I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1602

Holding Shirou's arm tightly, Mordred looked at Shirou with tears in his eyes and said.

"Don't say that, you are my daughter."

Shirou said softly.

Mordred raised his head and looked at Shirou's holy blue eyes, feeling very bright and dazzling.

She finally touched her dearest mother again.

To be embraced by this embrace again.

So warm.

Mordred rubbed Shirou's arm with a cat-like expression of enjoyment.

Huh! ?

Does this kid have such a side?

Shirou was a little surprised.


pS: That's all for today, good night~!

Chapter 34 God's Brain and Shirou's Pet Girl【Two in One】

[System: Congratulations to the player 'Flower of Evil', pass the test of the star, and get a high reward...] [System: Congratulations to the player...]

Following the system's three consecutive notifications, the entire "Beauty Under the Moon" players were shocked.

"Are you kidding? Someone can clear that purgatory-level novice mission?"

"No... It should be said that after clearing the purgatory-level novice mission, what kind of rich rewards will be given?"

"And... who is this flower of evil?"

Players in the entire game world are boiling, either guessing who this evil flower is, or guessing what rich rewards they will get for clearing the purgatory-level novice mission.

Among them, the loyal player of "Beauty Under the Moon", the famous electronic waste Morrigan, is one of them.

"Someone actually cleared that mission..."

Morrigan couldn't help being surprised.

As a prop control, she tried dozens of times to clear the purgatory-level novice mission, but failed every time without exception.

And now, someone actually cleared that mission...

Could it be whose trumpet?

Morrigan opened the [Guild] interface, and was about to ask if it was someone's trumpet, but found that the [Guild] was also in chaos because of this turmoil.

King of Conquerors: Someone actually conquered a trial that even this king was unable to conquer. The Flower of Evil is a brave man who can gallop this great star sea route with this king.

The Only King: Is that the point, you red-haired idiot? Someone actually beat me to this mission and cleared it...Damn it! Unforgivable! How could this king fall behind others? who? Whose trumpet is it? (‵□′)

Super cute fox fairy: Yes. Whose trumpet is it? Come out and bubble up! What is the reward for the task? Is it a super rare item? selling? I bought it at a high price! (≧mouth≦)

Ascetic girl: Well, senior, restrain yourself a little bit, if the president sees you like this, he will be angry, super angry.

The Eternal Legend: Huh? Why am I angry, rookie? I feel alright.

The beautiful girl from Venus: I'm probably not talking about a single person, President. However, someone actually cleared that mission...that's amazing. Theoretically speaking, that mission is impossible to clear. But, having said that, whose trumpet is it?

Sweetheart Girl: It shouldn't be the trumpet in the guild, right? Otherwise, it would have been a shitty fart.

The Undefeated Legend: That's right. It should have been taken away by the newcomers.

The only king: what? What do you mean, the strongest king in the entire game was surpassed by a newcomer from outside? hateful! Could it be that I haven't charged enough money? It seems necessary to continue krypton gold!

Super cute fox fairy: boss atmosphere! But let's not talk about those insignificant things. I just want to know what rewards I will get for clearing that mission?

Sweetheart Girl: Yeah, I'm curious too. The perverted task, the rewards given, should be the only props in the whole server, right?

Eternal and undefeated legend: It should be regarded as the most special and unique item, but it will be super troublesome...

Looking at the words of Eternal Invincible Legend, Morrigan was full of doubts, and then typed to ask questions.

Sweetheart Girl: Why do you say that, president?


[System: Congratulations to the player 'Flower of Evil', pass the test of the star, and automatically accept the main task, the wrath of the stars. 】【System: Congratulations to the player for defeating the ninth-level gatekeeper #$@\u0026, and obtaining the blood factor... Ding, the level-up concentration has been reached, please go to the kingdom of blood, find the king of vampires, Merlu, and upgrade your level. Otherwise, you will no longer be able to receive the blood factor. 】【System: Player 'Lonely Tour', submitted a friend application to you, was it approved? 】Lonely Tour This is Mordred's game ID, and her race is the succubus of the control system.

Shirou accepts Mordred's friend request.

After killing the gatekeeper and rescuing Mordred, the purpose of Shirou's trip is considered complete.


"There is no sign of returning, Arturia."

Attila searched around, but found no teleportation array returning to Chaldea, or any trigger medium.

Shirou looked around, and it was true.

There is no change around, except for the disappearance of the giantess' body and the slime jumping repeatedly, there are no other things worth paying attention to, let alone the return that appears after defeating the boss in traditional RPG games teleportation array.

However, it doesn't matter, it's not only the teleportation array that returns to Chaldea, but also the application of Chaldea's second method.

Shirou subconsciously looked at Mordred who was beside him, who was hugging his thigh.


This child has been completely infantilized.

Shirou turned his head, looked at Illya, and asked, "Illya, can I use Chaldea's teleportation technique to return to Chaldea?"


Elijah shook her head regretfully.

Sure enough.

Shirou sighed, Chaldea's second method is unreliable at all!

So far, either it cannot be used, or it is blocked by powerful enemies.

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