I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1639

This is of course, because in their view, Shirou has given up the God's Brain, and there are more reasonable and easy ways to obtain the God's Brain, so why take risks?

So they let Shirou walk out of the hotel openly.

They are not afraid that Shirou will run away, because the system will report Shirou's location because they hold the brain of God.

It can be said that as long as Shirou has not given up on the brain of God, his position will always be known by the players.

So, what is there to be afraid of?

Located in the center of Zaun, the Vampire King City is a blood-shrouded red castle.

From the outside, it doesn't look very big, but when you walk inside, you will find that the space inside is very large. Obviously, this is a space folding technique.

The King of Vampires is a pale and frightening young man, sitting on the throne, holding a goblet full of blood in his hand, swaying slightly, with an aristocratic demeanor.

"If you want to obtain the blood of the ancestors and complete the promotion of the class, you must first go to the Thundering Cave outside the city and bring me the flesh and blood of the Thundering Blood Bat." The Vampire King said.

[Level task: Go to the Thundering Cave, kill the Thundering Blood Blessing, bring the flesh and blood of the Thundering Blood Blessing to the Vampire King, and complete the upgrade of the rank. (Thundering Blood Blessing's flesh and blood 0/1)] Very good, it finally unfolded normally.

I originally thought that this game was full of ghost and animal plots planned by dogs, but I didn't expect that there would be unexpected normal developments.

Thundering Cave is a low-level map, where Thundering Blood Blessing is the final boss of Thundering Cave.

Shirou leads Mordred out of the vampire king's castle.

Many adventurers on the way saw them, but none of them stopped them.

In their view, Shirou has given up the God Brain, so there is no need to pay attention.

After all, he is just a newcomer.

Shirou and Mordred head to the Adventurer's Guild in Zaun.

The Adventurer's Guild is equivalent to the mission of "Fantasy Westward Journey", or the mission board of other RPG role-playing games.

Since we are going to the Thundering Cave, we can also accept some quests about the Thundering Cave.

There were people coming and going in the Adventurer's Guild, among them were many adventurers whom I had seen in the hotel before.

In charge of the front desk are a few pale vampires, quite in the style of the main city of vampires.

Shirou walked to the task board and glanced at it.

The words on it are all Shirou has never seen before, but the strange thing is that Shirou recognizes the meaning of these words.

This connection point is as inconceivable as a Servant.

Servants can obtain the knowledge of the real world and the language ability to communicate through the Holy Grail, and in this world, adventurers can also obtain the language ability to communicate without hindrance.

Shirou glanced at the mission board and accepted some missions related to the Thundering Cave.

"Yo, isn't this the flower of evil?"

Several adventurers came over and greeted Shirou.

These adventurers had met Shirou at the inn before.

Since the task of making lucky draw props was handed over to Illya, most of the adventurers were waiting in the hotel, but there were also a small number of adventurers who couldn't wait and came out to wander around.

After all, adventure is the theme of adventurers.

"Are you here for the mission, Flower of Evil?" A young adventurer laughed, "Do you want us to help you?"

Shirou waved his hand with a smile, "No need."

"Don't refuse so quickly, we have a lot of free time, Flower of Evil. I can just come to help you, and then we will be friends."

The adventurer put his hand on Shirou's shoulder with a smile on his face.

In this connected world, although props and equipment are paramount, romantic encounters and sweet love are also people's eternal pursuit.

Under the coercion of two members of the emperor's strategy team, the probability of getting the brain of God is too low, so it is better to have a romantic encounter.

There is no doubt that the Flower of Evil, to be precise, Arturia is in line with their aesthetic pursuit.

However, at this moment, the smiling Shirou turned cold, and a cold light shone in his holy blue eyes.

Regardless of whether the manipulator of the body is himself or not, this kind of expansion is extremely annoying to him.

There is no doubt that these adventurers caught Shirou's thunder.

Just as he was about to explode, Mordred stretched out his hand first, opened the adventurer's hand, and said with displeasure, "Get your dirty hands off my mother's shoulders!"

"Eh... mother?"

The adventurer looked at Shirou and Mordred with a confused face, "Isn't it my sister?"

"Oh, I seem to have been misunderstood, she is indeed my daughter." Shirou squatted down, touched Mordred's little head, and said with a smile.

The adventurer's face was dark at that time: "I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered something..."

As he said that, he turned around and ran away.

"Hmph. How dare you come to tease my mother? You're so courageous. It's an advantage to him." Mordred crossed his arms and said arrogantly.

"It's really thanks to Mordred." Shirou reached out and touched Mordred's head with a smile.

"Of course, I will protect mother!" Mordred said proudly with his hands folded.

When will this child be able to say that to me?

Looking at Mordred's proud face, Shirou showed a gentle smile, "Then I will be protected by you, Mordred."


Mordred nodded emphatically.

Walking out of the Adventurer's Guild, holding Mordred's hand, and walking out of the city, Shirou keenly sensed many prying eyes.

"Mom, this is..."

The little hand was held by Shirou, and Mordred raised his head and looked at Shirou. With the intuition inherited from Arturia's family, she also sensed those prying eyes.

Shirou stretched out his index finger, and made a silencing motion on his lips, "Shh."

Mordred nodded suddenly, and then stretched out his hand to cover his little mouth, which was quite cute.

Walking out of the city of Zaun and walking towards the Thunder Cave, they were blocked by a group of adventurers when they passed the small woods.

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