I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1625

Did you only notice it now because you didn't feel any strangeness at all?

"Little Gaia, what you imitated was not me at all, but..."

"I didn't imitate Guinevere, don't make any judgments." Gaia turned her head away and denied it.

Isn't this self-inflicted?

Alquette showed a helpless expression.

And even this kind of arrogance has been imitated, why don't you say it?

Really too slow!

Should have noticed it long ago.

What Gaia really imitated was not her, but Shirou!

"I know, I will try my best to do it." Alquette said seriously.

There was no longer any sense of joking.

This is not an attempt, but something that must be done.

Can't live up to Gaia's expectations.

No one knows whether Alquette has achieved it or not.

Only since then, the unresisting Gaia was corrected by the planets, and Oort was sealed by the UOs.

Gaia, Alquite, Alt, Sky Skeleton, Tiamat, Fujimaru Sakura... This dream team also disbanded.

Subsequently, the [Parliament] was established, without the suppression of this dream team, they began to create connection points in various civilized areas recklessly, thus destroying human reason and stopping the operation of Alaya.

And in the South American connection point, the emperor of the universe, Frieza and his eight Gundams descended, and digitized the entire world.

At the same time, Chaldea's second method application experiment was also successful. The Queen of Heroic Spirits, Fujimaru Tachika, carried Mash who possessed the Galahad spirit foundation, and defeated and contracted King Hassan at the first connection point. , thus fixing the first join point.

Afterwards, in order to restore humanity, Chaldea began to wander around various connection points.

And the [Parliament] also met Chaldea at various connection points, launching a new round of confrontation.

However, there is only one connection point in South America, and no one in the [Parliament] is willing to go, especially the sixth seat holding the star cup, who almost walks around South America.

Therefore, the old people of the [Parliament] bullied the newcomers a bit, and sent the bewildered newcomers to go to the South American connection point for action.

Of course, there is also a fox who loves to play by nature.

And not long after Gaia was corrected, in the cracks of the dimension, a certain king who was forced to fall into a deep sleep woke up.

And the malice of the false god seat that was supposed to envelop this king disappeared for some reason.

The king was then called into the Romanian Junction.

Thus, a new time began to flow...

Chapter 38 This is Mordred's turn!

Eight o'clock sharp.

Shirou and others came to Zaun, the main city of vampires.

Zaan City is the main city of the vampire race. It was built on a steep mountain, surrounded by a dark night barrier, shrouded in a dark and strange black mist all year round. Especially under the illumination of that monstrous blood moon, the whole city was glowing with ominous blood.

If you look at Zaun through the screen, you will be shocked by the exquisiteness of the model and the harmony of the atmosphere. After all, when it comes to vampires, according to the traditional concept, the first reaction is ominous and weird.

But from a practical point of view, living in this city, humans do feel uncomfortable.

Although Shirou wanted to go to the vampire palace as soon as possible and find the king of vampires to complete the rank improvement, but it was already dark, so Shirou still found a hotel first.


The owner of the hotel is a very beautiful blonde girl who smiles like an angel who has fallen into the world.

The scale of the hotel is small, it is just a three-story homestay. Shirou rented five rooms, one for each person.

But unfortunately, in order to prevent himself from going berserk again, Attila didn't stay with Shirou and others at all, and he didn't know where he went.

However, Shirou still reserved one for her.

The hotel owner didn't change his smile, and made a calculation, "One room costs 150QP a day, and five rooms cost 750QP in total."

QP is the basic currency in "Beauty Under the Moon". It is translated into Chinese as Quantum, and the main source of acquisition is naturally the explosion of monsters.

After completing the novice mission, Shirou obtained a basic 6,000 QP, and with the QP that exploded from fighting monsters along the way, he also had more than 10,000 QP in his hand.

Shirou quickly clicked on the virtual face frame of the transaction towards the hotel owner, then entered 750 in the amount column, clicked OK, stretched out his hand, and then a virtual message box appeared in front of him.

——[The other party has received it, and the transaction is successful. 】

This kind of trading method is not like the dark middle ages, but has a futuristic sci-fi feel.

But considering that this connection point has been virtually gamified, it is not surprising.

"Thank you very much for patronizing the small shop. Zaun is quite chaotic, please do not go out when it is dark." The hotel owner reminded with a smile.

According to the setting of "Beauty Under the Moon", the main city of vampires and orcs is the most chaotic city. Bandits and thieves are rampant, and there are many alien creatures. The most important thing is that PK killings here will not be popular. name, belonging to the dangerous extrajudicial map.

Of course, according to the setting of the RPG game, this kind of background may also extend some side tasks, such as quelling the rebellion, or protecting public order.

However, Shirou just came here to improve his class, and didn't plan to stay for a long time, so there is no need to care about these.

What made Shirou a little headache was that Mordred actually pestered him and wanted to sleep with him.

"Can't you, mom? Sure enough, mom still hates what I do, hates me, I'm sorry mom, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, woo woo woo..."

He even sobbed as he spoke.

I really didn't expect this child to become so fragile after being young.

How else can this be done?

I can only agree.

"Very good!"

Mordred cheered and applauded, showing a bright smile, but the crying seemed fake no matter how you looked at it.

Should it be said that it was completely fooled?

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