I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1641

Although Shirou is a rookie in the first rank, the attribute bonus of the two star swords that comes with Artoria's record is too high.

Moreover, Shirou's combat experience is far richer than these adventurers who survived in the virtual world. Even though they are separated by several classes, it is still a massacre.

In the end, these adventurers also turned into babies one after another.

"Let, let me go. I can't become a pyramid specimen yet." The leader pleaded bitterly.

Hearing this, Shirou stopped his hands and smiled softly.

That smile is so sunny, coupled with Artoria's delicate and pretty face, it looks like an angel from heaven.

Will show such a smile, does this mean that he has been let go?

The leader felt a little relieved.

However, the next moment, Shirou withdrew his smile, looked down at him condescendingly, and said flatly, "Chop Suey."

Like a king proclaiming judgment, Shirou dropped his final sword.


At this point, everyone's resurrection times have been used up.

A golden stream of light fell from the sky, taking all the babies on the ground.

There is no doubt that he was sent to the pyramid of the so-called God King by the system.

"It's solved, it's solved."

Mordred unlocked the illusion, and pointed to himself with a smile: "How about it, mother? Is the illusion I made stronger than Merlin?"


Shirou stretched out his hand and rubbed Mordred's little head, his face was soft.

"Hee hee hee……"

Mordred smiled happily.


pS: Don't wait for the second update, there is no second update, the reality is very messy recently, and I have to go to the hospital for an endocrine check at six o'clock tomorrow. If there are missing changes, they will be filled when they stabilize, don't worry.

Chapter Forty-Six: Altou Tiewa

"Has it been resolved?"

A soft male voice suddenly sounded next to his ear, Shirou raised his brows and turned his head to look.

I saw two people standing on the tree behind me at some point, one of them was a white-haired girl, and the other was the lackey of the only king, with chains of forgiveness and long hair.

"It's such a clean and neat movement." The chain jumped down from the tree and looked at Shirou with a smile.

Obviously, he saw the massacre just now.

"Do you want to hurt my mother too?"

Mordred stood up, guarding Shirou behind him, grinning at the chain and the white-haired girl like a little wolf dog of the head of the household.


Chains pointed at the white-haired girl on the tree, and smiled softly: "Leave her alone, but I am only interested in the brain of God. No matter how powerful or rare other props are, they are still yours. I will not force them." Take and plunder."

"Your way of appearing on the stage is really not convincing at all, Your Excellency." Shirou said.

"There is no way around this. I saw them sneaking behind you before, and I thought they were here to snatch your props. After all, I want to get the brain of God from you, so I thought of coming over to help. But It seems that I am unnecessary." Chain said with a smile.

At this time, with a sound of "dong", Shirou turned his head to look, and saw the white-haired girl fell vertically from the tree, and her carrot-like head was directly inserted into the ground.

Then a number exploded on the white-haired girl's head.


Seeing the huge amount of damage, Shirou turned his head to look at the chain, and couldn't help asking: "...Dare you ask what your partner is doing?"


Chain's face was covered with cold sweat: "It may be some traditional custom action."

At this time, the white-haired girl pulled her head out of the ground and walked towards a tree next to Shirou.

With a sound of "boom", he smashed the trees all over the place with his head, and then kept walking with his head against the wall.

Shirou turned to look at the chain: "What are you doing?"

"Uh... It's some kind of ritual to sacrifice to the gods. Probably."

Chain wiped the cold sweat off his face with his sleeve, and added: "Also, my daughter is super cute and not my partner. But in a sense, she is a good friend..."

Boom. Boom. Boom.

My daughter with an iron head is so cute, she kept banging her head against the rock wall, making rhythmic thumping sounds.


Mordred couldn't help covering the corner of his mouth with his hands, and said with a smirk, "How silly!"

Indeed, this picture of my daughter's super cuteness is really silly.


Why does this action look like a character freeze caused by the network when playing a game?

Could it be that my cute daughter is a player from Chaldea?

Thinking of this, Shirou approached my cute daughter, and whispered, "I'm Artoria, calling for Chaldea."

My cute daughter stopped her movements and turned to look at Shirou.

This made Toshirou happy, it seemed that he was really a player from Chaldea.

Great, now we can contact Chaldea.

next moment

My daughter is super cute: "Didi, Bawada$%$Mofei2%$%#"


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