I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1592

at this time




The ground suddenly shook, and an incomparably huge shadow appeared in the forest not far away.

"The boss is here!"

Shirou stared.

It seems that it is the same as traditional RPG, after defeating mobs, you will brush BOSS, such as BOSS such as Pigman King.

But this is better, after killing the boss, his class should be able to increase.

As for fear?

That is impossible.

As far as he is concerned, Shirou has faced many enemies, and he has enough courage. Besides, he still has two star swords in his hand, so do you need to be afraid?

"Are you the ones who killed the king's subordinates?"

A gloomy growl came from the forest, showing the strength of the Pigman King.

Then, there was a burst of mountains and seas, and a figure gradually appeared from behind the woods.


Shirou yelled in his heart, then raised the sword of the star, and killed the pigman king who was about to come out of the woods.

As a result, as soon as he rushed two steps, Shirou stopped and looked at the pigman king in surprise.

Different from that terrifying huge shadow, the real body of the pigman king is a cute girl with silver hair and red eyes in pink pigskin.

Of course, this is not the point.

The key is……


Shirou looked at Illya dumbfounded.

"It was you who killed the king's subordinates... Huh? Sister Al? And... Attila?"

Dressed in pigskin, the orc Ilya was originally fierce, but after seeing the vampire Shirou and the goblin Attila, she was stunned.

Shirou never imagined that after he was caught in the game world, he would meet Illya who was supposed to be in South America.

Attila looked at Shirou, then at Illya, and then put away the rainbow pen in his hand.

"When did you come to the South American junction? Did Gray also come?" Illya asked suspiciously as she walked towards Shirou.

"Grey didn't come... Wait, is this the South American connection point?" Shirou asked with a frown.

"Yes." Elijah nodded.

The place where I and Attila were captured...

Is the South American Junction?

Shirou frowned and scanned the surroundings. Surrounded by mountains, this is a low-lying basin without any South American characteristics.

"We stayed at the South American connection point for too long, so have you found it?" Illya asked.

"That's not true."

Shirou shook his head, and then told Illya that she and Attila were caught by hands in the game.

"Caught in by the hands that rushed out of the game machine?"

Ilya was stunned at the time: "Is there still such a way to enter the connection point?"

Illya was dumbfounded by the way Shirou and Attila entered.

Because this way of entering the connection point is really...

It's so weird!

Shirou looked at Illya, the little pig, and asked, "How did you become the boss of this pig-headed stronghold?"

"this one?"

Illya scratched the back of her head, "Because I accidentally assassinated their boss, according to their tradition, I became their king."

"Then I killed them all, did it affect you?" Shirou asked with concern.

He was afraid that he had done something unknowingly that would affect Illya.

"It doesn't have any effect, it's just that there is no cannon fodder." Ilya waved her hand and said.

"That's it, that's good."

Shirou nodded, then looked behind Illya, frowned, and asked suspiciously: "Illya, where is Mordred? Isn't she with you?"


Illya's face became weird, and then she sighed, and said, "Her words... probably have become the same as Miyu."

"What did you say?"

Shirou frowned sharply.

Ilya stretched out her hand, pointed at the Andes Mountains in the distance, and said with a complex expression: "She has probably been turned into a baby by the gatekeeper!"


To become... a baby?

Chapter 31 BUG, ​​it’s still Xiaoan’s BUG! 【Update】

"The price of death is age? Every time I die, IQ and intelligence will shrink by one year, until I become a baby and be excluded from the connection point by the system?"

Illya nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

Shirou glanced at Attila who had shrunk twice, and thought, no wonder.

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