I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1590

The best sword in the village.

The corner of Shirou's mouth twitched, and he reconfirmed with a dark face that the dog planner must be a stinky brat who loves to play memes.

After handing over the novice reward to Shirou, Meilian Solomon broke free from the fear dominated by Morgan Le Fay, and restored the demeanor that the village chief of the novice village should have.

"Heroic warrior, you have gathered the strength of the whole village. This small village can no longer provide you with the nourishment to grow. Let's set off facing the rising sun. Your goal is the sea of ​​stars..."

Meilian Solomon was still reading the script lines impassionedly, Shirou suddenly asked: "By the way, Meilian, I remember that you seem to have participated in the burial organization of the Church of the Holy Church, right? Why did you come here?"

"...I don't know either. When I was on a mission with my colleagues, I was caught by a fox here, and then I was arranged by the system to be the village head of Xinshou Village."

"I was caught together with my colleagues and became an NPC? Then besides you, is there anyone else in this world?" Shirou asked.

"I don't know anything else, but Her Majesty Eltruchi, several ancestors of the Dead Apostles, colleagues from the Burial Authority, and several monarchs of the London Clock Tower were all arrested. Not long ago, I I also met the Queen of the Clock Tower, Lord Bathormelo," said Merlene Solomon.

Barthumello, the catcher fox...

Shirou frowned.

Since there are Melian Solomon and Lord Barthelmelo in this game world, that means this game world is very likely to be a connection point?

Didn't he and Attila travel to the game world, but were conspired by the [Parliament] despicably?

"Well, can I continue reading the script, Lord Morgan Le Fay? If I don't finish reading the script, the system will punish me later." Merian Solomon looked worried.

On the one hand, it is a witch who is instinctively afraid, and on the other hand, it is enforced by the system, which is so embarrassing.

"System?" Shirou asked blankly.

"Yeah. I'm going to continue reading the script, ahem..."

Mei Lian Solomon coughed a few times, then looked at Shirou with a serious face, immersed in the position of the village head of Xinshou Village, and said impassionedly: "Let's go to the morning sun, your goal is the stars and the sea. This world, prove to everyone living on this continent that ONE PIECE is real!"


Shirou choked.

At first, I thought it was probably the usual opening line of RPG role-playing games, but a ONE PIECE pirate meme was thrown in the face.

After finishing speaking, Mei Lian Solomon let out a sigh of satisfaction, then looked at Shirou and said, "Okay, my script is finished. Mr. Morgan Le Fay, you have successfully graduated as a novice, hurry up and start your journey. It's time to conquer the sea of ​​stars."

"Before that, do you know how to kill the gatekeeper in that mountain?" Shirou pointed to the Andes Mountains in the distance.

He guessed that the Andes gatekeeper who dragged them here was a member of the [Parliament].

"You, are you asking the gatekeeper?" Merlene Solomon asked.

Shirou nodded.

"If it's the gatekeeper, I suggest you give up. That is an invincible unit. I have seen countless advanced players go to attack the gatekeeper, but they all died back to the resurrection point. In addition, the gatekeeper basically has no other tasks involved, so there is no need to go on a crusade." Merian Solomon was puzzled.

After a pause, Mei Lian Solomon added: "And if you want to accept the purgatory-level novice mission, I suggest you give it up. Although the reward is unknown, it is an impossible mission. I have seen many people who think too much of themselves. players, all of them died young.”

Mentioning this, Mei Lian Solomon, who is the head of the novice village, sighed. He has seen too many self-important players challenge the purgatory-level novice missions beyond their means, and ended up using up the number of resurrections.

Before, there was a rebellious golden retriever who refused to listen to his persuasion, but he still hasn't come back, probably he is being taught a lesson.

Thinking of this, Mei Lian Solomon let out a long sigh again, this is really a disadvantage for not listening to the old man.

As for Meilian Solomon's words, Shirou just said "Oh", and then asked: "Where is there a place for leveling here, Meilian?"

In order to return to Chaldea, Shirou has made up his mind to kill the gatekeeper.

"Warrior, the small Xinshou Village is no longer worthy of your nostalgia. Go to the world outside the mountain. Your goal is the sea of ​​stars!"

Shirou raised his eyebrows, "I'm not asking the official, I'm asking you."

Hearing this, Mei Lian Solomon shook his head, with an upright expression on his face, "As an NPC, I have professional ethics! Even if Master Morgan Le Fay threatens me, I will never reveal any information about the game!"

Shirou took a step forward.

"Oh. By the way, why are the crops in the back mountain always being ravaged recently? Damn it, are those pig-headed men ravaging the crops in our village again? Although those pig-headed men are strong and strong, they have no history. Lyme's terrorist attack is an excellent target for training. For the safety of the village, it seems that I will gather the young and strong in the village to attack the pig-headed people. Not only can I defend the crops, but also train the strength of the young and strong..."

Just as he was talking, Mei Lian Solomon looked puzzled, "It's strange, why did I suddenly mutter this to myself?"

Seeing Meilian Solomon's clumsy acting skills, Shirou didn't say much, but just dragged Attila towards the back mountain.

After seeing off Shirou, Meiren Solomon took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped his forehead covered in cold sweat, finally sending the witch away.

Morgan Le Fay actually entered this connection point...

It's too bad!

"Sure enough, it's better to hide first. If that damn witch turns back and asks me about other things, I will really be struck by lightning from the system... Mmm. I'd better hide."

Merlene Solomon ran away.

Chapter 30 Orc Ilya!

Shirou and Attila came to the back mountain.

Mei Lian Solomon didn't lie to them, there was indeed a pig-headed stronghold here.

Not only that, but these pig-headed men were accompanied by giant frogs.

"Okay. Let's get started."

Shirou fixed his eyes, and holding the best sword in the village, he slashed towards the pig-headed man, only to be blocked by the pig-headed man's shield with a "clang".

Just kidding...


Could it be that... Shirou glanced at the shield in the pig's hand, and a line of system information suddenly appeared.

——[The best shield in the whole village: Tenacity D+

Special effect: Can't be broken by the best sword in the village.

Destiny: 50/50]

Shirou: "..."

no more.

I have a stomachache...

At this time, the pig-headed man reacted and threw the shield at Shirou's head.

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