I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1656

Boom, boom, boom.

The earth trembled, and in the distance, the most powerful tree symbolizing the death of the sky came rushing forward.

At the same time, there are also a large number of angels of destruction.

"It's over, it's over!"

The shameless goddess covered her head and squatted down.


It's really over.

In the body of the Zombie of the Sky, being eaten by the Zombie of the Sky is not protected by the system, nor will it return to the Heroic Seat after death, but is really, really eaten by the Zombie of the Sky.

There is no other way.

We can only wait for the skeletons of the sky to eat them.

Tohsaka Rin Ishtar made this judgment.

"I never imagined that such a pure and perfect goddess like me would disappear like this. Cry. This is really the price of being too perfect." Ishtar sighed with regret.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You're going to lose the face of the goddess. Oh, no, I should be more confident. It should be said that you have lost the face of the goddess long ago."

Shirou glanced at Ishtar speechlessly, then turned his head, looked at the enchantment barrier, and said, "Since I brought you here, I will take you out."

"You're the one talking stupidly, right? Don't you understand? Even if all of us work together, we can't open this enchantment." Ishtar said.

Hearing this, Shirou turned his head and smiled at her, "Maybe."

Then, Shirou raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


There was a snap of fingers.

The next moment, the red and black universe · Flower of Evil hiding in Shirou's shadow rushed out, turned into a huge mud net, and threw itself on the barrier of the barrier.


The terrible corrosion sound resounded.

The next moment, the indestructible barrier was melted like plastic thrown into a high-temperature furnace.

"How can it be!?"

Both Enkidu and Tosaka Rin Ishtar were shocked.

They have really tried the toughness of this enchantment barrier, especially Tohsaka Rin Ishtar, she is very clear that all of them can't shake the enchantment barrier even if they work together, and now they are actually crushed by Shirou's mud, It was directly corroded and corroded!

——I, my belly... how come...! ?

Even the corpse of the sky was full of shock, and even the big tree and the angel of destruction in the distance stopped.

It was so unbelievable, the dead bones of the sky were stupid at the time.

He was directly beaten back to his intellect by Shiro's mud.

--This is impossible!

"I don't do things I'm not sure about."

Shirou smiled, then looked at everyone, and said, "Okay, let's go, everyone."

Tohsaka Rin Ishtar stared blankly at Shirou's back.

Obviously not the same person, obviously different...

But at this time, Tohsaka Rin Ishtar, no, Rin suddenly remembered the childhood image imprinted deep in his heart.

In the hunting forest, there is also a person who opened the way of life.


Tohsaka Rin Ishtar's unconscious raving.

Chapter 53 This child is black when cut!


A call suddenly sounded in his ear, Shirou's body shook suddenly, his hair gradually rose, and he turned his head suddenly to look at Rin Tohsaka Ishtar behind him, his eyes were a little surprised.

This guy, could it be that...

"What's the matter, Mom?"

Mordred stretched out his hand and tugged at the corner of Toshirou's clothes, and asked aloud.

Lowering his head slightly, looking into Mordred's holy blue eyes, Shirou shook his head, "It's nothing..."

Using the red and black universe · flower of evil, it erodes the enchantment barrier of [Unknown Field], and thus walks out of the body of the dead body of the sky. The red light makes the tone of the whole world seem mysterious.

"Ah~~! The fragrance of freedom!"

Tohsaka Rin Ishtar spread her hands, narrowed her eyes slightly, as if embracing nature, and sighed like a prisoner.

Turning around, Tohsaka Rin Ishtar pointed at Shirou and the others and said, "Although ninety-nine percent of my salvation is thanks to me, the supreme goddess of Mesopotamia, there is still something to be done after all." One percent, you helped me. Well, I agree, I allow you to worship me, the supreme goddess, and offer your lofty beliefs to me."

Rin Tohsaka Ishtar sat on the flying boat Ma Anna, with a proud face of a goddess, stretched out her legs towards the three of them.

Shirou: "..."


Enkidu covered his face.

Lord Ishtar, please pay more attention, there are Heroic Spirits from other regions here. Even if it's embarrassing, please don't take our Mesopotamian heroic spirit with you!

Mordred stretched out his hand and pulled out the king sword, only to hear a "crack", Rin Tohsaka Ishtar saw a cold light cutting towards his leg, and quickly retracted his leg in fright.

With a "click", Wang Jian slashed to the ground, splitting a piece of ground.

"It didn't cut it." Mordred said regretfully.

"what are you doing?"

Tohsaka Rin Ishtar stared at Mordred, "Are you going to cut off my leg? Are you cutting off the leg of my youthful, beautiful, and supreme goddess?"

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