I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1577

However, instead of going back to their own room, they planned to sleep in Artoria's room.

With that natural look, it was obviously not the first time we had a party.

This made Shirou feel a little depressed.

Arturia's place is so lively, but his room has always been deserted.

Apart from Artoria's frequent visits, only the unpopular Mr. Jill often came to make him angry. How can it be as lively as Artoria's place?

Of course, this is also related to Shirou's character.

When he was a child, he liked to be lively and play with others, but now he enjoys the desertedness and loneliness while yearning for the excitement around him.

This is a rather contradictory emotion. To put it bluntly, it can be regarded as an awkward waywardness.

Shirou doesn't know how his strange personality came into being, maybe because of the enemies he faced and the suffering he experienced, he had to distort his personality and get used to the lonely cold.

The strong are all aloof, but who knows, how much of the aloofness is a last resort?

In the world of the strong, the weak will die if they step in!

Perhaps, this is the reason for this awkward personality.

The girls each took a bath, made a bed on the floor, and lay down on the floor, chatting at night, and told Shirou to wash up and lie down in vain.

In this regard, Shirou shook his head, instead, he made some meals in the kitchen while everyone was cleaning up, and walked outside.

"Oh! I went to Brother Shirou again, Al Ke really likes Brother Shirou." Chloe said with a smile on her face.

It's not that she is yin and yang, but that she just likes to tease others.

"That's right, His Royal Highness the King of Knights likes Mr. Shirou very much." Mash also nodded. Originally, everyone in Chaldea would meet every other day, so there was no need to go to each other's room every day, but Artoria went to Shirou's room almost every day.

This is already very illustrative.

"I hope this won't make Brother Shirou hate Al." Chloe turned around.

"Why do you say that, Chloe?" Xiao Mo looked at Chloe strangely and asked.

Even her wooden fish head can tell that Artoria likes the Eternal King. And she likes the father of Artoria very much, so she is very concerned about Artoria's affairs.

"My mother said that men chase women through heavy mountains, and women chase men through heavy gauze. However, she has been indifferent to Al's pursuit for so long. Obviously, she has no interest in Al. If she is not interested, she still pesters him every day. If you don't, it will make the other party hate you." Chloe turned over, showing the appearance of an old driver, and said.

"You are wrong, Chloe." Saber·

Alter shook his head, looked at Chloe, and said, "The other me doesn't mean that to His Excellency the Eternal King."

"Huh?" Chloe raised her eyebrows.

"That's right, Chloe. You look at people with filthy eyes. It's better for you to read less of the books left by Meimei. His Royal Highness the Knight King doesn't mean that to His Royal Highness the Eternal King." Wrapped in a white bath towel Gray came out of the bathroom and said.

"Then what do you mean?" Chloe asked angrily.

Gray glanced at the gate, then turned her head to look at Chloe, and said, "His Royal Highness the Knight King once told me that as long as His Royal Highness the Eternal King is well, she is already very happy."

Hearing this, Chloe was taken aback for a moment, and stared blankly at Grey, "Grey, what do you mean...?"

"Yeah." Gray nodded, and said softly: "As long as you can see the Eternal King, His Royal Highness the Knight King will feel happy..."


Shirou went to his room with the food.

Although he had fun in Arturia's room all afternoon, Shirou would never forget that the real Artoria was still starving in his room.

If that pig, it must have been so hungry that it rolled on the ground, right?

Shirou chuckled inwardly.

As a result, when he came to his room, Shirou immediately realized that his guess had failed, and Artoria sat on the bed dignifiedly.

Seeing Shirou, Artoria called softly: "King."

Shirou nodded, then lifted the lunch box in his hand, and asked with a smile, "Are you hungry?"

Artoria nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

super hungry!

"Come and eat, I brought you something delicious."

While talking, Shirou opened the lunch boxes and laid them out on the table one by one.

Artoria hurried over, sat down at the table, swallowed, "As expected of Grey's cooking, it smells so good."

"Grey?" Shirou blinked, then said with a smile, "I did it."


Artoria was taken aback, and then hesitantly put down her chopsticks, "The king did it...I, I..."

"Let's eat. Do you dislike my cooking?" Shirou asked.


Artoria picked up the chopsticks hesitantly, and ate the meal in small bites.

She is a reincarnation of a starving ghost, and usually eats in big mouthfuls in a hurry, which is the same as Saber Alter's eating, which belongs to the Saiyan eating type, but when she feels Shirou's gaze, she eats in small mouthfuls unconsciously .

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing in front of the king.

"Next time... next time, I'll cook it for you, I hope you don't dislike it..." Artoria said in a muffled voice.


Shirou blinked his eyes, and then said with a smile: "Okay. Then I just happened to come and see Chef Artoria, how deep the cooking skills I have mastered in the past ten years!"

"I will definitely satisfy you!" Arturia was full of confidence. In the past thirteen years, her cooking skills have improved a lot, among other things.

"Okay." Shirou laughed, and then added: "However, I don't drink fish soup."


Arturia was instantly pale with fright.

"Just teasing you, I have already forgotten. Eat quickly, don't be hungry." Shirou smiled.


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