I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1576


The four of Chloe simply bowed their heads in apology, then raised their heads slightly, and carefully looked at His Royal Highness the Knight King sitting on the sofa with a dark face.

They were too presumptuous just now, and in the pillow fight, they were thrown in the face of His Highness the Knight King, causing His Highness the Knight King to blush.

Of course, if it's just like this, it is absolutely impossible to calm down the girls who are already having fun, so I sincerely apologize.

The reason why he apologized so sincerely was because His Royal Highness the King of Knights, who was hit in the face by a pillow, entrusted the baby Miyu in his arms to Grey, and then joined the group alone, using pillows and snakeskin to move around, fighting against four Knock them all down.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is...

Chloe raised her head slightly, glanced at the solemn His Royal Highness the Knight King, and quickly shrunk her face.

The serious His Royal Highness the Knight King is too majestic, especially the sullen look, which is exactly the same as the serious His Highness the Eternal King!

So majestic!

Chloe shrank her head.

They were standing and His Royal Highness the King of Knights was sitting, but when looked at by those holy blue eyes, there was a condescending majesty.

Shirou crossed his legs, folded his hands on his chest, looked at the four little devils with his holy blue eyes, and asked, "Are you aware of your mistake?"

Chloe asked cautiously, "Accidentally hit your face with a pillow?"

Shirou gave Chloe a sideways glance, and Chloe stood up and bowed her head in fright.

"That's not the point. The point is that Meiyu was in my arms just now. She doesn't have the ability to resist now, and her bones are brittle. Fortunately, she hit me just now. If she hit her... are you trying to kill her?" ?” Shirou asked.


The four of them lowered their heads, they had played like crazy just now, they really didn't think of this, and couldn't help feeling a little more ashamed in their hearts.

Looking at the few people who have realized his mistake, Shirou's face softened, and he said, "If you want to let go of the game, you'd better make sure there are no vulnerable people around."

Chloe raised her head, looked at Shirou, and asked, "That is to say, if Miyu isn't here, can she let go and play?"

"Ah? Yes, yes."

"That's good." Chloe smiled.

Looking at Chloe's smile, cold sweat broke out on Shirou's face, always feeling like he should have done something he shouldn't have done.

However, it was clear that Shirou's premonition was wrong. Next, Chloe and the others didn't do anything, but just got together and told the previous story.

And in the chatting and chatting with several girls, Shirou also knew how Arturia lived in those years when he disappeared.

She became Gray's legal guardian and lived in Fuyuki City, waiting for Shirou's return.

However, instead of Shirou, she waited for the Fifth Holy Grail War.

She wanted to use the Holy Grail to call back Shirou, so she went all out, but in the end she lost to Romani and Maris Billy.

Fortunately, Maris Billy was only seeking money and had no intention of hurting anyone's life. So it didn't hurt anyone, just got the Holy Grail, made a wish to get a huge amount of money, and Romani thus got rid of Solomon, became Romani, and became Maris Billy's right-hand man.

As for why the Fifth Holy Grail War broke out, during the jokes between Chloe and Grey, Shirou knew that the fifth Holy Grail War's spell flowed from the parallel world of the False God Seat.

Along with the Holy Grail War technique, those who flowed into this world were Kotomine Kirei and Emiya Shirou from that world, and Emiya Kiritsugu who traveled through the past one step earlier.

After learning about this, Shirou felt uncomfortable.

At that time, he promised Arturia to come back in just a moment, but he didn't want her to wait for thirteen years. During this long wait, she was disappointed again and again. Maybe she would put her hope on the Holy Grail again. superior.

However, everything has passed.

He——has come back.

Of course, the current state is indeed very strange, and I don't know when Uzumaki's ability will end.

Shirou sighed inwardly.

Several little girls gathered together and laughed and talked, like a tea party between girlfriends, relaxed and intimate.

This plain and warm feeling made De Shilang feel very comfortable. He could let go of his nervous mind, forget all his troubles, and chat with these friends.

But he knew that he couldn't do it after all.

He was different from these children, he knew too much, and the vortex he was drawn into was too chaotic.

Unless the [Parliament] and the entire dark vortex are resolved, he will never be able to embrace this faint warmth.

The girls were chatting and laughing, Saber·

Alter is the idea of ​​not participating at all.

After she borrowed Artoria's Wang Zhihei history book, she sat on the sofa beside her, looked at her notebook and ate potato chips, but fell asleep at some point.


An even and slight breathing sound.

"I really fell asleep!" Mash blinked, looking at Saber Alter's sleeping face.

"Quick! Xiao Mo, kill her! Isn't this what you desire?" Chloe quickly urged Xiao Mo to provoke Saber Alter, like a playful little devil.

"This..." Xiao Mo showed a hesitant expression.

Although he has been clamoring to kill Saber·

alter, but in fact it was just lip service. In getting along with Artoria and Mordred, her surly character has restrained a lot, how can she still have the heart to kill Saber Alter?

Shirou picked up a quilt from the room and handed it to Xiao Mo, "Go and cover her, it won't be good if she catches a cold."

"Huh?" Xiao Mo crossed his arms and turned his head away in displeasure, "Why should I cover this kind of woman with a quilt? I'm not her so-and-so!"

Hearing this, Shirou showed a smile. He understood that Xiao Mo couldn't get off the stage because he wanted to save face, so he said, "We have become blind today, and we can't see anything."

Saying that, Shirou turned his head away, and Matthew and the others also turned their heads away with a smile, and Xiao Mo blushed from the laughter.

"If you can't see it, you should have said it earlier!" Xiao Mo blushed and murmured with shame, then took the quilt handed over by Shirou, walked in front of Saber Alter, and covered it gently.

"Although you don't recognize me and don't like me...but I like you, my father." Xiao Mo said softly, then got up and turned his head away.

What she didn't realize was that the moment she got up and turned her head, Saber Alter quietly opened her right eye and glanced at her, then closed it again.

A knight like her who is good at fighting has already developed extraordinary vigilance. She woke up as early as when Matthew and Chloe were muttering and pretending to be asleep.

After a while of hilarity among the girls, everyone was ready for bed.

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