I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1621

She looks very small, but she turns out to be surprisingly generous?


"Continue to hunt down? Aren't there all clones?" Airquitt asked suspiciously.


Gaia replied: "The purpose of that thing is to stop the operation of the Alaya, and to stop the operation of the Alaya, you must first destroy the human nature of each area. That is to say, in every place on the planet, there are The footprint of that thing. And our purpose is to wipe out all the clones of that thing before other planets judge me."

"If this is the case, why do we have to clean up the clone of Fuyuki City first? We were in South America just now, so we can clean up the clone of South America first, and we can also act separately. Isn't it more efficient?" Erkui asked very puzzled.

"Without the power of Mercury, none of us can attack that thing. Therefore, we must act together. Moreover, they cannot hide from me, so they can also make up for the lack of efficiency." Gaia replied.

"Then why do we have to get rid of Fuyuki City's clone first?" Airquit asked puzzled.

On this point, however, Gaia did not answer.

After getting rid of the clone of the man in black, Oort unlocked [Ice Crystal Valley], and everyone returned to reality.

Sakura looked at the statue of Ultraman Seven in front of her, her eyes lit up, but then dimmed again.

This is Fuyuki City.

Home is close at hand, but she knows that Tiamat will not let her go free.

"Go, go back to your home."

A flat voice sounded in her ear, Sakura raised her head, just in time to see Gaia's calm red eyes.

"Tiamat, I will stop it." Gaia said calmly.

Sakura hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth, got up, and ran towards the home of memory.


Tiamat yelled, trying to catch up, but was stopped by Gaia.

"Get out of the way, Gaia!" Tiamat scolded angrily, staring at Gaia with eyes full of anger.

This guy actually let her good boy Xiao Ying, like those bad boys ten thousand years ago, betray her!


"You are too possessive, Tiamat." Gaia said calmly.

"Gai-ya!" Tiamat growled angrily.

"You're going to catch her back, I won't stop it." Gaia said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, Tiamat rushed past Gaia and chased Sakura.

"However, you have to be prepared. One day she will kill you with hatred like your favorite child, Marduk." Gaia added.

As soon as the words fell, Tiamat stopped, turned his head and stared at Gaia blankly, his eyes suddenly lost color, and became hollow, "Sakura... will become Marduk...?"

"If you understand, just wait here, and she will come back to you," Gaia said.

Tiamat sat down with empty eyes.

"Why do you do such a thing, little Gaia?" Alquitd asked puzzled.

"Tiamat cherishes that human being too much, and her possessiveness is too strong. Although she has not shown it yet, if she is not stopped, one day she will become an enemy who destroys me. In order to avoid that day, advance Just be prepared. Moreover, if this possibility is not resolved in advance, the team's efficiency will be delayed in the future." Gaia replied calmly.

Alquette looked at Gaia in surprise.

Gaia imitated her personality, so it should be no different from her.


This kind of words, this kind of high perspective, this kind of coordination of personnel, is she really able to do it?

Or is the perspective of the planet just that high?

No, it's good that the planet has a supreme perspective, but it definitely doesn't have the ability to coordinate.

The planet will only watch everything supremely and indifferently, without favoritism or targeting, so there will be no coordination at all.

So, is this imitating Zhu Yue?

Alquette was puzzled.

And just as Gaia said, at dusk, Sakura came back in a daze.

"What's the matter, Sakura?" Alquette asked with concern.

Although she always calls Sakura a hermaphrodite, Airquite still regards Sakura as an important friend in her heart, and she is naturally very concerned when she sees Sakura in such a distraught state.

"I want to be stronger……"

Sakura raised her head, put her hands on Erquite's shoulders, gritted her teeth and asked, "Airquite, tell me, how can I become as powerful as you?"


Alquette was dumbfounded.

Not only because Sakura didn't call her a golden-haired cockroach, but also because Sakura, who has always been weak, actually asked her for strength?

What the hell happened here?

Alquette was bewildered.

"I can give you strength."

A calm voice sounded beside her ear, Sakura turned her head to look, the fiery red sunset reflected Gaia's blood red eyes, "I can give you the power to protect what you cherish, but there is a price for it."

"At what cost? To be something like the guardian of Alaya?"

"I don't have that kind of guardian, and I don't need the kind of guardian who may destroy my ecology at any time. The price I give to miracles is the same as that of Guinevere and Olympus. When this planet encounters life and death crises You must come and save me."

Gaia said seriously: "In short, this is my investment in you."

"I can't stand it, Gaia-chan is here again!" Sky's Dead Skeleton looked at Gaia helplessly.

This is not Gaia's first investment. In order to make up for the fact that she does not have a UO, Gaia has invested a lot.

For example, accepting the Greek gods who had exhausted their energy for space travel and were blocked from the galaxy by other planets; for example, when Marduk was about to kill Tiamat completely, he proposed to expel Tiamat to The world of imaginary numbers, thus saving Tiamat's life.

Another example is when Shirou and Zhu Yue were desperately investing in Shirou.

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