I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1658

"It should be related to the storyline of the main plot mission, but the main plot mission was only accepted by Evil Flower. Only after he pushed the main plot mission to Venus's [Unknown Field] did he know what the plan was. Out." Enkidu said.

"Wait for that newcomer to advance to Venus's [Unknown Field]? Hmph. Advancing the main storyline is indeed the safest way to attack this connection point, but you know, chains. Even if we do our best to help the Evil Flower upgrade, time is still far away Not enough. So the only way at present is for us to collect all the fragments." Gilgamesh said.

"That's true..."

Enkidu nodded.

He knew that Gilgamesh's judgment was the most accurate, and advancing the main story mission was the only safest way to attack, but only Shirou started the main story mission. However, they didn't have time to wait for Shirou to upgrade to the ninth rank.

"Although I don't know what the dog plan is doing, but this is good. At the same time as getting the brain of the gods, we will attack the [Unknown Field] of Venus. In this way, the speed of the attack will be greatly accelerated." Gilgamesh even said.


Enkidu nodded.

After a pause, Gilgamesh turned his head to look at Enkidu, and asked, "How many times have you been resurrected in [Unknown Field]?"

"three times."

"Hmph. Stupid miscellaneous cultivator, in such a low-level situation, you will still lose three times of resurrection, which really makes me speechless."

"You're grieving over the number of revives I lost, Jill."

"Sad? Don't be kidding, I'm sarcasm, sarcasm! Do you understand? It's sarcasm!"

"Well. Of course I understand."

"You guy, you really annoy me sometimes!"

Gilgamesh folded his chest, turned his head away, and sent out an emoji of flipping the table.


When Enkidu and Gilgamesh exchanged information, Shirou referred to Enkidu's suggestion and got in touch with [Sweetheart Girl].

"Eh? Are you Al?"

The sweetheart girl looked at Shirou in astonishment.

Shirou nodded, "It's me, Sister Morgan Le Fay."

"It's not Morgan Le Fay!"

Morrigan threw down the Switch game console in his hand angrily, then looked around his empty frame, and then continued to type words.

"You say you are the Knight King, Artoria Pendragon? What evidence do you have?"

Hearing this, Shirou asked suspiciously: "Why do you ask such a question? Does this still require evidence?"

"Hmph. Evidence is required in everything. And as far as I know, with Artoria's IQ, it is impossible to pass the purgatory-level novice mission." Morrigan said.

Although it is probably true, but you are looking down on Al too much, right?

Shirou was speechless.

"Is there anything you can do to prove yourself?" Morrigan asked.

"Of course." Shirou said.

Morrigan: "Tell me."

"I'm sorry to say that my older sister is a pervert who always wants to drug my younger brother," Shirou said.


Morrigan spurted out a mouthful of old blood on the spot.

"One night, she was wearing a see-through dress, dangling shamelessly in front of her hard-working younger brother, and said shameless words like 'I see you are tired, so I come to accompany you'..."

"Stop it! I believe you are Al!"

Morrigan yelled in dismay.

What is this all about!

How could a third person know about such a secret thing!

Morrigan hugged her head, her brain trembling.

Did Guinevere betray me?


Guinevere is not going to do such low-level things.

That man who has no interest will probably hide this as his own stain in his heart, and then wait until he wants to use himself one day, but when he refuses, he should expose it and threaten himself!

He is the kind of man who never wastes his principles, and he will not tell others this kind of point that can be used.

That is to say, Al saw all the things I did more than 1,500 years ago?


Should there be anyone else besides Al?

Morrigan paled.

By the way, that's not me, it's Morgan Le Fay.


However, is the Flower of Evil Al?

This completely kills the wrong person!


Morrigan clicked her tongue lightly, but since the Flower of Evil is Al, then she can only give up hunting for props.

Shirou: "Sister, is Guinevere next to you? Can you call Guinevere for me? I want to talk to him."

Morrigan: "..."

Morrigan swept across the empty side, at this moment, she was the only one here.

Slightly lowering her head, looking at the evil flower on the screen, Morrigan fell into a strange silence. Before she knew it, an unknown fire that had been burning for thousands of years suddenly burned from her chest, making her breathing a little short.

He stretched out his hands and patted his cheeks.

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