I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1558

Hearing this, Shirou couldn't help being taken aback: "The original Servant...?"

"Krypton ha ha ha ha ha...! Now that you have come back as a king. Then, this king will not hold back. The next battle is the real king's battle. Master, go to hell!"

With a smile all over his face, Old Shan rushed towards Shirou.

Looking at the old Shan who charged towards him, Shirou took a deep breath and said, "No matter who it is, I will not lose!"

Shirou stepped forward, his whole body turned into a silver light, and instead he took the initiative to charge towards Jiu Shan.

The past and the present are at the point of collision!


pS: Sunday is a single holiday, usually earlier, I wanted to pay off my debts in the third shift today, but was pulled out QWQ...

Anyway, that's all for today, good night~!

Chapter 15: The Invisible Vortex



Broken steel and gravel fell from the sky one after another like raindrops. In the falling rocks like a torrential rain, Shirou intertwined with the old flashing shadows, swords, lights and swords, striking each other at an extremely fast speed.

Old Shan's combat ability is far superior to Shirou's. It's just Shirou's experience over the years. Although his spear skills are far inferior to Scathach, he has also learned a lot of the essence of Scathach, and his magic power is stronger than Old Shan. Plenty, and has eight arms to bully Old Shan's two arms, so in hand-to-hand combat, he was undefeated against Old Shan.

The lights and shadows flickered, and the shadows of swords and swords dazzled people.



With each impact, the terrifying magic shock wave shattered the surrounding falling rocks into fine powder.

"Okay, that's amazing...!"

Gray couldn't help being surprised.

I originally thought that Gilgamesh and Shirou were the kind of heroic spirits who were good at treasures and abilities, but looking at them now, their close combat abilities are also so outstanding.

Of course, Old Shan's melee combat ability is not much better than Scathach's ability to comprehend the transformation of the realm, while Shirou is purely full of magic power, coupled with expensive spear skills, when the two collide, It can be described as a powerful confrontation, and the close combat is naturally extraordinarily exciting.

Watching the fierce collision between Shirou and Old Shan, Arturia breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right, the king has faced many incredibly powerful enemies, even with the treasure and abilities sealed, how could the king lose?

Having stabilized her mind, Arturia launched a fierce attack towards Hercules.

Appearing in the world as a Saber, she cannot display her full strength as the King of Knights, but as long as the king is behind her, she will not lose to anyone!


The last attack, the terrifying shock wave, stirred up both Deshiro and Jiu Shan, and each landed on a falling broken boulder.

With a sound of "dong", after ten seconds of fierce fighting, it finally fell from the 332.6-meter-high Tokyo Tower to the ground.

The boulder under his feet shattered, creating a huge pothole. Shirou stood on the ground, staring closely at the heavily armed old Shan opposite him.



Debris from Tokyo Tower poured down from the sky like a torrential rain.

Jiu Shan swung his finishing sword, and the sharp edge of the sword formed a violent wind, smashing all the stones that blocked him from seeing Shirou.

The old stared at Shirou, and asked: "You still have a treasure that hasn't been released, right, Shirou?"

Shirou nodded.

"Do you still want to hide the treasure in front of this king? Hmph. Are you underestimating this king?" Old Shan asked a little displeased.

"No." Shirou shook his head: "It's just been sealed. Besides, facing your ending sword, my treasure has a bad compatibility. If I use it casually, the probability of losing is relatively high."

——This is a lie!

But Old Flash was delighted to hear that.

Staring closely at Old Shan opposite, Shirou frowned slightly, "Actually, I don't quite understand what you said."

"Do you not understand, or do you want to ask clearly? This is the real question, Shirou." Old Shan slowly stretched out his hand, pointed at Shirou, and said, "You, whose soul has been washed so pure, want to What is traced back is the dirt that has been washed away? That is, soul reset."


Shirou's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he said in a deep voice, "You really know!"

"Didn't this king say that? This king is your original Servant, so he knows all of this." Old Shan nodded and said.

Shirou held the mud gun tightly, stared at Old Shan, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me! I want to know the truth about the reset of the world; I want to know why I was involved in this turmoil I want to know why there is an invisible vortex similar to the vortex in the sky in the depths of my soul!"

Shirou pointed to the black vortex in the sky that was spinning counterclockwise, then looked at Old Flash, and shouted: "I want to know, my original story!"

The existence of world reset has been confirmed, and the existence of Skadi, Begelmir, and Surut is the evidence.

Therefore, Shirou also understood that he had been reset countless times.

At the same time, he also understood why he didn't feel any sense of estrangement towards the Fujimaru couple.

The time he traveled here was not six years old at all, but a long time ago!

Just forgetting myself in the reset again and again.

Therefore, he wanted to know, to understand, what happened to his original self, what exactly did he go through to get involved in this great chaos spanning time and space?

In the past, he didn't have any direction to look for, but now he meets the old Shan who claims to be his original Servant, Shirou has hope in his heart.

"Tell me, what happened to me!?" Shirou stared at Old Shan and shouted in a deep voice.

Looking at the hysterical Shirou, who exudes a faint holy silver glow all over his body, Old Shan pondered for a moment, and then sighed: "It seems that you have suffered a lot all the way here, Master."

Old Shan felt guilty.

In the name of the king, he swore an oath to protect the Master, but he was defeated at the end of the war, and he was reduced to this appearance.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is that Master had to embark on such a arduous path that could drive people crazy. For the proud old Shan, it is simply an indelible stain!

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