I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1538

And Lingzi just finished training, and she is a new master who is in the blue class of the knight king with Kiara, so Grey, who is the gold class of the hero king, must remind him.


"Grey, what you said seems a bit late." Shirou said helplessly.

Hearing this, Gray couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then his face became serious.

It's not just her, Arturia and Nero's expressions have long since become solemn, and even Attila clenched the Sword of the God of War in his hand, looking ahead with some vigilance.

In front of Shirou and the others, a dense fog rose up in the commercial street of Shinjuku, and then a petite figure slowly walked in the fog.

However, it is very strange that the human figure is obviously such a small one, maybe not as big as Mordred, yet there is an extremely huge and distorted alien phantom behind it.

It was obviously just a phantom, but for some reason, there was a rather weird and terrifying atmosphere. The surrounding buildings became extremely dark, as if they were covered with a layer of dark juice, as if they had fallen into the Romania connection point. It's the same as R'lyeh, the capital of evil gods I've seen.

"I was still wondering when you would come over? As a result, you came not long after the meeting." A very soft girl's voice resounded through the thick fog.

"Who are you?" Gray asked.

"Me? By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. If I talk like this, I will definitely be lectured by my uncle. Let me introduce myself, I am the seventh seat of the [Parliament]."

[Parliament] The seventh seat! ?

Everyone was shocked, and then stared at the figure hidden in the thick fog with vigilance.

Even the Demonic Bodhisattva is only a reserve member, but here he actually met the seventh seat of the [Parliament]?

Why have you been so unlucky recently!

I chose the connection point with a link depth of B, not E!

Gray groaned secretly in his heart, if he could go back, he should learn how to read the almanac from Mustard.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm different from other people. I don't like to destroy and destroy life. We also have fate to meet each other. According to the church, it is fate that creates a node. Your purpose is to repair this connection point? I can I will hand over the black cup to you." The seventh seat said.

Hearing this, Gray was taken aback, and asked cautiously: "You mean, hand over the black cup directly to us?"

"How could it be? How could there be such a cheap thing? Hee hee hee...you are more naive than my cousin." The seventh seat laughed, not like mocking, but as if seeing something happy.

Shirou stared closely at the seventh seat shrouded in thick fog, and asked, "Then how are you going to hand over the black cup to us?"

"Of course it's a game."

"Game?" Shirou raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, this connection point can be regarded as a game prize. As long as you can clear my game, it is not a big deal to give you the black cup. And oh, you have no right to refuse, I have already given this connection point Put it in the bubble. Even the magician's magic can't interfere with it." The seventh seat smiled. The smile is obviously very bright, but it has a rather weird and penetrating feeling.

Gray and Ling Zi quickly checked their watches, and as expected, they had already disconnected from Chaldea.

Moreover, the degree of disconnection this time far exceeds the Romanian connection point interfered by Cthulhu and the Nordic connection point shielded by Miguel Mill.

"how come……"

Ling Zi was at a loss, but Gray couldn't help complaining in his heart, and it came again.

Didn't it come again?

Sure enough, when he got involved with members of the [Council], he would cut off contact with Chaldea.

The other party was very mysterious, Shirou did not act rashly, but asked, "What game do you want to play with us?"

As soon as the words fell, the seventh seat's laughter rang out in the dense fog.

The laughter was very sunny, not like a member of the [Parliament] who possessed extremely powerful terrifying power and attempted to destroy the history of mankind, but rather like a young girl running in the garden.

With a "snap", the seventh seat snapped his fingers, and then a dice appeared in front of everyone, and the seventh seat also held a dice and asked, "Have you ever played the running game?"

"Running group?"

Among the people present, except for Shirou who is a time traveler, all showed blank eyes, and Shirou showed a puzzled face.

Not only did the seventh seat of the parliament not directly attack them, but instead looked at the situation and wanted to play a game with them?

Gray couldn't help but asked, "What is that...running group?"


Gray and the others shook their heads.

"Ah... no wonder, no wonder no sacrifices have been delivered to the door. Is the running game already outdated? The hateful online game, the hateful information age, made me hungry all the time!" The seventh seat complained, Then he pointed at the crowd and said, "Listen clearly, running a group is..."

The seventh seat explained the running group game.

Simply put, the running group game is a tabletop role-playing game, which is a relatively popular form of tabletop games. The game is often composed of three or five people, one of whom acts as the host of the game, and several others act as players.

When running a group game, commonly used game props include maps, dice, and rule books. According to different game venues, running groups can be divided into "dough" and "net groups".

And there is no doubt that Chaldea does not play team games.

"Understood?" the seventh seat asked.

Gray shook his head: "I don't quite understand..."

"Ahh! Why are you even stupider than Getia? If your comprehension is so poor, how can you defeat [Parliament] and us? Or do you mean that you don't want to defeat us at all, and don't want to save human history?" Seventh Xi asked.

"Uh... this..."

Gray and the others were speechless when questioned by the seventh seat.

Shirou asked with black lines all over his head: "Your Excellency the Seventh Seat, this doesn't seem to be what you should say?"

"Why shouldn't I say it? [Parliament] is fine, anyway, I just need to fill my stomach. If that guy hadn't told me that as long as I entered the [Parliament], I would be able to fill my stomach, so I wouldn't bother Those weirdos..."

Hearing this, Shirou raised his eyebrows, "Let me ask, Your Excellency the Seventh Seat, what is your food...?"

"Of course it's the soul. Whether it's the soul of a human being, the soul of a god on this planet, or the soul of a heroic spirit... it's all my food!"

As soon as the words fell, the audience fell silent.

it is as expected!

Shirou sighed, originally thought that the seventh seat could be wooed, but there is no doubt that the other party, like Surut, is absolutely opposite in terms of position!

"Listen clearly, let me explain the rules again. If you don't understand the rules again, it's none of my business."

The seventh seat patiently explained the rules of the running group.

"To put it simply, using this connection point as a map, we are role-playing players, and you are the host of the game, right?" Shirou asked.

"Of course." The seventh seat nodded, "And you don't seem to have played it before, so I changed it to the rules you can understand. Those D4, D6 and other dice are not used. Just use 100 points Come on the point dice, and your basic attributes are related to your basic performance. For example, if the magic power is A+, all magic attacks with points below 90 will be invalid. Another example is your treasure [Distant Utopia], with points below 95 All attacks are useless."

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