I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1624

The two wrestled face to face and tore apart.

Gaia: "..."

When two willful characters meet, even Gaia can't help but get a headache.

After stopping the two, Gaia looked at the remains of the sky and said, "If you can guarantee that you can hunt like normal earth creatures and not destroy my ecology and the balance of the food chain, I will not stop you from hunting." .”

"Really?" Asked the dead skeleton of the sky.

Gaia nodded.

"Sure enough, I knew Gaia-chan still loves me~!"

Zombie of the Sky hugged Gaia with a smile on his face, and then made a face towards Al Quite, which was full of provocation.

"Are you a child?"

Alquette has black lines all over his head.

Now she really wants to know whose personality the dead skeleton of the sky imitated.

Gaia pulled the hand of the dead skeleton of the sky away from her body, and then said calmly: Let the farce stop here, we will destroy all those clones before the stars judge me. This is a troublesome but meaningful journey. I hope this journey will become a good memory for everyone in the future. "


Everyone nodded, although Gaia's words sounded strange.

become good memories.

The only ones who can leave memories are Alquite and Sakura.

Tiamat is dominated by her own maternal instinct, while Gaia, the remains of the sky, and Oort are not creatures at all, but extensions of the will of the planet.

When the incident is over, they dispel their simulated personalities and return to Xingzhi, how can they leave memories?

As far as Gaia is concerned, she is part of the tactile sense of the planet's will, manifested through the power of the Mooncell.

She ends up with only two.

Either change back to the touch of the stars and return to the main body, or be corrected by the main body and disappear.

But even so, Gaia has to complete her own self-help.

This is a journey and confrontation that no one knows.

Under the pressure of several planets, under the circumstances that no one knows, realize the journey of self-rescue.

In the next few years, Gaia pursued and intercepted the man in black from all directions.

This is the only exception in countless resets.

The planet, it's time to end in person!

Because of the planet, no matter where the black-robed man hides, even if he hides in the imaginary number world, even if he hides in multiple realities, he can't escape the Gaia team.

And the man in black also understood that if he relied on himself alone, he couldn't fight Gaia's team at all.

Therefore, he is constantly looking for and expanding his companions.

Gradually, there are many powerful companions around him that can be used.

Such confrontation and pursuit did not come to an end until the beginning of 2012.

The planets outside the planet, the noble star king, finally unified their opinions and issued a judgment on Gaia.

The strongest creature carrying the will of their respective star kings——UO, flew out of the planets and attacked the earth.

The terrifying mass caused a magnetic storm on the spot, causing all human satellites, space stations, and communication equipment to fail, and even caused intense solar radiation.

The photosynthetic energy efficiency of the flowers, plants and trees on the earth is reduced, the animals on the continent are running away, the sea is making waves, and the deep sea creatures emerge from the sea surface strangely.

However, the human beings at that time were not aware of this, and Chaldea, which was established in the Pacific Ocean, was still speeding up its construction and conducting experiments on the application of the second method.

It seems that everything is heading towards the end of the world predicted by the Maya.

However, the earth is not without weapons against the apocalypse.

Oort, the dead bones of the sky, and Alquite, these three-body UOs clearly stand on the earth, and Gaia itself also has the holy sword of the stars, Tiamat, so it might be impossible to fight to the death and resist Judgment of the planets.


"You, what are you talking about, Gaia-chan?" The dead skeleton of the sky looked at Gaia in astonishment.

"I said, give up fighting back. I accept the trial." Gaia said calmly.

"Do you know the consequences of accepting the trial, Gaia?" Sky Dead Skeleton asked sullenly.

Of all people, she is the best imitated and the most emotional.

"It was knowing the consequences that I made the decision to give up the counterattack." Gaia replied calmly.

Her tone was very calm, and it seemed that she was not the one who was being judged by the planet.



She is a planet, how could she be afraid?

"I don't understand, Gaia." Elquite gritted his teeth and said, "It's not that we have no chance of winning if we fight back. If you give up all the counterattacks, among other things, not all creatures on this planet Are you destroyed? Aren’t you the will to protect the creatures on this planet?”

"That's why I made this judgment. If we take a counterattack, our chances are 0, and the probability of this planet's extinction is 100%. But if I accept the trial, this planet has the possibility of surviving." Gaia said.

"How to say?" Airquitt asked suspiciously.

"Like how Guinevere coaxed me back then, coax them. Although they will not revoke my trial, they can delay their trial of me. However, even if the coaxing is successful, they should be Immediately correct my inhibitions. So, all of this is up to you, Alquite." Gaia looked at Alquite seriously.

"Rely, rely on me? Do you mean to let me deceive them? No, impossible, I can't do it... Neither I nor Zhu Yue have as good brains as Guinevere... I can't do it." Alquette waved his hand quickly.

"I believe in you, Alquite. Therefore, I bet everything on you. Take it easy, you have the ability to infect people." Gaia said.

Alquite stared at Gaia blankly.

Give up the chance to fight back, and gamble on a possibility at your own expense.

This kind of overall view of sacrifice and coordination.

This is not her or Zhu Yue's perspective at all.

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