I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1643

Boom boom boom.

In the dark cave, my daughter was so cute and kept bumping into the wall, blood spilled all over the floor, she looked particularly oozing in this dark cave.

"Next, enter that cave and pass four more checkpoints to see the Thundering Blood Blessing." The chain pointed to a cave in front of it, and said softly.

The heart of a girl who has lost her footing is fragile and needs soft care, and her voice should be gentle and soft, just like parents soothing a nervous child who is sprinting for the college entrance examination.

"I said, how long do you want to pester my mother?" Mordred stared at the chain in displeasure.

The good world of mother and daughter is fine if it is destroyed. As a result, this guy is still entangled with his mother, damn it! She hasn't even gotten close to her mother yet.

"Mordred can't be rude." Shirou said with a smile.

Boom boom boom!

My daughter is super cute and still grabbing the ground with her head, and her movements are getting more and more intense.


With a bang, my super cute daughter crashed into the wall in front of her, revealing a spooky underground space.

"There is a hidden map here?" Chains was stunned.

The hidden map is the easter egg mechanism of the dungeon of "Beauty Under the Moon", which has higher difficulty and rewards than the simple dungeon.

However, hidden maps generally only appear in those high-level dungeons in the sanctuary, but here, this first-level upgrade task actually has a hidden map?

This is information that no one knows, not even the fox who is good at information.

If this news were to spread, there would definitely be an uproar.

The most important thing is that if you want to enter those hidden maps, you have to pay a high price, but the price of entering this hidden map is actually the iron?


My daughter, who was buried under the rubble, got up from the rubble so cutely, and the gurgling blood flowed down from his forehead, staining her pretty face with blood red, just like the one in those ghost movies. female ghost.


My daughter got up so cute and rushed into the cave again.

Shirou actually looked at each other in blank dismay, and then hurriedly followed.

"Wait for us!"

After quickly following up, there was a strange crashing sound next to his ears.

I walked up to take a look, and sure enough, my daughter is super cute and hit the wall again.

Boom boom boom.

It's like a ghost hitting a wall.

Entering the new hidden map, Chains stared at this dark place.

There are neither monsters nor treasure chests, just a dark box room.

Sure enough, although it is a hidden map, it is only a newcomer map after all, and there are no rewards in it.



My daughter is super cute, and she knocked down another wall, revealing another dark box.

Obviously, this hidden map is not a single space, but a continuous corridor space.

Shirou followed immediately, and now he is both wanted by the system and hunted down by the players.

In order to solve this dilemma, he must first understand the terrain environment around Zaun and form his own geographical cognition before he can start activities.

And the chains followed.

He is the best assistant of the only king, the beauty under the moon, except for the deep layer of the Sanctuary Raiders, he knows and understands, but a new map pops up suddenly, he naturally wants to understand it, and report it to The only king.

Mordred was probably the most relaxed in the audience, she just wanted to stay with her mother.

Tou Tiewa, my daughter is so cute, she smashed through eighteen walls in a row, smashed her own physical strength in half, and used her blood to open up a broad road leading to the light.

Walking out of this Kangzhuang Avenue, it is a tropical rainforest that looks like a dreamy paradise.

The surroundings were covered with fog, and the hazy vision could not see the distance clearly, only two towering ancient trees could be vaguely seen.

[System: Entering an unknown area, this area #%$#@#$%...]

The system is garbled.

Shirou immediately felt vigilant in his heart, he did not forget that this is the connection point of the [Parliament].

The prompt of the system is suddenly garbled, which means that the [Parliament] has set up some tricks here.

"Let's stop here."

Chains stopped abruptly, looked at Shirou with a serious face and said, "Let's stop here, now let's go back."

"Why?" Shirou asked in puzzlement, this 9th-tier guy obviously knew something.

Chains shook his head, "Let's go back, Flower of Evil. Although it's a little strange that there is one here, but this is the domain of the Emperor's Raiders."

In other words, is this suitable for the map related to the final boss universe emperor Frieza?

Shirou raised an eyebrow.

"Mom, come and see!"

Mordred stood in front of a tree and shouted at Shirou.

"What's the matter, Mordred?" Shirou asked as he walked over.

"Look at the fruit of this tree—"

Mordred pointed to the fruit on the canopy in front of him.

Shirou looked up and couldn't help being stunned, only to see a little girl angel among the huge fruits on the canopy in front of him, curled up with wings and body like Thumbelina, breathing, as if in deep sleep.

Not only this tree, but other trees, flowers, and fruits on the grass, there is a little angel sleeping!

Chapter 47 Don't think that the same seiyuu can play tricks!

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