I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1630

"What's going on? Why are these players blocking the door of the hotel?"

Illya has a growing sense of foreboding, especially after Attila's news arrives.

Shirou glanced thoughtfully at the girl with a calm face.


It should be said to be the brain of God.

"They should all come to hunt me down," Shirou said.

"Hunting mother? Why?" Mordred looked puzzled.

Shiro: "Although we are in it, and we also know that this is the connection point of the [Parliament]. However, don't forget that the expression form of this connection point is a game. Since the game is a large-scale RPG game, then PK in the wild, Naturally, there is a gameplay mechanism for snatching props."

"However, we are all novices, so we don't have any props to grab."

As a modern girl in the 21st century, Ilya has also been exposed to some games, so she naturally understands the mechanism. Whether it is the real-time "World of Warcraft" or the round-based "Fantasy Westward Journey", they all have the mechanism of field PK, which increases the excitement of the game.

However, PK in the wild is not a life-and-death duel between players who hate each other, or to snatch rare props. They are all newcomers, so where do they plunder the props?

When Illya was puzzled, Mordred immediately stretched out his hand angrily and pointed at the girl, "You are the one who caused trouble for my mother!"


Illya remembered that if it was the only rare item in their team that was worth remembering by others, it would be the God's Brain obtained by the only Knight King who had cleared the purgatory-level novice quest!

In other words, they came here for the brain of God?

"Trouble my mom, I hate you."

Mordred made a grimace at the girl, but the girl didn't show the slightest expression, standing there like an AI robot.

"Don't say that, Mordred."

Shirou reached out and patted Mordred's head.

When the God's Brain appeared, Shirou instinctively sensed trouble, and when the system announced that he had cleared the purgatory-level novice mission and obtained the God's Brain, he had already considered the occurrence of this situation .

In other words, the unexpected development of Attila and Illya has always been in Shirou's expectation.

Moreover, the pursuit of the players proves one more thing, the brain of God is very important, at least it is an important prop for clearing the main plot of this game world.


Calling it a prop is too rude, it should be said to be an important person.

That's great.

Shirou is not very interested in conquering this connection point. After all, Mordred can no longer die at this moment, and he doesn't want to act in Artoria's face all the time.

However, if you can only return to Chaldea by clearing this connection point, Shirou might as well break through this connection point first.

However, there is one thing that Shirou cares about no matter what.

"Players, there are too many."

"Yeah, there are too many players! The hotel is completely surrounded, what should I do?" Ilya showed a helpless expression.

"No, Illya. I don't pay attention to a group of rabble, but there are too many players. The entire Chaldea should have less than 1,500 people, right?" Shirou asked.

Hearing this, Ilya was stunned for a moment before noticing this doubt.

I am so stupid!

How could such an obvious strange place not be found?

Is it because of too many deaths?

Elijah felt a little depressed.

This is an obvious doubt.

Because the [Parliament] destroyed human law and stopped the wheel of inhibition, most of the people in the world except Chaldea have disappeared, and only a very small number of survivors have been accepted by Chaldea Came over and became the master of Chaldea.

However, even so, the entire Chaldea, including the heroic spirits and staff, is only less than 1,500 people.

Among the less than 1,500 people, there are only a small number of people who can play games online, and most of them are old-fashioned and serious people. "Under the Beauty" is only a very small part.

So, how come there are so many players appearing here at this moment?

Where did these players, these people, come from?

Compared with those players chasing and killing them, this is the real and biggest point of doubt.

Illya asked uncertainly: "Is it because the [Parliament] has connected other connection points, allowing people from other connection points to come in and act as players?"

"have no idea."

Everything is speculated on the basis that the connection point is the basic logical point created by the [Parliament], and there is only one conclusion of such speculation, that is, another conspiracy by the [Parliament].

When Shirou was about to discuss this issue in depth, Mordred suddenly looked up at Shirou, and asked suspiciously: "Mom, shouldn't we be thinking about how to deal with those bad guys now? Why did we talk about this?"

Is it true that it is Mordred?

Even though he was forcibly demoted, he still saw through Shirou's weakness in the first place.

Shirou likes to use his brain, so his insight is amazing, and he can see the essence of things through the appearance, but it is precisely because of this that he sometimes ignores reality involuntarily.

In short, it is thinking too much and thinking too much.

"That's right," Shirou nodded, then looked at Illya, and said, "Illya, go downstairs and watch the actions of those players."

"Ah...don't you run away? I saw quite a few high-level players!"

"Of course I don't run, the more I get to this point, the more calm I have to be." Shirou said with a smile.

Chapter 41 The King and the Chains and the Sisters

Under the blood moon.

Pluto stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the turmoil of those players in the weird vampire city Zaun, he couldn't help but turned his head, smiled and looked at the angelic blond girl next to him, "I really have you, Venus. No, Using the translation method of humans, you should be called the dead skeleton of the sky. However, it is really amazing that you have come up with such a set."

"Players are just like guardians. They only need a little sweetness to use them well. Make the best use of everything. This is the principle I learned after hunting down the concept of Alaya." said with a smile.

"But, can the resurrection times of the 'protagonist' be exhausted by using a player? That 'protagonist' looks very cunning."

"In the face of absolute strength, cunning and strategy are useless, otherwise, the cunning Gaia Tan would not have given up resistance at that time. The person who participated in the hunting of the evil flower was also the number one leader of our trade union, Don't worry, the Flower of Evil is dead."

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