I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1620

The man in black was a little taken aback.

What surprised me was not the fact that he was attacked, what surprised me was that someone actually touched his dimension and destroyed his avatar!

This should be impossible, because the one who can touch his dimension and destroy his clone, apart from the savior and Olympus specially made for him, is the owner of another star cup he lost.

But now there is indeed an attack that touched his dimension and destroyed one of his clones!

"In order to reach this reality, you may have spent a lot of thought. But unfortunately, it is forbidden to pass here!"

who! ?

The man in black hurriedly turned his head to look, and saw a girl with blond hair and red eyes in a white dress, slowly falling from the sky, those red eyes looked at them calmly like a king.

At the same time as this girl, there were four blond-haired girls, one of whom had short hair, and the other three were blond-haired and red-eyed girl angels with different expressions but the same appearance.

But that's beside the point.

The point is...

"Impossible!" The man in black looked at the leading blond girl with disbelief on his face.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see what the essence of the leading blond girl was.

"Gaia-chan, is that them?" the enthusiastic and cheerful Tian Zhiku asked while pointing at the black-robed people with a smile.

Gaia nodded, "It's them."

"Then it doesn't matter if I eat them? They look delicious." Sky's Dead Bones asked again.

"It doesn't matter, but Tiamat's daughter is just an ordinary human being and cannot accept the way you prey, so you should only prey on concepts." Gaia said.

"I see."

The dead skeleton of the sky nodded, and then his eyes lit up, and clusters of predatory light radiated from his body, spreading towards the people in black robes.

This is the predatory pollen of the spores of the dead bones of the sky. Once it is covered by these pollen, no matter it is life or concept, it will be eaten by the dead bones of the sky.

"I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen... It's unbelievable! This is something that has never happened in other realities. However, even if you end up in person, you can never touch my dimension!"

The people in black robes took out the star cups that shone with strange light.

As long as the star cup is activated, there is nothing in this reality that can touch their dimension, let alone hurt them.

However, when they activated the Star Cup, the emotionless blond-haired red-eyed girl angel——Oort stretched out her hand, and the alien world that enveloped this space—[Ice Crystal Valley], immediately modified this alien world rules.

Afterwards, the predatory pollen from the dead body of the sky actually fell on the people in black robes.

"It actually modified the law of the star cup interfering with reality—!"

The face of the man in black changed, and then he looked closely at the expressionless Oort.

Although he didn't want to admit it, it was true that from this moment on, there was an extra cosmic creature on the list of natural enemies he didn't want to face.

And when Oort controlled the black-robed man's star cup, Alquite, who had already been unable to bear it, had red eyes flashing, and rushed towards them.

"I've heard Gaia say that you are the ones who let the false gods invade, right? You hurt my friend, I will never forgive you!"

Not only Alquite, but also Tiamat, Alt, and the skeletons of the sky who were waiting for the battle, Gaia was the only one who stayed away from the battlefield, staring at the battlefield calmly.

Although Oort's [Ice Crystal Valley] is very powerful, but Gaia, who knows the true identity of the black-robed man, still takes the possibility of the black-robed man breaking through the defense line and rushing out of the [Ice Crystal Valley] into consideration, so outside Sweep array.

The man in black is indeed very powerful, but under the circumstance that the star cup was cracked by [Ice Crystal Valley], facing the attack of the star-making god and UO, there is no chance to fight back.

"Damn it! If Fujimaru Shiro hadn't summoned the Enlightened One and destroyed my body..."

The man in black gritted his teeth, his heart filled with the depression of being ambushed by Gaia.

But he also knew that he had to run away.

With his main body destroyed, he is no match for this ?O at all, and cannot consume his avatar.

Seeing that Alquite and the others were fighting the other clones, the man in black robe took the opportunity to rush out.

It worked!

The man in black was overjoyed, but just as he thought about it, Gaiya's plain voice sounded in his ears.

"Unfortunately, traffic is also prohibited here."

What! ?

He stopped abruptly, and the man in black looked at Gaia in front of him in astonishment.

It never occurred to him that Gaia didn't join in the fight at all, but swept outside rationally and calmly, blocking the possibility of him escaping.


A red light flashed in the eyes of the man in black robe, and then the magic power in his body expanded infinitely, and then exploded with a "boom".

The flash of light illuminates the entire world.

And in this dazzling light, the avatar that Erquite faced was aimed at, and the moment Erquite closed his eyes, he quickly ran towards the outside world.



The man in black lowered his head, staring in astonishment at the stone pillar that suddenly grew out of the ground and pierced his chest.

"how come……"

"Unfortunately, traffic is also prohibited here."

A calm voice sounded from above, and the man in black looked up, and immediately saw Gaia looking down at him from a height.

Those red eyes were very calm, as if all of this was expected by the star king.

"This is simply... a foul!"

After leaving these words, the body of the black-robed man dissipated.

And the other avatars were also wiped out by the dead bones of the sky, Oort and others.

"Sorry, Gaia."

Alquite was a little embarrassed. She made a mistake just now and let the clone she was facing run away. If Gaia hadn't controlled the audience, she would have made a big mistake.

"It doesn't matter, Alquite. You are different from us. It is understandable that you are not used to the strong light. Save your strength and continue to hunt down those clones." Gaia said.

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