I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1644

【Angel of Destruction

Type: angel species

Level: Ninth Level]

Looking at the system frame on the heads of these girl angels sleeping in the fruit, Shirou sighed, and there were monsters on the top map in the newcomer's map.

Although I know how unreliable the dog plan is, after all, this is a game that can design [the best sword in the village] and [the best shield in the village], but setting such a high level in the novice map Monster, the persuasion ability is too first-rate, right?

"You're right, Chains. We should get out of here."

Shirou turned to look at the chain next to him and said.

Shirou is here to complete the class promotion, not to die.

Although there is a red and black universe · Flower of Evil that exploits system bugs, it can ensure its own safety, but it cannot guarantee Mordred's safety.

Seeing that Shirou was so sensible, Chains couldn't help but glanced at Shirou approvingly, nodded, and said, "Okay."

Unknown areas actually exist in the lower realms, this information must not only be reported to the Sole King, but also to the Emperor's strategy team.

"Speaking of which, where did that idiot aunt go?" Mordred looked around.

Several people planned to retreat from this hidden map, but there was no sign of my super cute daughter.

"Probably ran to the deep layer of the map. When the time is up, she will come back by herself." Chain said.

"Speaking of which, that young lady is indeed...really a bit reckless."

Thinking of my daughter's super cute posture, Shirou's face dripped with cold sweat.

It is no longer clear whether it is the player's stuttering or the adventurer's real headache, after all, the other party is speaking Martian.

at this time

Boom, boom, boom.

In the rainforest, there was the usual rhythmic impact sound, like the drumming prelude of a band, resounding non-stop in this tropical rainforest-like dense forest.

Without a doubt, this is my daughter's super cute head drum piece.

And as the impact sounded continuously.

With a sound of "ah", a sharp cry sounded in the dense forest.

"Clatter!" Countless frightened birds flew out of the dense forest, and after that, only a few "cracks" were heard, and broken marks appeared one after another on the fruits of the sleeping girl angels.

Red, blue, green... Various colored pulps flowed out of the fruit.

Chain's complexion changed suddenly: "Those monsters have been awakened, get out of here!"

There is no doubt that the reminder of the chain is too late.

In just a split second, those fruits burst open, revealing a wet girl angel among them.

The curled wings slowly unfolded, and on the pretty faces of the angels, slowly opened pairs of clear eyes, completely waking up.

They spread their pure white wings, and following the brisk wind, they soared upwards, just like angels soaring, giving people a feeling as if they were in heaven.

However, this feeling is a real illusion.

These angels with white feathers are not angels representing love and beauty in the traditional sense, but hunters and monsters in the true sense.

When these angels woke up, the first thing they did was to spread their wings and soar, hunting all kinds of creatures in this dense forest.

Whether it is animals, plants, or microorganisms, they are all within their hunting range.

Similarly, Shirou and others are also within their hunting range.


The three angels swooped down towards Shirou and the others.

As soon as the chain stretched out his hand, the golden chain wrapped around his right arm rushed out like a long snake, wrapped around the feet of one of the angels with a "crash", and then threw it on the other angel, shooting them down down.

At the same time, the chain stretched out his left hand again, and the golden chain wrapped around his left hand stretched out rapidly. With the help of the surrounding trees, an iron net was formed almost instantly.

With a sound of "boom", the last angel couldn't avoid it, and directly hit the iron net, his head was bleeding and even his skull was shattered.

"Let's go, Ms. Flower of Evil, pay attention to avoiding them!" Chains withdrew his weapon, and turned to Shirou quickly.

Shirou nodded, and when he was about to turn his head to retreat, he heard a "boom", and a black beam of light suddenly blasted towards Mordred from the far side of the sky.

The chains were shocked when they saw this, and quickly shouted: "Get out of the way, kid!"

Mordred was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

And at this time, almost instinctively, Shirou rushed towards Mordred, hugged Mordred in his arms, and with a "slap", fell heavily on the other side.

With a "boom", a terrifying black light passed Shirou's body dangerously, and the billowing heat made the surrounding leaves burn.

Then it fell to the mountains in the distance, only to hear a loud "bang", and a huge gap was blasted out of the mountains, revealing the scene outside.

Shirou stood up slowly, slowly let go of his arms, looked at Mordred in his arms, and asked, "Are you all right, Mordred?"

"I, I'm fine. But, mom, you..."

Mordred looked at Shirou with guilt. Due to the huge inertia, Shirou's body rubbed against the ground violently, resulting in large scratches, blood was knocked out of his forehead, and his eyes were stained red.

And it was all because of his own fault.

Because of herself, my mother was hurt again.

How many times do I want to hurt my mother?

Mordred pursed his lips.

"It's fine."

Shirou let go of Mordred completely, then looked down at the scrape on his arm. It's hard to explain to Al that her body was actually injured.

Shirou thought helplessly, but no matter how many times he did it, he would still do it.

Although he was always teasing and embarrassing Mordred, deep down in Shirou's heart, he didn't want to see Mordred get hurt.

"Are you two okay, Flower of Evil?" Chains hurried over and asked.

Shirou turned his head and glanced at the chain, "It's nothing, but it seems that we have been locked by the enemy."

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