I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1647

Although I understand that you may be given responsibilities by the system like Meilian Solomon, but even if you are reading the script, please be careful, otherwise it will be a drama, Rin.

"That's right, because Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza, after Frieza was chased to this planet by the Ultramans, I came to this planet and followed the goddess Tucson to resist Foli Sand's Saiyan warrior. A super warrior born out of love and anger, Super Saiyan Chain!"

Chain's eyes also stared at the void next to him from time to time, and his tone was sonorous and forceful, but this guy obviously didn't memorize his lines, and couldn't grasp his emotions at all.


Looking at Rin Tohsaka and the chains who were reading scripts to each other, Shirou covered his abdomen and squatted down with pain in his face.

"What's the matter, mother?" Mordred asked with concern.

"Nothing, Mordred..."

Please, let go of my stomach!

"Finally finished reading." Tohsaka Rin sighed, and then complained: "Really, if you don't finish reading the lines, you will be struck by lightning. I really don't know what to do."

"Indeed. Every time I use this skill, I have to read that opening sentence. To be honest, the meaning is completely unclear." Chains nodded deeply.

"Yes. However, don't think that if you resonate with me, I will let you go. Even if you give me a mountain of gems, don't even think about it! Thousands of years ago, you and Gilgamesh killed my heaven. I will settle the matter with you right here, Enkidu!"

Tohsaka Rin pulled Ma Anna away, and shot a magic bow towards the chain.

The golden chains all over the chain rushed out, and immediately merged into a shield of locks, blocking in front of Gongshi.

Just listening, "Boom", the shield of the lock was turbulent, but it still blocked Maanna's magic bow.

And at this time, those angels of destruction also reacted and rushed towards Shirou and others.

The chains are very brave, he incarnated as a Super Saiyan, the chains shook all over his body, a large AOE circled most of the Angels of Destruction into his attack range, and then...

There is no more.

He has hung up.

Then, with a bang, he came back to life on the spot, and was beaten to death again by the siege.

Shirou didn't have time to take care of him, two of the shattered angels had already rushed towards him and Mordred.

Shirou drew two star swords that shone with starlight.

[System: The Sword of Vowed Victory (Salvation Sword), the special effect of [For Destruction] takes effect, and the destructive power is increased by 10000%! 】【System: Sword of Promised Victory (Sword of the Star), [Foreign Enemy] special effect takes effect, and the destructive power is increased by 10000%! 】Shirou brandished two star swords, and slashed towards the Angel of Destruction.

The Angel of Destruction seemed to be wise, turned sideways, and avoided the slash of the Star Sword. When he was about to fight back, Shirou kicked her abdomen with a very tricky angle, knocking her to the ground.

Afterwards, Shirou launched a pursuit with two star swords in hand.

In RPG role-playing games, level has never been the most critical thing, props and equipment are. Taking "Fantasy Westward Journey" as an example, a level 10 player with 150 points in his body is enough to beat a level 100 player with a white board.

Of course, if the equipment is of the same level, the level becomes a crucial factor.

And Shirou does the same.

The improvement of the class brings about the improvement of the basic parameters of the body, as well as the ability to use more powerful equipment and props, and the body Shirou is using now, even if the rules of the game have been weakened, the basic parameters are still very strong, and There are also two star swords that are defined as artifacts.

Therefore, it is not impossible to defeat high-level players and monsters against the class.

Of course, it is limited to single monsters.

If he plunged into the pile of monsters like a chain, and was targeted by Tohsaka Rin, who is now the boss of the end, he would die and could not die again.

At this time, another Angel of Destruction rushed towards Mordred.

Compared to Shirou's ease, Mordred was much more flustered.

She is a succubus, most of her control skills can't span nine ranks, and she can control the Angel of Destruction, so now she is relying on her short legs, moving in a snakeskin, and directly passing the Angel of Destruction who was chasing her. up.

But that's all there is to it.

After all, the class gap is too large, and the attributes of the Angel of Destruction are quite outstanding among monsters of the ninth rank. Mordred was blocked by the Angel of Destruction on a mountain wall.

"Star Cup, Star Cup, Star Cup..."

Watching the Angel of Destruction approaching quickly, Mordred hastily took out the Star Cup from his backpack, trying to start it in a panic.

However, it was too late.

At the moment she took out the star cup, the Angel of Destruction had already rushed in front of her, opened her mouth, the sunlight leaked on her face, looking holy, but her sharp canine teeth radiated a cold light , like a demon in purgatory.

The Angel of Destruction stretched out his hand, trying to grab Mordred's neck, trying to hold her down and eat again.

Mordred was still terrified at first, but Angel of Destruction's doing this aroused the ferocity of the dragon in her factor. She even reached out and grabbed Angel of Destruction's palm, then opened her mouth and bit hard.


The palm of the Angel of Destruction was bitten severely by Mordred, and blood flowed out.

Severe pain, even the emotionless hunting terminal - Angel of Destruction, can't help but move slightly.

She was originally the top predator, but she was hunted by the prey instead.

This is too funny.

The Angel of Destruction subconsciously shook his hands, trying to throw Mordred off, but Mordred didn't let go at all, but instead hugged Angel of Destruction's arm with his whole body, biting Angel of Destruction's hand fiercely.

She is not easy to bully.

Although he behaved peacefully in front of Shirou, like a well-educated and good boy, but in fact, when he faced Merlin who molested him when he was a baby, he bit him back and cried loudly.

Moreover, when connecting the points in Romania, Mordred also used his almost instinctive move to bite Shirou so painful that he couldn't help himself, and managed to escape.

Although he looks cute, in fact, Mordred is fierce and fierce.

This may also be the reason why Mordred was able to bear the death of the dynasty. This child has a fierceness and resilience from the factor.

The Shattering Angel used all his strength to finally throw Mordred off, and before he had time to look at his wound, Mordred had already run away.

She is very good at escaping.

The Angel of Destruction looked down at his palm, and there was a row of clearly visible and indelible teeth marks on the white as jade palm.

The Angel of Destruction stuck out his tongue, licking his own wound, with a pair of clear blue eyes, staring at Mordred who was running away, and then rushed over.

That does not work.

Shirou made it clear that this would not work.

Although he is very comfortable dealing with the Angel of Destruction, this is also because Rin Tohsaka and most of the Angels of Destruction are attracted by the chains.

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