I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1591

"Don't try to hurt my friend."

With a cold drink, Attila released a fireball to kill the pig-headed man in front of Shirou.

[System: You killed a pig-headed man, extracted the blood factor, and made your blood instinct stronger. 】Shirou turned his head and looked at Attila.

"Leave the attack to me, Artoria." Attila said seriously.

It's really worthy of being a star soldier, it's so reliable!

With Attila, the big AP, here, he can lie back and gain experience.

Just thinking like this, a giant frog stood behind Attila, and a huge shadow enveloped Attila.


Attila raised his head, glanced at the giant frog behind him, and then began to chant spells.


As a result, just after reading three words, the giant frog swallowed Attila with its mouth open, and swallowed it into its stomach with a "suck" sound.

"Ahh! Attila, hold on, don't die! I'm here to save you!"

Shirou picked up the best sword in the village and charged at the giant frog.

After a long hacking, the giant frog was disemboweled and Attila was rescued.

Attila, covered in mucus, slumped on the ground wet, then looked at Shirou, "Thank you, friend."

Shirou pinched his nose and pointed to the small river next to him, "You should wash it first."

Attila jumped in, washed the mucus off his body, and walked out wet all over.

Attila cast a wind magic for a long time to dry the clothes on his body, and Shirou continued to squat outside the pig man's stronghold, observing the pig man and the giant frog.

"We have to find a way to lure the monster out and get rid of it," Shirou said.

Attila nodded, and then took out the sword of the war god.

Shirou was stunned at the time, and pointed at Attila's sword of the war god, "Where did you get the treasure from?"

After being dragged into this game world, Shirou found that his personal treasures and abilities were useless, exactly the same as the connection points circled by Abigail with bubbles.

As a result, Attila now took out the Sword of the God of War?

"It was taken out of the [backpack]," Attila said.

Hearing this, Shirou quickly opened the [backpack], and immediately found two swords in the empty [backpack].

[Sword of Promised Victory (Sword of Stars)

Quality: Mythical

Sharp A++

Destructive A++

Special effect: [foreign enemies], against alien enemies from alien species, the destructive power is increased by 10000%.

[Exclusive], ID Flower of Evil is exclusive.

Destiny:? /? 】

[Sword of Promised Victory (Savior Sword)

Quality: Mythical

Sharp A++

Destructive A++

Special effects: [To destroy the world], against the enemies, attacks, and behaviors that destroy the planet, the destructive power is increased by 10000%.

[Exclusive], ID Flower of Evil is exclusive.

Destiny:? /? 】

I thought it was sealed like Abigail, but I didn't expect that Arturia's two star swords turned into game props and were placed in the [backpack].


Arturia has two star swords, one is her own, the star sword against [foreign enemies], and the other is inherited from the old sword, the savior sword against [world destroyer].

But now, the two star swords have all fallen into Shirou's hands due to the exchange of body records.

Since the two star swords have become game props, that is to say, they are allowed to be used by the game rules, then the red and black universe · flower of evil has also become a game prop?

Taking advantage of Attila's inattention, Shirou glanced at the red and black universe · Flower of Evil hidden in the shadow, but he didn't see the words displayed by the system.

what happened?


While Shirou was wondering, those pig-headed men had already spotted Shirou and Attila, roaring and rushed towards them.

"Well done!"

Shirou held two star swords and faced them brazenly.

Attila raised the sword of the military god in his hand, and while waving it, he chanted the magic runes word by word.

Although he took out the Sword of the God of War, Attila always remembered that his race was a goblin, and he was positioned as a mage. Although his mind is full of destruction, Attila still knows the correct posture of the mage.

The rainbow pen-like sword of the military god fell into Attila's hands, as if it really became a rainbow staff.

Afterwards, it took ten seconds to finish reading the magic rune, and a big fireball was gathered. Attila was about to blast it, but when he looked up, Shirou had already chopped those pig-headed men into pig-head meat, by the way And those giant frogs have also become appetizers.


It's useless to chant such a long mantra.

Attila silently dispelled the big fireball on the rainbow pen.

[System: You killed a pig-headed man, extracted the blood factor, and made your blood instinct stronger. 】【System: You killed a giant frog and extracted the blood factor, making your blood instinct stronger. 】……

[System: You have obtained a lot of blood factors, and you are still 30% away from class upgrade...] It can be seen that although the dog plan wanted to innovate and get rid of the inherent hierarchy, it failed to get rid of the inherent hierarchy in the end.

However, if the class does not improve, it will indeed be difficult to deal with the gatekeepers.

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