I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1645

There are also hunting angels and long-range light cannons. It is clear that they are locked.

"That's true, and looking at the divine magic cannon attack just now..." Chains showed an ugly expression.

"What's wrong?"

Shirou made a puzzled expression.

"No. I should be worrying too much." Chains shook his head, "However, the situation is a little dangerous now."

"It's all to blame on that woman!" Mordred clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

If it wasn't for my daughter's super cuteness that caused those monsters to revive, things wouldn't have come to this point, and my mother wouldn't have been injured because of her...


"Don't say that, Mordred."

Shirou shook his head, then turned his head to look at the chain, and said, "We need to retreat through a more secluded path. Can you help us, senior?"

"Since they are all called seniors, then as seniors, they will of course help the juniors appropriately." Chains said with a smile.

He is a very soft person.

Chains: "It's like helping a child who ran into the dense forest and couldn't find a way to cry during a courage test. Of course I will lend a helping hand."

Withdrawing the preface, this guy is, in a sense, a super bad person.

Shirou had black lines all over his head.

Shirou and others entered the hinterland of this map from the very beginning, and they had to go through the dense forest if they wanted to turn back to the Thunder Cave.

It's just that those hunting angels are patrolling and hunting in the sky right now, and unknown enemies are targeting them in the distance, so Shirou chose to retreat along a path with dense leaves.

There are many trees around this path, and the fat leaves form a natural concealment net, which is enough to block the sight of the angels and unknown enemies in the sky.

"Speaking of which, senior. Is this kind of map very common in the sanctuary?" Shirou asked while looking at the chain.

"It can't be said to be common, it should be said to be a special product map exclusive to the sanctuary. We call it [Unknown Field]." Chains replied.

"Uncharted territory?"

Chains nodded, then said with a smile: "It's not the first time you've seen this [Unknown Field], Flower of Evil."

"It's not the first time... so it turns out that the gatekeeper's cave in Novice Village is an [unknown domain], right?" Shirou asked.

Chains looked at Shirou in surprise, then nodded, "Yes."

"That is to say, [Unknown Territory] and the brain of God... No, it is the goddess pattern Tucson, is it related to the universe emperor Friza?" Shirou asked.

Chains nodded: "Yes, [Unknown Territory] is indeed related to Frieza, and there are also fragments of the goddess pattern Tucson in it. According to legend, the goddess pattern Tucson knows the weakness of Frieza, as long as you gather all of them The fragments of the goddess hidden by Frieza, awaken the goddess, and you can know the way to defeat Frieza, and save this world dominated by dark gears. But the foundation of all these must be the God Brain, which is the soul of the goddess."

To put it simply, these people are also attacking the main plot mission, but the most critical props are in the hands of Shirou.

The main plot task is related to repairing the connection point, and the two parties should be able to cooperate if they have the same interests.

However, this is a dream.

The main storyline missions require goddess fragments, and the goddess fragments come from [unknown domain], and according to the chain, [unknown domain] exists in the sanctuary. But the condition for entering the sanctuary is to reach the ninth rank.

In other words, if the two sides want to work together, Shirou must reach the ninth level, otherwise everything is just a dream.

However, will the posture of looking at the only king wait until Shirou reaches the ninth rank?

Obviously impossible.

The basis of cooperation lies in strength, whether it is reality or the game world, it is the same. If you are not strong enough, you will be disgusted by your teammates and Zuan when you play games.

Of course, Shirou can also choose to give up the God Brain.

But this is impossible.

It's not that Shirou has a strong desire to control, but because the brain of God is the key to this connection point and the thread that connects everything.

Although he has the brain of a god, Shirou will be hunted down by other adventurers, and there will be various troubles. But as long as he has the brain of God, Shirou has the initiative.

So from the very beginning, Shirou had no option to cooperate with these ninth-rank adventurers.

"There are guardians and fragments of the guardian goddess in [Unknown Field]. The guardians are very powerful, and our emperor's strategy group is very difficult. However, we did not go deep into it, so we will not meet the guardians. said the chain.

Shirou nodded.

Walking out of the dense forest, he soon saw the gap in the Thunder Cave not far away.

As long as you enter the Thundering Cave, you will be safe.

There are few traces of the Angel of Destruction in the sky. Obviously, this is at the border of the [Unknown Territory], and even the Angel of Destruction will not linger here.

After confirming the safety, after the chain was broken, several people rushed towards the gap of Thunder Cave.

However, just after leaving the dense forest, the sky suddenly darkened.

A large cloud of strange shapes enveloped the sky.

The earth is covered with dark gloom.

"This is--"

Shirou looked up, the blond hair on his forehead shook violently, and saw thousands of Angels of Destruction standing in formation in the sky, staring at them expressionlessly.

When the chain saw this, his face changed suddenly: "Run! If you die here, you will be resurrected in place!"

Another cycle point of infinite death!

Shirou took Mordred's little hand without saying a word, and rushed towards the thunder cave.

"Interrupted my sweet dreams, and still want to run? How can there be such an easy thing?"

Feeling a little familiar, a very uncomfortable voice resounded from the sky, and then a huge meteorite fell from the sky, blocking the gap in Leiming Cave, and then an elegant figure slowly fell from the sky.

Shirou and the others couldn't help but stop, and looked up, only to see a girl with black twintails sitting on a bow-shaped flying boat, gracefully descending from the sky slowly, blocking Shirou and the others.

"It's you guys who interrupted my dream, right? Let me tell you, I don't intend to forgive you for disturbing the goddess who is gentle, generous, and passionate, in short, before the amount of treasures that make my eyes straighten. The sin of a sweet dream."

The girl with black twintails said viciously.

【Iori Hayate

Race: Magical girl

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