I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1646

Class: Ninth Class (Leader)]

Shirou stared straight at Yagami Hayate in front of him.

Yagami Hayate has a pretty face, exuding a youthful and sunny aura.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is...

"Tohsaka... Rin?" Shirou asked uncertainly.

Hearing this, "Yori Hayate", who was curling his hair with his index finger, stopped, his red eyes could not help but glance at Shirou, and asked suspiciously: "How do you know my name... wait, you look Some familiar..."

"Iori Hayate" rubbed his eyes, looked at Shirou carefully, and couldn't help but said in amazement: "The knight king of Britain?"

Chapter 48 My little Mo has fierce breasts!

Yagami Hayate...

Oh no.

It should be Rin Tohsaka.

Rin Tohsaka felt that his luck and his life were too bad.

Thinking about my own life carefully, when I was young, I lost my sister and the family imprint that I could inherit, and had to form a twin with a guy I hated so much, and was suppressed by that guy in the end.

When she was a girl, she was invaded by the false god seat again, and was invaded by an extremely open and unscrupulous goddess and possessed her body.

Finally, she used her will to resist the invasion of the goddess, and reached an agreement with the goddess. After assimilating, she thought she could live a happy life for Mary Su, but in 2012, the [Parliament] destroyed the human reason, causing her to have no choice but to live a happy life. Participate in the battle to clear the junction without becoming a member of Chaldea.

As a result, she was captured by a blond angel during a Junction raid a few years ago.

"Borrowed my strength for so long, should it be time to repay the debt?"

After leaving such a sentence, the blond angel caught her here.

During this period, both she and Ishtar resisted.

Although her divinity was weakened by the primate seat, as the supreme god of the Middle East, whether it is the power of Venus or her divinity, she was completely suppressed by the blond angel, and she was captured here alive. Became the guardian here.

What a failure!

Since then, Tohsaka Rin has lived a life of a hermit who has nothing to do with the world.

Every day is not chatting with Ishtar in the body, sleeping, or reminiscing about the past, thinking about relatives and friends.

As a result, this day's sweet dream was not only disturbed, but even the Guardian Assist System, which had been silent for a long time, had a rare system prompt.

There is no doubt that this paradise has been intruded by intruders, so she also has to fulfill her duty as guardian.

As a result, the intruder unexpectedly turned out to be someone he knew.

"I really didn't expect the intruder to be you, King of Knights. However, if you will appear here, that is to say, has Chaldea started to repair this connection point?" Rin Tosaka asked.


Shirou nodded.

Chaldea did not see the South American Junction as a major restoration junction, though, of course, that cannot be said.

Moreover, even if he assimilated with Ishtar's supreme divinity, Tohsaka Rin didn't seem to see the truth of "Artoria" in front of him.

"How did you become the BOSS here?" Shirou asked directly, was Rin Tohsaka also caught by a fox like Meilian Solomon?

"Boss? The guardian's statement?... This is a long story, and I don't want to say it. Also, I don't remember our relationship being so good. It's a good idea to get close and then slip away from me. Impossible." Tohsaka Rin said, pointing at Shirou.

"Can't you?"

"Of course not. If I don't fulfill my duties, I will be the one who is unlucky. Besides, with the guy next to you, no matter how I think about it, I can't let you slip away." Tohsaka Rin stretched out his hand and pointed at the chain next to Shirou , said.

Looking at Rin Tohsaka pointing at himself, the pretty face of the chain showed a helpless look, "Do you recognize me?"

"Don't think that you can deceive the eyes of the goddess by changing your face." Rin Tohsaka curled his lips and pointed to his own eyes, "The eyes of the goddess can see the essence of the soul through the appearance of things .”

Shirou thought, then why haven't I seen you see through the essence of my soul?

Obviously, the eyes of the goddess cannot see through the mystery of the invisible vortex.

"If it's you, then there's really nothing you can do." Chains showed a helpless expression, "It's rare for me to pinch a good face. It's like making an outstanding work and wanting praise from others, but in the end I got ridiculed and criticized." Like an ironic schoolboy, my heart is filled with loss."

Tohsaka Rin: "..."

"Who are you not good at learning, why do you have to learn from Marduk, Enkidu?" Tohsaka Rin's head was full of black lines. What she hates the most is Marduk's wonderful metaphors that he thinks are interesting, but are actually stinky and boring.

It is because of that that she entered the underworld from the heavens in the myth, and wanted to replace her sister Ereshkigal.


Shirou turned his head and looked at the side face of the chain in surprise, this guy is Enkidu?

So, the only king is Gilgamesh?

"Forget it. After you've been dealt with, and then 497 adventurers, I'll be free. For my freedom, you have to obediently wait to die!"

Rin Tohsaka lowered his hand, displayed the angels of destruction around him, then spread his wings, and rushed towards Shirou and others.

"There is no way around this. If you have any reservations about facing you, that would be too disrespectful to the gods. Then, you have to be careful, Lord Ishtar. Then, the King of Knights of Britain should also be careful, I'm going to get angry."

Chains glanced at Shirou with a smile, then clenched his fists and shouted, "Burn, my little universe!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!"

As the chains shouted, the veins on his handsome face were suddenly exposed, as if constipated, the muscles in his body convulsed and swelled, and then a terrifying breath erupted from his body.

Those Angels of Destruction who swooped in were also captured by this terrifying aura, and they stopped for a while.

"Uncle's hair is standing upside down!" Mordred pointed at the chain in surprise.

Indeed, with the burning of the Chain Cosmos, his hair stood upside down.

Not only that, but even the hair color has changed from forgiveness to a golden-haired monster with neon per capita control.

And the whole body is still burning with golden arrogance.

It's just, it's like...

"Super, Super Saiyan? You guys, actually led by the goddess Tucsonpo to rebel against our emperor Frisa, the strongest warrior in the universe in legend, Super Saiyan?" Tohsaka Rin's eyes From time to time, he glanced at the void next to him, and then looked at the chain with a stiff expression.

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