I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1599

Just like the arrogance of Gilgamesh and the iron will of the Eternal King, Mordred also has a label that belongs to her alone.

That is resilience.

In order to smash the conspiracy of the Sixth Seat and disintegrate the cancerous Eternal Dynasty, he personally killed all the relatives and friends who were assimilated, and finally waved the butcher knife at his most beloved mother. As the last person who was assimilated, he faced the final death and history alone scolding...

With such a sad life and ending, she never shed a single tear.

However, now Mordred burst into tears under the questioning of the blond-haired red-eyed giantess.


It should be said that the girl crying like a normal kid is really Mordred?


Mordred, don't show such an ugly face.

Anyone who knows Mordred, anyone who has been in contact with Mordred, cannot accept this scene.


too big!

It's so big that it destroys the three views!

"Come on, tell me. What is one plus one?" The blond giant continued to ask.

"Mother...Master Mother...where are you...?"

Blonde girl is crying.

She is no longer the last person who bears the death of the dynasty, but an ordinary girl who wants to curl up in her mother's arms.

What a foul.

Originally, I just wanted to read the kid's jokes and collect some dark history of the kid, otherwise, I don't know how to get along with that kid.


Seeing this scene, it is really impossible to be calm.

Shirou sighed inwardly.


What a foul.

Is it because of the family affection that blood is thicker than water, or because of playmates who share the same smell?

Seeing Mordred's tears, Shirou's heart could not be calm.

so be it.

Because, the only one who can play tricks on this child is me!

Shirou's unconscious magic power was released, and the powerful magic power produced a huge storm, which directly lifted the boulder in front of him.


Tear it in half!

"Sister Al..."

Hearing the call in his ear, Shirou turned his head and glanced at Illya.

It was that one glance that stunned Ilya.


What serious and burning eyes?

Like a completely burning fire, it is no longer warm and dazzling, but blindingly scorching.

Shirou looked away and walked out.

"Artoria...is angry." Attila said.

Elijah nodded.

Anyone who looked into those eyes could clearly understand that the King of Knights was already angry.

However, Illya still had doubts.

Why are you so angry... so much like Brother Shirou?

As Shirou walked out, both the blond-haired red-eyed giantess questioning and the crying Mordred in the iron cage were stunned.

"You, you are..."

The blond-haired red-eyed giantess looked at Shirou in surprise.

"Mother, mother...!"

The weeping Mordred grasped the iron bars of the cage with both hands, looked at Shirou and wept with joy.

Shirou turned his head slightly, his bright blue eyes looked at Mordred softly, "I'm coming, Mordred."


Mordred was happy for a while, then showed a panicked expression, and said quickly: "Get out of here, mother!"

"Heh heh heh...it's too late, Artoria!"

The blonde red-eyed giantess stared at Shirou.

Attila and Illya jumped out and stood beside Shirou.

Seeing Illya and Attila jumping out together, the blond-haired red-eyed giantess was a little surprised, "Let's not mention Illya, but this weapon is actually here, and it's standing by your side..."

The blond-haired red-eyed giantess looked at Attila in surprise.

Shirou frowned, "Attila is not a weapon, but my friend!"

Hearing this, Attila was startled, and turned to look at Shirou with tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Attila...don't look at me like that...it's disgusting!"

Shirou couldn't stand Attila's eyes anymore.

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