I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1613


"In human terms, I am your mother." The girl said.

"My mother? Are you an idiot? I don't have a father or a mother." Alquette retorted, she felt that the girl who had differentiated from her body was an idiot.

"I created you using Zhu Yue as a blueprint. In human terms, you are indeed my child, and I am your mother."

"what are you saying……"

Before Alquite finished speaking, the girl stretched out her hand, pointed at Erquite's back, and said, "I am that one."

that? Alquite turned his head and saw the empty cosmic background behind him. If there was anything, it would be the earth...


Could it be...!

"I am that planet. I don't have my own name, but you are also using the cognitive view of human beings, so you can also call me Earth. Or Gaia." The girl said.

Guy, Gaia...!

Airquite looked at the expressionless girl in front of him in surprise.

In other words, this star power, which is completely different from that of the moon, has already shown that she has nothing to do with Zhu Yue.

If it's Gaia, it's not wrong to say it's her mother, after all, she was created by Gaia after Zhu Yue's template, but...

Why does the restraining force of the earth appear on the moon? And it came out of her body?

Alquette was puzzled.

Regarding this point, Airquite, who was controlled by Zhu Yue before and fought with Shirou and others, naturally did not know.

She is the life created by Zhu Yue deliberately by Gaia. Gaia created Alquite to put her star touch into Alquite's body to realize her self-realization, while Zhu Yue needs to use The sense of touch of the stars has completed the transformation of the real world of the earth.

This in itself was a conspiracy planned by Zhu Yue a long time ago.

A conspiracy to replace it.

The invasion of the False God Seat is the fuse of all events.

The invasion of the False God Seat and the failure of the correction power forced Gaia to put her star touch into Alquite's body to assist the Eternal King.

And this is exactly what Zhu Yue wanted, so not long ago, even though she was still weak, Zhu Yue forcibly controlled Alquite's body, sealing off the star touch that entered Erquite's body , wanting to take advantage of the time when the Eternal King and others are fighting against the false god seat, to complete the real world of the earth.

However, in the end, under the actions of the Eternal King, it was declared a failure.

And Alquite also went to the moon, trying to replace Zhu Yue as the king of the moon.

The result of this is that both parties completely forgot about the part of the sense of touch of the stars that Zhu Yue sealed in Alquite's body.


After Alquite suppressed Zhuyue and entered Mooncell, Gaia borrowed the power of Mooncell to imitate Alquite's real posture in the form of a virtual body, and realized the real world.

"Are you kidding me? Can it still be like this? I don't even dare to write novels like this!" Alquette couldn't help but said.

Gaia, as a planet, ended up personally after being personified.

This is really unexpected, but it happens to be reasonable.

"Airquite, I need you to help me." Gaia looked at Alquite and said seriously.

"The False God Seat has disappeared, there is nothing that can threaten you, right?"


Gaia shook her head, "That's just the beginning."


Alquette showed a puzzled look.

"The correcting power of the main body didn't correct the seat, it's not that the correcting power of the main body is useless. It's that the correcting power of the main body has been interfered. The correcting power of the main body has been interfered, that is to say, the vortex has started to act."

Gaia turned her head, looked at the earth, and said: "Soon, Alaya will stop functioning. Then the dimension will be out of order, and then my brothers and sisters will give me a death sentence. Although now Realm is not a consideration of the ontology, but since I have appeared in the realm by such a coincidence, I must complete self-rescue. So, you come and help me, Alquette."

"However, if I help you, you must be going to Earth, right? Then, Zhu Yue will also come back to Earth, and then you will have an additional enemy, Gaia." Alquette said.

"It doesn't matter. Zhu Yue's words have completely fallen into a deep sleep, and will no longer control you. Of course, if you wake up again and want to control you, I will help you."

Gaia said seriously: "So, come and help me."

Perhaps Gaia saw through Alquieter's heart from the very beginning and didn't want to leave Earth.


"I refuse." Alquette shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Gaia was taken aback, "Why?"

"Because your attitude is not asking for help at all! What do you mean by 'help me'? You are simply an order, little Gaia. If you want to ask for help, you must learn how to ask for help. You don't even have the gesture of asking for help. Yes, how can I ask others to help you?" Alquette complained while crossing his chest.

"Help-seeking posture? What is that?" Gaia asked blankly.

Hearing this, the corners of Airquet's mouth could not help but rise.

If Shirou were here now, he would know that Alquiet was going to play a prank again.

"I'll teach you once. You've got to watch it. First of all, you have to bow at ninety degrees, remember the essentials of this movement, and show your European style. Then, put your hands together and say to me, 'I can't do it without you,' Please, Lord Alquite.' Remember to have a sweet voice, a soft face, and it is best to have some tears in your eyes, so as to give people a delicate and pitiful feeling. Do you understand?" Airquite asked.

"I see."

Gaia nodded, then bowed at ninety degrees, and said with a flat face: "As expected, I can't do it without you, please, Lord Alquitt."


Looking at Gaia who is so crisp and neat, especially that plain face, Alquite couldn't help asking: "Don't you feel a little bit of shame, Gaia?"

"Shame, what is that?" Gaia asked suspiciously.

"That's right, it's the kind of shame that wants to commit suicide!"

"No." Gaia shook her head and said flatly: "Although I simulated your personality, my essence is a planet without emotion."

"That's really a pity, I still really want you to feel it." Alquette said regretfully.

Alquite didn't understand, or she was wayward and didn't understand the essence of Gaia at all.

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