I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1619


Alquite glanced at the displeased Sky Skeleton.

"I'm very unhappy that I used my spores for her, Gaia!" Looking at the blond girl angel who was exactly like him, the skeleton of the sky hooked Gaia's neck very unhappy.

As for this, Oort, who put his sense of touch into the spores, just glanced at her indifferently, without any emotional fluctuations.

Although they are all UO, but unlike Alquitd and the dead bones of the sky, Oort did not perform any imitation, so there is no such thing as emotion.

Gaia calmly put the hand of the dead skeleton of the sky down from his shoulder, and then let Tiamat put his sense of touch into another spore, thus realizing the manifestation of Tiamat.

Gaia, Alquite, Oort, Remnants of the Sky, Tiamat...

Each of them is qualified to be the final boss of an adventure novel, but at this moment, they have formed a five-member team for the self-saving of the earth.

A veritable dream team composed of final bosses!


"Why did you, a hermaphrodite, sneak into this team!"

"You take it for granted, you golden-haired cockroach!"

Fujimaru Sakura glared at Alquite fiercely, and then glanced at Tiamat who was holding her in her arms. She covered her face with her hands, choking speechlessly: "...I want to go home."

Tiamat felt that Sakura must be afraid of these bad guys around her, so she stretched out her white hand and touched Sakura's little head, "Be good. Mother will protect you, good boy."

Then Tiamat used all his strength to hold Sakura on his shoulders.

Fujimaru Sakura: "..."

Let go, it's so embarrassing, mother!

Fujimaru Sakura covered her face.


Alquette laughed.

At this time, the death of the sky became serious, looked at Gaia, and reminded: "Gaia, I have to remind you that Saturn and the others have already started discussing the matter of the trial. We must act quickly, Gaia."

"I see." Gaia nodded.

"But then again, although I understand the danger of the 'vortex' and the urgency of the situation, who exactly is our enemy? What do we need to do?" Airquit asked, looking at Gaia.

"Kill the tentacles of that 'Vortex', and the helper who assisted in the resurrection of that 'Vortex'." Gaia said.

"The tentacle of 'Vortex', and the helper of 'Vortex'?"


Gaia nodded, "The correction power of the main body has been weakened, and Vortex's helper should have entered the reality from the static dimension. And we must eliminate it before my brothers and sisters judge me. Get rid of those helpers."

Saying that, Gaia bowed at ninety degrees, revealing her snow-white tube top, clasped her hands in both hands, and said plainly to everyone: "Sure enough, I can't do it without you, please, my lords."

Everyone present was petrified.

Well, she did keep Alquette's prank in mind.

Volume 7 Extra Story: Formation of Parliament (4)

At the beginning of 2004, several months after the False God Seat disappeared, a black vortex of distorted light appeared on the surface of Fuyuki City, the head of Ultraman Seven.

Then from the black vortex, several people in black cloaks quietly appeared.

"Twisting Olympus, thus invading this reality. It's a good idea. Because of this, the correction power of the planet has been destroyed. Even without the star cup, I can manifest."

"...The new container should have grown, and Aindsworth's Holy Grail War formula has flowed into this reality, so we can stop Alaya first and make full preparations for the Master's resurrection."

"Although the container of the Eternal King has not been destroyed, the distorted Olympus has eroded the correction power of reality, and it should be impossible to connect again. And the Eternal King has already appeared, that is to say, the savior should also Left. The reality correction power has been destroyed, and the savior has also left, which means that there is no power to correct us anymore."

"This is the last reset."

"It's time to move, avatars!"


Several men in black robes nodded to each other, and then prepared to disperse in all directions.

However, the moment they took this action, they felt something was wrong.

Ka Ka Ka

The surrounding reality became illusory like a bubble, and then those buildings and natural delicacy turned into ice crystals.

Even the statue of Ultraman Seven under them turned into a crystal clear ice sculpture.

"This is--!?"

The man in black couldn't help being taken aback.

It was natural to see with his eyesight that they had fallen into a well-arranged inherent barrier.


This kind of enchantment is an alienation that is more advanced than the inherent enchantment.

Owning an alienated inherent barrier is stronger than a simple inherent barrier, such as the inherent barrier of Fu Hailin, which is an alienated inherent barrier, but the barrier that the people in black robes are now, It is more powerful than the other world of Fu Hailin.

It's almost like a real alien world!

But this is not something the man in black should consider.

He had just manifested from the static dimensional realm, and ended up entering this kind of alien world. No matter how you looked at it, it was a well-arranged trap.

It's just that it shouldn't be.

In reality, it should be impossible for anyone to know their existence.

Even the foreign soul that forced them into the game of resetting should have lost their original memory through countless resettings.

So, what's going on with this situation now?

There is no need to think too much, leaving here is the top priority.

Just as he was thinking like this, there was a "bang", and a terrifying blue light shot out from the sky, engulfing the black-robed man.


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