I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1614

The essence of Gaia is planet restraint.

And once the planet's restraining force has emotions, it will be a truly terrible thing for the life living in the planet.

So although Gaia imitated Alquite's personality, she would never imitate Alquite's emotions, and even refused to understand emotions.

Once she understands and gains emotion, in order to avoid the cancer of the main body, the main body will directly correct her.

Rather, from the moment Gaia materialized, she had been abandoned by her body.

It's just white blood cells that are used for self-rescue.

"I've already set the pose, can you help me, Alquiet?" Gaia asked.

"Yes, yes, but as a price, you must fulfill one of my conditions."

"What conditions?" Gaia asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet, I'll talk about it later. How about it, do you agree, little Gaia?" Alquette asked.

"I agree." Gaia nodded.

"It's really neat and neat." Airquite was taken aback, and then laughed: "However, you are not allowed to go back on your word later. If you go back on it, I will smash you into pieces with the moon!...It's just that I said it was beautiful not long ago. If you want to leave the earth, and now you have to return to the earth, it feels so embarrassing..."

"Let's go, Alquette."

Gaia didn't answer her words, but greeted her, left the Mooncell directly, and flew towards the earth.

"Hey, wait for me, little Gaia!"

Alquette hurriedly followed.

Returning to the earth again, the black mist from the seat of false gods covering the earth has been dispelled, and the sky is clear for a while.

The phantoms of the age of gods in the world also disappeared.

"As expected of Shirou, he succeeded so easily!"

Alquite smiled all over his face, then looked at Gaia next to him, and asked, "Don't you have anything to say, little Gaia? Shirou saved it, but you."

"It's time to speed up, Alquette."

After speaking, Gaia swooped down from a high altitude.

Alquette hurriedly followed.

Then, they landed in front of a beach.

"This is not Fuyuki City, right? This is...Indonesia! What did you bring me here for? This place has not been attacked by the False God Seat." Airquite looked at Gaia next to him suspiciously.

"Olympus is just a prelude. The real crisis is the Vortex and its tentacles. I must call for help," Gaia said.

"Vortex? Tentacle? What is it? And, even if you want to call for help, wouldn't it be best to go to Shirou and the others? What are you doing here in the waters of Indonesia? Is there anything that can help you here?" Airquit wondered asked.


Gaia stretched out her hand toward the sea.



The entire sea area seemed to be divided directly, and the sea water was turned towards the two sides, revealing the face of the seabed.

Alquette was shocked.

Dividing the sea with bare hands, considering Gaia's identity, this is not a shocking thing.

What really shocked Alquette was the scene under the Indonesian waters.

That is a Buddhist relic!

Countless statues of Buddha and ruins of temples are so ancient and lonely and silent under the sea. Some statues of big Buddhas have grown a lot of moss and kelp, showing the power of time.

"this is……"

Airquit couldn't help being shocked, who would have imagined that there is such a relic of the Buddhist kingdom under the waters of Indonesia.

"5543 years ago, the city was destroyed by nuclear bombs." Gaia answered concisely.

"The city destroyed by nuclear bombs 5,543 years ago? Where did humans have nuclear bombs at that time..."

Just as he was talking, Alquite suddenly heard a novel that he had seriously written under the persecution of Kariya Matou.

That novel is based on the "Mahabharata". According to the records of "Mahabharata", human beings did have nuclear wars in ancient times.

That is, ancient nuclear warheads, which also exist in Gilgamesh's treasure house.

So, is this city one of the cities destroyed by ancient nuclear bombs in Mahabharata?

Just, what is Gaia doing here?

Alquette was puzzled.

At this time, Gaia had already come to the largest Buddha statue, and put his hand on the Buddha statue. The next moment, the rusty Buddha statue suddenly burst into dazzling light.

Immediately, Airquitt smelled a rather familiar feeling.

This is……!


Volume VII Fanwai Gaia's Self-Saving (2)

With a flash of golden light, a green-haired monk sitting on a lotus platform appeared in front of Gaia.

It really is...!

Looking at the green-haired monk, Alquette took a step back subconsciously.

She still remembers how she was beaten violently by this green-haired monk when she was in the interstellar player state.

How did Gaia summon him?


It should be said that they all summoned him here, why did they call her here!

The monk summoned by Gaia glanced at Gaia plainly, and then slowly disappeared.

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