I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1537

Yes, she even considered the worst case, that is, the situation where she was killed, so what else is there to worry about?

Everyone couldn't help nodding. As expected of Mordred, she thought things through very easily, just like her father, the Eternal King who was good at planning. Of course, this must not be said, otherwise, Mordred will probably be very angry.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Mordred." Illya said seriously.

"Needless to say, this is just a deal." Mordred said with a smile.

"Wait a minute! If Illya goes, I will go too! In this way, even if we encounter any serious danger, we can call Zhidu Nei to deal with the enemy." Chloe said.

Hearing this, Tweety Biss on the side was completely speechless: "Chloe, are you really using Zhidu as a tool man? If you do it like this, Zhidu will probably be really angry."


Chloe thought of Shidone's terrifying face, and immediately shivered. That guy might not actually strike.

"No need, Chloe." Illya glanced at Miyu who had turned into a baby, and then looked at Chloe seriously, "You stay and take care of Miyu."


"Please!" Illya said seriously.

Looking at the serious Illya, Chloe was silent for a moment, then nodded heavily, "Miyu, leave it to me!"

Illya smiled, then turned her back and looked at Mordred seriously: "Let's go, Mordred."

"Yeah!" Mordred nodded.

Illya left Saber Alter behind, borrowed Mordred from Matthew, and headed towards the South American junction.

With Mordred's help, she must regain Miyu's age, memory, and intellect!

Elijah looked serious.


Oh, and Grey's.

Elijah thought to herself.

It seems that because of Illya and Mordred walking vigorously, the sleeping Miyu was woken up again.

"Wow wow wow wow..."

Miyu was crying.

Chloe quickly picked her up and shook her, "Don't cry, don't cry. I'm here."

Miyu cried and cried, then bit the clothes on Chloe's chest, chewed and fell asleep.

Chloe: "..."

I'm still a big girl with yellow flowers!

Come back soon, Elijah!

Chloe was devastated.

At this moment, Emiya, who was lying on Angelika's lap, suddenly frowned.

"What's the matter, Emiya?" Angelica asked with concern.

"Don't... don't..."

Emiya Shirou seemed to have realized an extremely terrifying nightmare, his face became extremely livid: "Don't...don't...don't ask me how much one plus one is equal to, don't ask me how much one plus one is equal to... I don't know...I really don't know...don't——, let me go...!"

How much is one plus one?

Everyone looked at Emiya Shirou who was having a nightmare, his face full of confusion: "?????"


Chapter 6 The Seventh Seat, Abigail!

After a while of spirits shuttled, Shirou and others shuttled into a dark and dilapidated city.

Shirou glanced at the surrounding buildings, turned to Gray, and asked, "Where is this connection point, Gray?"

"It's Shinjuku."

It wasn't Grey who answered, but Ling Zi, who had a dazzling golden shawl and short hair, and wore a pair of black thin-frame glasses.

"You know this connection point?" Shirou turned his head and looked at Lingzi.

"This... because I have read the information on the connection point before, and my home is in Shinjuku..." Ling Zi said in a low voice, timidly.

Shirou nodded. The information on the connection points is usually for the Master to read, so it is not surprising that Lingzi knows this.

Shirou looked left and right, and sighed: "However, there is also a connection point in Shinjuku..."

The starting point of his previous call in Romania was in Shinjuku.

However, it seems that the connection point was created in different ages. At least Shiro, who has been to Shinjuku, could not recognize the architectural layout of the Shinjuku connection point.

"Well." Gray nodded, and said, "This connection point was born recently, and the specific information has not been investigated yet. However, according to the evaluation of the Sheba system, the connection depth is B."

"Born recently?" Shirou raised his eyebrows, "Are the connection points still being born one after another?"

"Well. [Parliament] is constantly creating connection points, and this connection point was born two months ago." Gray said.

"Two months ago..."

Shirou nodded thoughtfully. At that time, he was still fighting Skadi against Surut in the Nordic connection point.

"Because this connection point is newly born, the specific information is not clear. However, like other connection points, as long as the black cup that made the connection point is recovered, this connection point will be repaired. The black cup , will probably exist in the body of a certain existence in this connection point. It’s just that the connection depth of this connection point is B, which means that there may be non-human foreign objects, so we must be careful.”

Gray exhorted, but it was basically for Ling Zi.

In the strategy connection point, the brave and invincible Servant does not have to worry about danger, only the Master needs to ensure his own survival.

Gray owns Shirou's Holy Spear Rungomigniad, and is also made by Morgan Le Fay. Artoria's physical container is very powerful in itself, so naturally there is no need to worry, but Lingzi is just An ordinary master who has the aptitude to travel through spirits, and is also the new master of Knight King Zhilan, so I must mention it.

In addition to Group A as the trump card, Chaldea divided the masters into four classes, from bottom to top, namely, the blue of the knight king, the red of Solomon, the silver of the eternal king, and the gold of the hero king. Name the class after the kings who fought against the false gods.

When the class was originally divided, Marisby intended to position the disappearing Eternal King as the highest class, but unfortunately, Gilgamesh was the major shareholder of Chaldea. Out of capital considerations, Marisby Lee had to compromise.

Of course, Shirou couldn't help complaining when he knew the division of the master class in Chaldea. This may be a third-rate writer who doesn't want to use his brain, imitating the college dormitory settings of "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX".

But unfortunately, this is reality.

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