I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1618

Because they completed the communication in an instant.

And this is the principle of the stars.

It is the way of communication between planets and planets.

It's just that Mercury's body is too huge, just taking action will destroy the ecology of the earth, so it is necessary to prepare a mobile body for Mercury first.

And at this time


There was a sound of destruction from outside the sky.

Gaia and Alquite looked up, and immediately saw several satellites and space stations, falling from the sky like meteorites, either falling into the sea and setting off a huge tsunami, or falling into the mountains, causing the forests to catch fire.

Gaia would not calculate which countries those satellites and space stations belonged to and how much economic losses they caused, but Gaia could not sit idly by and ignore the ecological damage caused by the fall of satellites and space stations.

Using her star power, Gaia quelled the huge tsunami, extinguished the forest fire with heavy rain, and then looked at the sky.

Although there was still no emotional fluctuation, Alquette felt that Gaia must be very angry.

"The commotion is too loud, isn't it?"

Lying on Oort's shoulder, Alquet looked up at the sky and said with a headache.

The next moment, a huge floating island appeared in the turbid sea of ​​clouds in the sky. On this floating island, there was a pair of huge trees that made their shape look like fish.

That is not a creature on Earth, but the strongest cosmic creature on the planet just like Oort.

UO from Venus, the skeleton of the sky!

"Mercury, catch it. Don't let it touch my surface," Gaia said.

The UO of Venus is different from that of Mercury. It is a parasitic UO. Once it is connected to the surface, it will take root in the earth, use the earth as a seedbed, and spread out hundreds of millions of spores, directly ending the existing spores on the earth. ecosystem.

Simply put, it is an aggressive environment that breeds forest bed plants.

And this is the UO of Venus, the skeleton of the sky!

Although Gaia is sure that Venus, like Mercury, is on her side, but for the earth, Venus UO is indeed too dangerous.

Olter nodded, and then stretched out two hands to directly catch the Venus UO in mid-air, preventing it from landing.

After Venus UO was caught by Oort, the giant tree on its back emitted a spore-like light cluster, and the light cluster scattered light in the air, revealing its true colors.

In that ball of light was not a monster, but a girl angel with blond hair and red eyes with wings on her back.

"Calling me over and not letting me land is too much, Gaia-chan." The blond-haired girl angel flew in front of Gaia, pouted and said dissatisfied.

"I just want a few spores, not your body." Gaia reiterated this point.

"It seems that I misunderstood. I thought Gaia-chan was already shaking with fear, so I came here to protect Gaia-chan. Hehehe..."

The blond-haired girl angel smiled sweetly, then her eyes fell on Alquet who was lying on Oort's shoulder, she couldn't help being stunned, and then the smile on her face became wider, "It turns out that little Zhuyue is here too .”

"Hello, and ah, I'm not Zhu Yue, I'm Alquite." Alquette greeted the blond girl angel with a lack of interest.

Although he had just grasped the power and reason of the Moon King, as the Moon King, Alquite recognized the essence of the blond girl angel at first sight.

Although his appearance is sweet, his voice is soft, and he is very in line with human's beautiful fantasy of angels, but the essence of this guy is the spore of Venus UO.

Venus UO is an aggressive environment breeding forest bed plant, and the girl angel as a spore is a predation terminal with an angel shape.

Although it looks sweet, it is actually a top predator that can even prey on planets, ecology, and concepts.

Although the girl angel is warm and cheerful, but Airquite dislikes her very much, because Airquite is convinced that the girl angel looks at her with the eyes of a predator looking at its prey.

It's just that it's strange that Gaia and Oort can't feel emotional fluctuations, but this girl angel's emotions are too rich.

"Well, when I entered the earth, I happened to knock over a few human rockets, so I preyed on some human concepts from those astronauts. Because the next step is to communicate with Gaia in the real world, the simulation is the best A personality suitable for communication. However, I have to say that the taste of Alaya is still very good." The girl angel smiled brightly.

Sure enough, I hate this guy.

Alquette moved a little further away from the maiden angel.

"By the way, Gaia. As soon as you asked for help, I came here so enthusiastically. How about it? Treat me to a big meal, okay?" The girl angel looked at Gaia enthusiastically.

Gaia shook her head and replied calmly: "I refuse."

Turning his head slightly, Gaia looked at Oort and said, "Mercury creates a space that wraps Venus."

Ort nodded, and then used his power to seal the base of the skeleton of the sky, and then put it into his own ice crystal valley.

However, due to the existence of the same scale, Oort's ice crystal valley cannot completely accommodate the remains of the sky, it can only prevent the remains of the sky from touching the earth.

To put it simply, there is a thin film between the remains of the sky and the surface of the earth.

Seeing her own body being put into the ice crystal valley by Ort, the girl angel clicked her tongue in displeasure, and stared at Ort unkindly.

It's been like this since a long time ago, she hates Mercury, she hates Oort.

"Venus, I need a few spores," Gaia said.

"I know, but I won't give it for nothing. As a deal, you will let me have a good meal later. But don't worry, I won't destroy your ecosystem system, I just ingest some concepts of deep-sea creatures. "The blond girl angel closed her right eye and said playfully.

Of course, among the people present, no one thought she was just cute.

Under Gaia's instruction, the skeleton of the sky separated several spores.

Later, Gaia asked Ort to put his sense of touch into one of the spores, thus realizing the normalization of Ort.

At this point, Alquite understood Gaia's meaning.

In order to save herself, after Gaia appeared in the world, she began to integrate the power that could help her.

Regardless of Alquiet himself, Tiamat and Oort, and even the skeletons of the sky, although they can clearly help Gaia itself, each body is too huge. If you move it casually, it will not wait for the judgment of the stars and Without the appearance of the vortex, these friendly forces will completely destroy Gaia's ecosystem.

Therefore, Gaia summoned the skeleton of the sky, and asked Oort to put his sense of touch into the spores of the skeleton of the sky, so as to start a normalization operation.

In this way, even if the operation is carried out, it will not cause damage to the ecology of the earth.

Such delicate actions made Alquette feel depressed. Gaia obviously imitated her, but the upright she didn't think of this at all.


It should be said, is such a delicate Gaia really imitating her?

And if the expectations are correct, it should be the spore that Gaia said to provide Tiamat with a body that can move in the real world.

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