I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1629

"Okay, hero."

The player nodded quickly, and then brought Attila to the south of Zaun.

There are thousands of people gathered here, all adventurers of "Beauty Under the Moon".

Most of them are low-level adventurers, but there are also seventh-level high-level adventurers among them.

The highest class is the woman who is in the center of the crowd and is giving a passionate speech, covered with gold ornaments all over her body.

"Warriors, adventurers! This king is the only king in this world. All the treasures in this world belong to me. I will never let go of those who want to take them away without my permission." past..."

This woman was speaking words of unknown meaning, but the players who listened to her were still supporting her passionately.

But this can't hide the fact that this woman is a ninth-tier master player.

At the same time, she is also the friend who wants to hunt her down, Arturia Pendragon's strongest opponent.

——【One and Only King, Human, Ninth Class】!

But, how should she rescue Artoria from this ninth-level god-level player?

Attila thought in his heart.

However, what Attila didn't know was that when she was thinking about how to stop this group of players, two high-level players had already sneaked into the hotel.

"That guy Gilgamesh went too far. He actually used the teleportation talisman to teleport from the sanctuary to Zaun. He wanted to kill the flower of evil one step ahead of us. Hmph, fortunately, I also have a teleportation talisman, otherwise I would have He was one step ahead!"

"Sister, I think we should first look for Ge... Artoria, and Attila, instead of doing this kind of thing. Moreover, killing people to seize treasure... This kind of thing is too much, I refuse to participate. "

"Killing and seizing treasure, this is the core gameplay of this game. Really, when did you become so rigid like Al, Guinevere? Well, you go block the door and I go hunting. But when the time comes The item is out, give it to me~!"

Chapter 40 Too many players!

On a big night, Illya, dressed in formal attire, walked to Shirou's room with a heavy heart.

"What's the matter, Illya, are you preoccupied?" Shirou lay on the bed, looking at her strangely.

Mordred also got out of the bed, looking at her innocently and suspiciously with a pair of holy blue eyes.

Illya hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I always feel that this hotel is not normal, Sister Al."

Hearing this, Shirou raised his eyebrows and asked, "How do you say that?"

Intuition is the most inexplicable and unreasonable thing. After whoring Arturia's intuition for nothing, Shirou never doubted Arturia's [intuition]. Elijah is the same.

Because, as a [beastman], Illya possesses an ability of the beastman family - [beast instinct].

Although from the name, it can be felt that the dog plans to have strong malice towards the orcs, but this cannot conceal the superiority of this ability.

On the way from Xinshou Village to Zaan City, there are many high-level monster groups. It is because of Illya's [Beast Instinct] that Shirou and his party arrived in Zaan safely.

Although Illya has been depressed about the name of this ability for a long time, but the world of adults is not easy at all, she must have understood it, so she didn't complain much, she just drew a lot of cursed circles on a piece of paper.

"Tell me more specifically, Illya." Shirou sat up and said seriously.

Shirou had to take it seriously, because in this world, once you die, you will grow back. And Mordred's IQ has dropped to the level of a three-year-old, and if it drops further, he can only babble.

"Actually, I'm not sure. It just feels...the other people in the hotel feel that something is wrong."

Illya hesitated and slowly told the truth.

Because of becoming an orc, Illya's appetite increased greatly, so she went out of the room to look for food not long ago, but she heard other customers of the hotel talking about "hunting" and "props".

In addition, Illya heard Shirou's ID from those people's mouths.

——The Flower of Evil.

Yi Liya felt that something was wrong. After reading many imprisoned works written by well-known writers, her novels, and Meimei, she immediately imagined all kinds of black shop and other brain-filled plots, so she came here immediately. I found Shiro.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that blue-haired girl with a tucson pattern, like a mistress kicked out of the house by his wife, sitting outside Shirou's door with a flat face.

"So, why did Tucson Po sit at the door?" Ilya looked helplessly at the girl sitting at the door.

When she first ran over, she was full of nervousness, but she was frightened to death by the elusive girl.

"Please don't worry about it, this way you can complete the mission of the system without disturbing the Master's rest." The girl replied calmly.

Shirou looked at her helplessly. Obviously, this guy didn't listen to his words at all, but kept squatting outside the door.


Just as he was about to speak, Shirou noticed that his [Friends] column flickered for a while, obviously some message had been sent.

However, the only friends Shirou added were members of his own team.

And everyone in the team is here except Attila.

In other words, this message was sent by Attila?

"What's the matter, Sister Al?" Illya asked.

"It's nothing, just a message from Attila..."

While talking, he opened the friend message bar, but before he finished speaking, Shirou's brows tightened.

Because, the message sent by Attila is only a few short lines.

——[A lot of people want to kill you, run! 】

Shirou frowned and sent it back.

Shirou: What do you say, Attila?

Not long after the message was sent, Attila's reply came.

Attila: You are wanted by the system, your coordinates have been exposed by the system, many players are coming to kill you...they have started to act, run! !

Several exclamation marks showed how anxious Attila was.

However, this endless matter made Shirou and others stunned for a while.

Frowning, Shirou got off the bed and went to the window.

The hotel room is also a gamified private room. Simply put, it is like an independent space in the game, where you will not hear any outside sounds.

This is a good thing for rest, but it is an out-and-out trouble for grasping external intelligence.

Shirou came to the window, then stretched out his hand, and gently opened a corner of the curtain. Looking through the window, he looked outside, and saw a dark crowd that surrounded the hotel. It was estimated that there were more than a thousand people.

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