I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1616

But, is this telling Gaia to leave?

"What's the matter, mother?"

In the void world, apart from the chaotic roar, there was also a soft, haggard voice of inquiry.

just this voice...

"Why does it sound like the voice of the hermaphrodite Fujimaru Sakura?"

Alquite looked up, relying on the power and strength of the Moon King, she easily saw a huge goddess and the girl in the cage in front of her.

——Fujimaru Sakura!

"Wait a minute, this voice disgusts me from the bottom of my heart... Is it you, golden-haired cockroach?"

Sakura, who was locked in a cage by Tiamat, turned her head to look. Her eyesight was not as good as that of Alquite, but she instinctively saw Alquite standing beside Gaia.

His eyes sharpened immediately.


—Go away, Gaia!

"I need your help, Tiamat." Gaia said seriously.

Yes, the helper she was looking for was Tiamat, who was killed by the Mesopotamian gods and expelled her soul into the world of imaginary numbers.



Tiamat's refusal was already within the scope of Gaia's consideration. She replied calmly: "I can provide you with a moving body, and I can also liberate you from the world of imaginary numbers. But as a condition, you Help me."


"I will not take back your active body afterwards, nor will I deport you back here."



"Yes. But your animal body cannot enter the real world."

--let me consider it.

Facing Gaia's conditions, even Tiamat had to think about it.

Being expelled by children into this imaginary world with nothing, the loneliness and loneliness often tormented Tiamat.

She wanted to go out early.

It's just that there is no way.

Therefore, when Gaia said that she could be set free, she was actually very moved.

As for the animal body not being able to enter the real world, this is not a problem at all.

The only doubt is whether Gaia will change her mind.

After thinking again and again, Tiamat nodded in agreement.

The main reason for agreeing to this condition is not that I want to go out, but that my daughter, Fujimaru Sakura, has always wanted to go out.

It's so chaotic outside, how dangerous would it be without her by my side?

"Your moving body will be completed in the near future. Before that, you still need to wait for a while."

After leaving these words, Gaia left the world of imaginary numbers with Alquite.

Although Sakura also wanted to take the opportunity to leave, but unfortunately, Tiamat held her firmly in the palm of her hand.


——I will protect you, Sakura.

Mother's eyes are full of love, but this love is too heavy.

It was so heavy that Sakura couldn't breathe at all.


——What's the matter, Sakura?

"I want to get out of here. I miss my brother and Lixiang."

—I will miss you with you.

Sakura: "..."

After leaving the world of imaginary numbers, Alquite turned to look at Gaia and asked, "Where are you going now?"

"South America." Gaia said.


Alquite asked: "Are you the one who is going to find Mercury..."

Gaia nodded.

at this time

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

Alquite raised his head subconsciously, looking at the sky with a serious face.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she always feels that on other planets, that? O is roaring.

"The trial is coming sooner than I thought... Are you more nervous than me, my brothers and sisters?" Gaia murmured.

Gaia regained consciousness, looked at Alquite, and said seriously: "We have to speed up, Alquite. Before I am judged by my brothers and sisters!"


Volume 7 Fanwai Gaia's Self-Saving (3)

"Why do other planets have to judge you?"

"Because they are all afraid of that vortex."

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