American junction, Angelica frowned and said, "Ilya, I think it's better for you to calm down."

"Miyu has become like this, how should I calm down?" Illya gritted her teeth.

"I also think it's better for you to calm down. If you rush into that connection point in your state, most of the end will be the same as this guy. Instead of saving this guy, you gave yourself away. Isn't this the stupidest thing? ?”

A clear female voice with a high nasal voice suddenly sounded next to her ears. Illya turned her head and saw Mordred standing at the door, she couldn't help but be taken aback: "Uh... Mordred, why are you here?"

"Why am I here?" Mordred sighed heavily, then pointed to Xiao Mo beside him, and said, "You have to ask why this idiot suddenly ran here when he was competing with me .Really, when I smell my father's breath like a dog's skin plaster, I feel ashamed as a fellow individual."

Xiao Mo glared at Mordred, "What right do you have to say about me?"

Mordred said with a smile: "Why am I not qualified? Because I am not ashamed as you are, of course I am qualified to say it."

Hearing this, Xiao Mo sneered and said, "Then, who is it that hides in the corner and peeps every time another father and king eats?"


The sudden knife made Mordred almost fail.

Enduring the shame in his heart, Mordred put on a look of indifference, "I don't understand what you are talking about at all."

"Don't play dumb! I've caught you peeping three times already!" Xiao Mo said.

"Al? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand? Oh! By the way, I remember, I can't understand the idiot."

"You bastard—!"

Xiao Mo glared at Mordred, with the word "well" all over his head, he wanted to chop this guy up!

Illya looked at Mordred and asked, "Then what should Mordred do?"

"Isn't this obvious? There is a super reliable and very idle Servant here. Don't you feel tempted? For example, borrow this Servant from the Servant's Master or something." Mordred pointed to himself.

"I see!"

Angelica looked at Mordred and nodded slightly, "If it's Mordred, no matter how dangerous the enemy and the environment are, he can escape."

Everyone couldn't help but nodded.

Although it is a little inappropriate to say this, everyone knows Mordred's ability well. In terms of life-saving and spying abilities, he is probably the No. 1 in Chaldea!

"Modred, are you willing to help me?" Illya looked at Mordred with sparkling eyes.

"Of course. However, there are conditions." Mordred said with a smile.

Illya asked: "What conditions?"

Mordred smiled, but before he could speak, Xiao Mo on the side said blankly: "What else can I do other than help her reconcile with another father? Gray accepted this guy before." It's good, but it's completely useless."


Mordred was full of shame and anger, blushing, and stared at Xiao Mo fiercely.

"Am I not right?" Xiao Mo asked.

Mordred was full of shame, "Don't say such embarrassing things!"

"Anyway, Mordred will help me, right?" Illya asked.

Mordred nodded: "Yes. You can talk to Matthew now, and hand over the contract by the way, and I will help you."

"Wait a minute. Are you going to leave now?" Angelica looked at Mordred, and said with a worried face: "Why don't you wait for Emiya to wake up and learn about the connection point before making any plans?"

Mordred curled his lips and said, "Has the rotten love made you lose your mind, puppet? Don't you see that this guy, who is somewhat similar to that annoying Eternal King, has been placed under the hood that cannot wake up?" Does it imply a curse? Being able to take this baby out of that connection point should be the limit of the spirit. Before the curse of sleeping is broken, this guy should not be able to wake up."

After a pause, Mordred continued: "And there is no need to find out specifically. According to the situation of the connection point, the background of the connection point in South America is probably the incidents related to South America, right? At the end of the day, I met the [Parliament] Members, or the gods in South America, regardless of whether it is the members of the [Parliament] or the gods, they cannot touch my dimension. Of course, special circumstances are not ruled out. The worst result is probably that I will be killed, but this point Don't worry, because I have already handed over my real body to Matthew for safekeeping."

"Wait... Could it be that you..."

Xiao Mo stretched out her hand to touch Mordred, but her palm directly passed through Mordred's body. She said with a face full of surprise: "So you have already opened the treasure!"

"Isn't this natural? I met a guy who knew my weakness before, and it was a bit dangerous, so in order to avoid that situation again, isn't it a matter of course to eliminate my weakness in advance?" Mordred closed his eyes One eye, said.

Everyone was speechless, and Mordred could easily say such a matter of course.

Eliminate one's weaknesses... how easy it is to say, but how difficult it is to do it?

However, Mordred can easily do it.

In terms of eliminating her own weaknesses, she is even better than the sixth seat who also holds the star cup.

"Of course, the most important thing is that Illya can use the class card to copy my treasure first. In this way, Illya will be invincible. Of course, if the connection point is special enough to touch It doesn't matter to the enemies of my dimension. The worst result is that I cover Illya's retreat and get wiped out, but I have already handed over my holy relic to Matthew in advance. Even if I get killed, I can be killed again Summon it." Mordred said with a smile.

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