I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1657

Mordred looked at Tohsaka Rin Ishtar with a puzzled face, put his finger on his lips, and said blankly, "I'm helping you."


"Because my aunt doesn't seem to have any legs, I, Mordred, like to help others the most. So, I will cut off your legs for you. You don't know how many years old you are, and you are still an idiot aunt."

Mordred showed a sunny and brilliant smile, that smile was extremely pure, without any trace of impurity or malice.

Tohsaka Rin Ishtar: "..."

Is the child black after being cut open?

Tohsaka Rin Ishtar looked at Mordred with a complex expression.

"But speaking of it, Lord Ishtar, you are going too far. What can help us escape is the mud of the Knight King." Enkidu said seriously.

"Where is it too much? It's just a little bit of help."

Tohsaka Rin Ishtar made a small gesture, then looked at Shirou with doubtful eyes, and said, "Besides, that mud belongs to Fujimaru...Shirou, right?"

"Indeed it is."

Shirou showed a perfect business smile, "The king was afraid that I would be in danger, so he put his treasure in my shadow and guarded me in secret."

"That is to say, is that guy Fujimaru Shiro back? And did he also come to this connection point?" Tohsaka Rin Ishtar asked.

"The king's words have already reached Chaldea, but they didn't come to this connection point." Shirou replied with a smile.

"Is that so?"

Tohsaka Rin Ishtar nodded, then looked at Shirou, and said, "It's good that that guy is back. However, he actually hides the iconic treasure in your shadow. It seems that that guy is very Care about you..."

Tohsaka Rin Ishtar looked at the King of Knights with a complicated expression, and then said: "Since that guy cares about your safety so much, he will hide his iconic treasure by your side, then you have to be careful. Finally It’s best not to use this mud again, or you will be in danger.”

Shirou: "?"

Shirou was confused by Tohsaka Rin Ishtar's words at that time: "What do you mean?"

Why do these words sound like an idiot to me?

What kind of ghost image am I in Rin's heart!

"How would I know? Just pretend I'm talking nonsense."

Tohsaka Rin Ishtar put her hands behind her head, closed her right eye, and looked playful, "Okay, I'm leaving. Although I saved you, you don't need to be grateful. As a goddess, I It’s just helping humans without asking for anything in return.”

As soon as the words fell, Tohsaka Rin Ishtar took the flying boat Ma Anna and soared into the sky.

She is the goddess of youth and vitality, the limited world is her constraint, and freedom is her yearning.

The three of them looked up at her receding back, feeling infinitely moved.

Enkidu said with emotion: "Master Ishtar is still so shameless, and still likes to immerse himself in his own spiritual victory. It's amazing."

Shirou: "..."

Enkidu, is this a compliment or a derogation?

At this time, Mordred stretched out his hand and tugged at the corner of Shirou's clothes, pointed at the back of Tohsaka Rin Ishtar, and asked, "Mom, is that the goddess?"

Shirou nodded.

"I don't think I will have the slightest longing for a goddess in the future..." Mordred said.

"Don't lose faith in all the goddesses, Mordred. Lord Ishtar is not an ordinary goddess, nor is she a special goddess, but a special kind of goddess."

Shirou discovered that Enkidu, like Gilgamesh, had a mysterious interest in Black Ishtar. It's just that compared to Gilgamesh's arrogant and sarcastic face, Enkidu prefers to show a smile like a spring breeze, and then black Ishtar.

Sure enough, neither of these friends is a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Speaking of which, what about that rampant [My daughter is super cute]?" Shirou asked.

"It must have been in [Unknown Territory], buried in the soil by those angels as fertilizer and flower arrangement. May her soul return to heaven, and may she rest in peace, Amen."

Mordred smiled brightly like the sun.

this kid...

Cut it open, it's really black.


Because of breaking into the [Unknown Territory], the Raiders of the Thunder Cave can only retreat for the time being.

Returned to the hotel.

"Miss Evil Flower, you are back."

"Did the mission go well, Miss Flower of Evil?"


The adventurers greeted Shirou one after another, warm and thoughtful, without any trace of the killing spirit towards Shirou before.

Of course, after Shirou was willing to take out the [God's Brain], the conflict of interest was resolved.

People are very strange creatures. Although they emphasize feelings and friendship, as long as there are conflicts of interest, even relatives and friends will fight to the death. But once the interests complement each other, even sworn enemies will become smiling friends.

In fact, when Shirou left, these adventurers were still worried about whether Shirou would run away, but seeing [God's Brain] and Evil Flower's teammate Ilya still diligently making lottery tickets, they Also feel at ease.

"Master, here. This is made, draw my lottery ticket." The brain of the god, the figure of the goddess Tucson, handed the prepared lottery ticket and box to Shirou with a dull look.


Shirou took it, and seeing the girl's blank gaze, he felt a very strange feeling in his heart.

It's also amazing to say that letting Tucson make her own lottery tickets for the lottery draw is like letting her sell herself and let him count the money.

This feeling is so wonderful that Shirou doubts himself a little.

While Shirou was checking the lottery tickets, Enkidu also told Gilgamesh, the only king of ninth-tier players who incarnate human beings, about what happened in [Unknown Territory].

Gilgamesh frowned after hearing this: "The [Unknown Territory] of Venus is actually outside the city of Zaan?"

Enkidu nodded: "Not bad."

"The [Unknown Domain] should all be placed in the [Sanctuary], why is the [Unknown Domain] of Venus alone in Zaan? What is the dog plan doing?"

Even Gilgamesh couldn't help frowning, because this was completely contrary to what he and everyone knew.

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