I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1640

"What are you guys doing?" Shirou smiled and looked at the adventurers who blocked him.

"Hand over the props." The lead adventurer said.

"I don't quite understand what you mean. The brain of God is in the hotel, and everyone is staring at it, but it's not in my backpack." Shirou said.

The leader said: "I'm not talking about the brain of God, but other props. The reward for the purgatory-level novice mission, can't there be only one brain of God? The reason why I handed over the brain of God neatly is because I want to hide it. Other item rewards? Hand over those items."

"Mm. Yes, indeed. But why should I hand it over to you?" Shirou asked.

"Don't think that if you are cute, we won't start. I advise you to hand over the props quickly, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood. Moreover, we brought a resurrection stone here, and you don't want to use up the number of resurrections and become a A specimen in a pyramid, right?"

The leader took out a green stone and stared at Shirou threateningly.

"So they came to rob. I see. But what are the pyramids?"


The leaders are covered. He really didn't expect Shirou to ask such a common sense question.

"Did your parents let you be an adventurer without even telling you the most basic knowledge? It's so pitiful. Let me tell you, once you run out of resurrections, you will become a baby, or even a ball The fertilized eggs are then transported by the system to the pyramid of the king of the gods for preservation as specimens."

The leader said: "If you don't want to become a specimen, just hand over the props."

The other adventurers became a little impatient seeing the leader Kashirou say so much.

But there is no way to do this, after all, props have a burst rate. If you kill the opponent's resurrection times and the props haven't exploded in the end, it would be too bad.

A resurrection stone needs a lot of money.

"I see. I understand. However, I still want to see with my own eyes how the system transfers babies and even fertilized eggs into the pyramid of the god king." Shirou showed a soft smile.

next moment


The surrounding scenes suddenly blurred, as if falling into a dreamlike alien world.

"This is, this is the [Illusion] of the succubus!" an adventurer said with a face full of horror.

The succubi race is a race that specializes in control, and is most proficient in control illusions.

There is a succubus teammate beside Evil Flower, and they know it in their hearts, and they know even more that that succubus is the daughter of Evil Flower.

However, any control skills of the dream monsters have skill swings. They were very careful just now, but why did they still fall into the illusion?

"Don't panic. They are just two new adventurers, but we are experienced adventurers." The leader said.

He is a fifth-tier human being, and among the team of plundering adventurers, there are also powerful adventurers from the third and fourth tiers.

With such a luxurious lineup, what is there to panic about when dealing with two rookies who have just become adventurers?

"Although Illusion is an enchantment-style control skill, as long as you take down the caster first, there will be no problem."

The leader turned his head slightly, stared at Shirou and Mordred, and shouted: "Come up with me and take them down!"

However, no one responded to him.

How is this going?

The leader turned his head to look, his eyes suddenly narrowed into needles, and his face was full of disbelief.


There are dead bodies everywhere.

The adventurers standing behind him who were still alive and kicking turned into corpses at this moment!

This, what's going on here?

The leader was stunned.

"What did you do?" the leader looked at Shirou and asked in a deep voice.

"I didn't do anything." Shirou said with a smile.

In this regard, the leader does not believe it.

"In that case, I will take you down first!"

The leader shouted and rushed towards Shirou.

However, before he got close to Shirou, he only heard a "crack", and red and black mud thorns suddenly rushed out of the ground, piercing the leader's heart impartially.

"this is……"

The leader understood that this should be another reward for the purgatory-level novice mission.

It is actually an autonomous attack and defense equipment, I am really envious...

Of course, he didn't know that these were not props or equipment in this virtual world, but Shirou's treasure, the red and black universe, the flower of evil.

They resurrected from the resurrection stone, after seeing the power of the evil flower in the red and black rain. Shouting and rushing towards Shirou.

Just kill him. This excellent props and equipment belong to them.

But this time Shirou restrained himself. The autonomy and defensive abilities of Honghui and Zhou Ezhihua made them rush over.

This made these adventurers very happy.

, since the self-defense ability of that prop was not activated, what did a mere newcomer adventurer get?

"To be honest, I don't like conflicts with others, but this doesn't mean I'm weak and bully. Since you're eyeing me, you have to be prepared accordingly."

Shirou took out two star swords, "Psychological preparation for death."

As soon as the words fell, Shirou restrained his gentle smile, those holy blue eyes shone with a breathtaking cold light, and a terrifying oppressive force burst out from Shirou's body.

The adventurers stopped subconsciously, covered by that terrifying oppressive force, as if being stared at indifferently by a waking dragon, they only felt that their throats were extremely dry.

They were extremely familiar with this feeling, because they had felt this terrifying pressure from the only king in that hotel before.

"Obviously, obviously just a newcomer." The adventurers couldn't help swallowing.

"Don't be afraid. She is just a newcomer, even if she has powerful props, but we have the resurrection stone, we can use the resurrection to stack her to death!" The leader shouted.

People thought it was the same, regained their self-confidence immediately, and rushed towards Shirou one after another.

Thus, a massacre began.

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