I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1598

The task was cut off and could not be submitted, so Shirou could only take the two of them and charged aggressively towards the Andes Mountains.

Whether it is to rescue Mordred or return to Chaldea beautifully, you must defeat the gatekeeper of the Andes!

The Andes Mountains are majestic and continuous, and fortunately, Illya has followed Mordred through the purgatory-level novice mission, so she knows where the gatekeeper is.

This is a spacious cave, enough for a bipedal dragon to move freely in it.

The surrounding area is covered with bushes and giant trees. After entering, it is dark and dark.

In the dark cave, the lights flickered, reflecting two swaying figures, one of them was trapped in a cage, curled up, and made a gesture of wiping tears. At the same time, sobbing and crying kept coming from inside the cave. Voice.

"Be careful, Elder Sister Al." Illya whispered.

At this time, a palm was placed on Shirou's shoulder, Shirou turned his head and saw Attila, who had shrunk three times, looked at him seriously, and said in a cold tone: "I will protect you ,friend."

Shirou: "..."

Although I can feel the soft heart beneath Attila's cold exterior, but...

It seems that she is a mage who needs protection, and he is the human shield who protects people, right?

However, this softness is worthy of recognition.

Shirou nodded, "I see, Attila."

The three of Shirou hid behind a boulder beside them.

In the dim light, a giant girl with blond hair and red eyes was stretching out her hand to lightly shake the iron cage in front of her, and asked with a smile on her face, "Tell me, what is one plus one?"

The blond-haired young girl trapped in the iron cage wiped her tears and cried, "I don't know, I don't know... Mother... Where are you?"

Chapter 33 So this kid still has such a side!


"Involved in the game console?"

"This must be a [parliament] conspiracy!"

"We will rescue them as soon as possible!"


Looking at Lingzi and Saseiin who were anxiously reporting the situation to Chaldea.

Arturia clenched her fists.

Originally, when Mordred and Illya went to the South American connection point, she had a little ominous premonition.

And now, Wang didn't know where he fell.

Now, she is also in a mess.

However, she was more worried about Mordred than Shirou.

Shirou is using her body, even if he is plotted by the [Council], so even if he will be hurt, it will only hurt her body, and Shirou's body will not be harmed in the slightest by her.

But Mordred was different.

Although that child has long disregarded life and death and has seen through death, if the enemy he meets is the kind of opponent who not only restrains the star cup, but also is good at spiritual pollution, it will be dangerous.

Arturia herself has been altered by [The Evil of This World], so she knows in her heart that the thing that restrains the Star Grail the most is probably something similar to [The Evil of This World] that is mentally polluted.

Although that child has been carefree since he was a child and is quite tough, he is also more fragile than anyone else in a certain way.

That is loneliness.

What that child fears most is not death, but loneliness.

Perhaps that child has forgotten, but Artoria, as a mother, has always remembered it in her heart.

That year, the whole kingdom was preparing for the crusade against Zhu Yue, so Merlin returned to the capital to assist the kingdom in preparing for the war. As the lord of Taylor Bill, she also had to stay in Taylor Bill to make full preparations, so the entire manor No one was there.

When she returned to the manor late at night, the child curled up in the corner of the room alone, without lighting a candle, just curled up in the dark, silently licking her tears.

Artoria still remembers the lonely face of that child clearly.

For that child, death, pain, strong enemies...these are nothing, even the child did not realize his mental weakness.

That is the loneliness of being alone.

It is precisely because of this that the child likes to join in the fun.

If someone in the Junction could mentally contaminate her in this way, that kid would have a hard time.


"It should be my unnecessary worry...it should be, no one can influence Mordred...the king is right, I...too incompetent."

Artoria took a deep breath.

So, Mordred, Wang, you must come back.


"Come on, tell me! What is one plus one?"

"I don't know, I don't know. You will play tricks... woo woo woo... Mother... Mother, where are you?"

"Calling for mother? She really deserves to be a stupid blond girl. Don't worry, even if you shout your throat, no one will come to save you."

"don't want……!"

Mordred wiped away tears.

Behind the huge stone, the three of Shirou looked at Mordred trapped in the iron cage in disbelief.

"Are you kidding? Mordred... Mordred actually cries sometimes?"

Illya looked at the blond girl curled up and crying in disbelief.

Although Mordred has been reversed to be three years old, it is indeed surprising enough, but this is not as shocking as Mordred actually crying.

"It's unbelievable... Arturia's child actually has tears."

Attila was also a little surprised.

No wonder Attila was so surprised.

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