I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1557

"Get out of my way, Hercules!"

Arturia did not hesitate to untie the [Wind King Barrier] that covered the sword of the vowed victory. The violent hurricane formed a terrifying wind and thunder tornado around the sword of the vowed victory. Stabbed.

Wind King Hammer!

Danger! Hercules instinctively held a huge ax in front of him.


With a loud bang, the Wind King's hammer directly pierced Hercules' stone axe, and pierced Hercules' abdomen unabated, dripping with blood!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

The abdomen was pierced, which not only did not make Hercules weak, but aroused his ferocity, exuding a chilling evil spirit, like an ancient beast, the huge stone ax slashed at Artoria Cut away!

Arturia glanced at the old Shan who was rushing towards Shirou, and she was anxious. She knew in her heart that Shirou's treasures and abilities were sealed by Abigail, and he was in an extremely weak state.

How can the king be hurt?

Arturia saw it in her eyes, anxious in her heart, looking at Hercules blocking the way in front of her, Artoria's holy blue eyes flashed fiercely, "Get out of the way—!"

She was like an enraged lioness, with a fierce light in her eyes. Facing Hercules' terrifying slash, she did not hide or dodge. Instead, she released her terrifying magic power, and the fierce sword directly Hack and go!


An extremely heavy metal roar exploded in the dark night sky.

Nero got up from the ground, and before he could recover, he realized that Sasaki Kojiro was attacking her quickly, and he became vigilant in his heart, clenched the primordial fire with both hands, and was vigilant to meet the attack.


Looking at the old Shan who was coming straight towards him, Shirou clicked his tongue in displeasure, the speed of the old Shan was too fast, he didn't look like Archer at all, but like Saber or Lancer, so he didn't have time to show the evil giant arm.

Then do it!

A light flashed in his eyes, and Shirou's heart moved.

Boom, boom!


The entire Tokyo Tower is shaking!

It was buzzing as if it was boiling, making everyone present unable to stand still.

"what happened?"

Gray squatted down, lowered his center of gravity, and managed to stabilize his figure.

However, the vibration of the Tokyo Tower did not affect the old Shan, only to see that he was as vigorous as a black lightning, rushing towards Shirou at a high speed.

At this time, Shirou shook hands abruptly.


The entire Tokyo Tower burst open.

The steel pipes and the tower body burst into black mud, like a bomb, directly blowing down the Tokyo Tower.

This is the ambush he had ambushed in advance, but he didn't want to use it here.

However, there is no way around this. Compared to Mr. Jill, Old Shan's melee combat power is too powerful, and he almost catches up with Skaha, who has comprehended the blow of transformation.

Standing on the floor, falling from the sky, Shirou's hair was curled up by the cold evening wind, making it look messy.

The old Shan, holding the end sword, jumped down from the tall building and chased after Shirou. The cold evening wind blew his hair away, revealing that handsome face.

Looking at the old Shan who was chasing after him, Shirou also gave up his unreliable treasures, stretched out his hand, and the black mud flowed in his palm, and then turned into a slender spear.

He raised his head and shouted: "Grey, strengthen me!"

On the high platform that was torn apart, Grey, who was steadying his body, nodded quickly when he heard Shirou's shout, "I see."

[Clue: ...you cast 64 points, and the command spell was successfully used. 】

Looking at the numbers on the dice, Gray breathed a sigh of relief, then raised the back of the hand with the Command Seal, and shouted loudly: "Use the Command Seal to command it, and win, Eternal King!"

With the disappearance of the command spell, Shirou suddenly felt that his eyesight and body parameters had improved a lot, and at this time a series of golden gates appeared around the old flash, and then several shining weapons bombarded him come over.

Wang Lvjian!

The difference from [King's Treasure] is the treasure gate that can be opened while moving.

Looking at the treasures that were shooting towards him, Shirou turned his wrist, and the clay gun swept away with it, "clanging" several times, and swept away those treasures one by one.

However, Old Shan took advantage of this opportunity to scramble his footsteps among the falling gravel, and his dark figure appeared in front of Shirou as if transformed into thousands of phantoms. The killing intent went straight to grab Shirou's head.


Shirou greeted him with his spear horizontally, held the two ending swords of Old Shan, and then grew two normal-sized evil arms from behind, holding a mud gun in one hand, and stabbing towards Old Shan.


Old Shan let out a sigh, raised his right hand, and faced him with the sword of end, with a "clang" sound, he blocked the attack of the two evil arms.

At this time, the black mud surged on Shirou's chest, and then rushed out an evil arm holding a mud gun, and stabbed straight at the old Shan who was close at hand.

However, how strong is the old Shan's fighting instinct? At the moment when the black mud was rushing, he noticed this, and with a step, his body straightened and his arms of the mud evacuated faster, landing on a piece of broken steel.

"You bastard, you've started playing with mud!" Old Shan looked at Shirou with three evil arms emerging helplessly.

Shirou's mind moved, and the arms of clay on his chest retracted into his body, and then six arms of clay appeared behind him, some holding guns, some holding swords, or some holding shields... Various weapons were close to him, and the whole person was as if Like the legendary eight-armed Nezha, he stands on a falling rock.

"You seem to know me well?" Shirou frowned.

"Naturally, after all, you are my Master, and you are the only Master recognized by this king who can exercise my power." Old Shan said.

Slightly lowering his eyebrows, his eyes fell on the Command Seal on the back of his right hand. Shirou raised his head, frowned, looked at Old Shan, and said, "No. It's not you. The Servant contracted by this Command Seal, It's not you! I'm on your body, I can't feel the contract with me!"

"Isn't this natural? Because this king has already been defeated, and he has come to such a desperate end."

"Since you have already been defeated, since you have fallen into such a desolate end, why are you smiling?" Shirou asked.

"Why? I don't know, but seeing you is like seeing Enkidu. The king is the sun, lofty and clear, and there is no need to hide his happy mood, Master. This point must be the same as that of the Holy Sword Envoy. in this way."

"Don't change the subject!" Shirou said, "The Servant I contracted is not you!"

"No. I am your first Servant, but the one contracted by the Command Seal is your second Servant! The real, strongest Heroic Spirit!"

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