I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1601

This is simply impossible!

"You said you got the answer, Artoria? I'm not so easy to fool you." The blond-haired red-eyed giantess said with a smile, those narrow cat-like eyes gave people a charming feeling.

"Didn't you tell me the answer a long time ago, idiot."

Shirou's bright holy blue eyes looked coldly at the blond red-eyed giantess.

"What did you say?" The blond-haired red-eyed giantess raised her eyebrows.

"One plus one equals how many. This is a word game, so any number is not the correct answer. It can even be said that making a little sound is wrong. The only answer to this question is silence!"


Ilya was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: "No, Sister Al! If you keep silent, you will automatically lose by default!"

The blond-haired red-eyed giantess smiled, "That's right! As Illya said, if you keep silent, you automatically lose by default!"

"Is it really?"

Instead of panicking, Shirou smiled.

That smile was so clear and bright in the eyes of Attila and Mordred, but it was so vile in the eyes of the blond-haired red-eyed giantess.

Could it be that this...

The eyes of the blond-haired red-eyed giantess shrank suddenly.

"You played two word games. 'Of course, if you don't answer, I will judge that your answer is wrong.', this sentence, you added it yourself? In order to let the player rule out the correct answer immediately. Option? My daughter is right, you are indeed a shameless rascal. But—"

After a pause, Shirou looked at the gatekeeper and couldn't help laughing, "You're so cute playing word games in front of me."

As soon as the words fell, there was a "click", and the iron cage that trapped Shirou broke.

Illya looked at this scene and couldn't help being surprised and said: "This, this means that the system judged that Sister Al...is correct?"

Shirou smiled, isn't that natural?

Because, it was he who came up with this question at the beginning, and turned Scatha from a good cold queen into a funny character!

"I really didn't expect... there is an answer to this question..."

The blond-haired red-eyed giantess muttered to herself, then lowered her head slightly, and landed on Shirou's body, her eyes flicked over in amazement, "That's right. This question was taken from the Eternal King. Are you It is not surprising that the personal knight of the Eternal King knows the answer to this question..."

Hearing this, Shirou frowned, "Who the hell are you? Why do you know about us? Also, I have already solved this task, release my daughter!"

"I also heard about your matter from my friends. But this mission has been solved? That's impossible, I won't let you rescue that guy...!"

The eyes of the blond-haired red-eyed giantess shone red, and then its huge body burst open, and strange glowing spore trees grew out one after another.

In Shirou's gaze, a super long blood streak appeared on the head of the blond-haired red-eyed giantess.

Bright blood!

Ilya and Attila were about to take action when the gatekeeper showed their health bars, but after glancing at the gatekeeper, they were both stunned.

"Are you kidding me? The boss of the ninth rank? Is this really a novice mission?" Ilya couldn't complain.

It's okay to set up a word game.

After clearing the level, you still have to face a ninth-tier boss?

According to the rules of this game, a boss of the ninth rank needs at least a team of five members of the eighth rank to defeat it!

This, is this really a novice task?

[System: The Sword of Vowed Victory (Salvation Sword), the special effect of [For Destruction] takes effect, and the destructive power is increased by 10000%! 】【System: Sword of Promised Victory (Sword of the Star), [Foreign Enemy] special effect takes effect, and the destructive power is increased by 10000%! ] "In the end, it really developed into this...!"

Shirou sighed.

"This is the resurrection point. After you die, you will be resurrected here directly! Turn me into a stupid lolita!" The giantess laughed.

"...Really, I feel more and more that this is a well-designed level and element."

Shirou sighed, then took out the mud bubble that trapped the slime, and threw it at the blond red-eyed giantess who turned into a boss!

"Go, slime!"

The mud bubble popped, revealing the blue slime inside.

"Gu da, gu da!"

Slime bouncing around.

The giantess looked down and couldn't help laughing: "What's the use of a slime?"

Laughing, she poked the slime with her hand and smiled, "It's so cute."

"Guda, Guda?"

The slime turned his head to glance at the giantess who was poking it, and then rushed towards the giantess' abdomen.


There is no more.

With a bang, the invincible slime pierced through the giantess' abdomen.

The giantess' blood bar was immediately empty, and she fell down in response.

"No way...Although I know that the slime's attack is very strong, but...but this is the boss of the ninth rank!" Illya couldn't help complaining.

"Gu da, gu da~!"

The slime jumped repeatedly on the giantess' corpse.

Shirou didn't pay attention to the slime and the dead body of the giantess, but turned to look at Mordred.

Crunch, crunch! !

With the death of the giantess, the iron cage that trapped Mordred swayed, and then broke, and Mordred fell from the sky toward Shirou.


Shirou stretched out his arms and caught Mordred.

At this moment, Shirou had no choice but to praise Artoria's body in his heart. If it was his body, Mordred would probably overwhelm him, but Artoria's body could easily catch Mordred Red.

"Thank you, mother."

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