I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1617

"I don't understand. If you are afraid, then no matter what you think, you should act together with us, right? Why is there a trial in reverse?"

"If you say that, it's too difficult for others, Alquiet. Although we are integrated in one galaxy, we call each other brothers and sisters, and sometimes help each other. However, this is mutual assistance based on our own needs. If my disappearance had done more good than harm, then I would have been expected to be tried."

"Don't you feel sad? Being judged by brothers and sisters who live in the same galaxy." Alquite looked at Gaia.

"Sorrow? I don't understand. I am the will of this planet that does not want to perish. It is my destiny and the principle of behavior to protect this planet from perishing. My brothers and sisters are the same, so they judge me just like me Calling Zhu Yue is the same as expected. The difference is that I was fooled by Guinevere in the end and chose to give up Zhu Yue." Gaia said.

"Being fooled by Shirou..."

Alquite suddenly remembered that the key to Shirou's defeat of Zhuyue more than 1,500 years ago was to use the star anchor to deceive the planet.

It's unbelievable enough that humans have coaxed the planet, but what surprised Alquette was not this, but Gaia's obsession with being coaxed by Shirou.

I really can't see that Gaia is so narrow-minded. Shirou is completely missed by Gaia!

Alquite sighed, seeing how worried Gaia is, after solving the vortex issue, it is estimated that Gaia will start targeting Shirou.

Being targeted by the planet, how difficult the small life will become, naturally there is no need to mention it, because it is really targeted by the world.

It's just that when he thought of Shirou's deflated appearance, for some reason, Airquit felt a kind of joy in his heart.

Is this the so-called crumbs?

"However, if other planets want to judge you. Then, it's not good for you to meet the Mercury one now?" Airquitt asked.

"No. Among all the brothers and sisters, only Mercury and Venus are completely on my side. Even if they want to carry out a trial, Mercury and Venus will stand by my side." Gaia replied.

Alquite looked at Gaia in surprise. Although Gaia's tone was very flat, the context sounded confident no matter what.

And if you think about it carefully, the UO that first responded to Gaia's call and came to Earth was indeed Mercury.

It's obviously all restrained by the planet, without human emotions, but in the end there is also a relationship?

Alquette was very puzzled.

She just snatched part of the moon king's power and power from Zhu Yue, so she couldn't understand the theory of stars at all.

Alquite followed Gaia to a valley in South America.

Staying in mid-air, Airquitt looked towards the valley below. There are many ancient trees in the valley. This is a primitive valley that has not been developed by human beings.

But Alquite knew that it wasn't that humans were unwilling to develop this land, but that it was simply impossible to develop this valley.

Because Mercury UO, which is defined as "Oort", sleeps in this land.

UO, the full name of which is Ultimate One, is an extension of the will of the planet. It acts as the strongest creature that embodies the will of the planet, and it is also the strongest defense force that protects the planet from alien invaders.

Zhu Yue is one of them.

It's just that UO of other planets is more powerful than Zhu Yue.

What's more special is that the earth is the only planet without UO, so alien invaders often invade the earth, such as the vanguard of the stars, such as the Greek gods.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, Gaia has also taken many measures.

These include forging the star weapon, creating the star swordsman, creating Alquite, and at the same time, attracting alien invaders to become the guardian of the earth.

However, none of these moves can get around the fact that Gaia has no UO.

UO is very powerful.

In the case of Oort, the fifth ancestor among the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles tried to capture it, but was instantly killed instead. Moreover, the magic ways on the earth have no effect on it, and even the magic eye of death can't kill it. The only way to defeat it is to destroy its body through purely physical means.

But unfortunately, Oort's body is strong enough to easily block the attack of the star soldiers. Even in the official setting collection, it was specifically mentioned that to deal with UOs like Oort, Ultraman called Nebula M78 is needed.

At the same time, Oort has the [Crystal Valley], which can permanently change the rules of reality, and is a veritable strongest star invader.

But luckily, Mercury has a good relationship with Gaia, so Oort listens to Gaia very much as UO, a creature extending the will of Mercury.

Therefore, when Gaia issued a call, it was the first to arrive at the earth, and immediately fell into a deep sleep to prevent [Crystal Valley] from harming the earth.

"Wake up, Mercury," Gaia called out.

As soon as the words fell, the ground shook violently.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Earthquakes occurred frequently in human cities hundreds of kilometers away, and people showed frightened faces.

The animals in the forest also ran away.

Panic is spreading.



The entire mountain range covering the valley broke open, revealing a spider-like cosmic creature burning with water-blue gas flames.

Then the cosmic creature changed for a while, turning into a humanoid spider creature with a total length of more than forty meters.

Mercury's UO, Alt!

Ka Ka Ka

The faint blue flames on Oort's body were burning, and a terrifying power spread from Oort's center to the surroundings.

Wherever it passed, life withered and turned into lifeless ice crystals.

"Don't destroy my natural ecology, Mercury." Gaia reminded.

As soon as the words fell, the blue arrogance on Oort's body stagnated for a moment, and then all of them were withdrawn from the body.

And as those faint blue flames were taken back into Oort's body, the power that was rewriting the natural ecology also dissipated.

The surrounding natural ecology has returned to normal, and the creatures have returned to their normal living order.

The only difference is that in this valley stands a cosmic creature capable of overturning reality.

Gaia slowly fell towards Oort, and Oort then reached out to hold Gaia.

Standing on Oort's palm, Gaia looked at Oort and said, "Mercury, I need your help."

Oort lowered his head slightly, looking at Gaia.

It didn't nod, it didn't speak, and it didn't convey any message, but there was no doubt that Gaia knew that Oort would help her.

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