I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1663

Therefore, in order to protect the existence of the stars, retreating is a matter of course.

Rational strategic retreat is more intelligent than reckless advance.


As expected, I still inevitably feel lost in my heart.

Ka Ka Ka

The vines that looked like demonic claws were tightening, like palms that were about to be clenched into fists. The protective cover covering the main city made a terrible sound, and the invisible mana cover showed shattered scars like spider webs. .

Then, there was a "click" like glass breaking, and a broken gap appeared on the magic shield guarding the main city.

Immediately afterwards, several angels flew in from outside the protective shield like the claws of evil gods coveting the world.

【Angel of Destruction

Type: angel species

Level: Ninth Level]

The level of horror was directly exposed to the eyes of the adventurers, and panic immediately pervaded.

"Aren't you kidding? Ranks 1 and 9? Shouldn't this kind of monster only be found in the Sanctuary? Why does it appear here?"

"Is this the task of guarding the main city at the EX level?"

"It will die. It will definitely die. Those little monsters are already monsters of the ninth rank, and the floating island covering the sky must be the boss of the ninth rank. This is the mission of the legion of adventurers of the ninth rank. Right? This is not a task we can handle!"

"Escape! Use the number of resurrections to escape from the city of Zaan!"


Panic permeated the hearts of the adventurers.

They have no intention of completing the task at all.

The level of the mobs is the ninth level, and they easily broke through the protective shield of the main city that belongs to the [invincible] unit in the rules... This is like a plot kill that must be defeated. How can they get up the mentality of confrontation?

Only escape!

Use your resurrection times to escape from Zaan City!

The adventurers quickly determined their course of action, but the Angel of Destruction of the Skeleton of the Sky is not a dead thing.

They have a beautiful appearance, like angels in heaven, but they are not beautiful things, but disillusioned seekers.

They fell from the sky and attacked the adventurers and NPCs in the city.

Their slender arms are stronger than the Noble Phantasms of Heroic Spirits, and their scale of existence far exceeds that of the ancestors of Heroic Spirits and Dead Apostles, and their individual existence is comparable to the gods of an area.

"Someone has something coming!"



People fled in panic.

And this can't change the target of the Angels of Destruction in the slightest.

Like falcons hunting for prey, they swooped down from the sky and caught the fleeing residents or adventurers.

At the moment of being caught by them, whether it is an adventurer or a resident, at that moment, as if being sucked into flesh and blood, the flesh-and-blood body shriveled, and then turned into a cloud of dust, dissipating with the wind.

The adventurers were terrified when they saw this scene.

"Impossible! No resurrection! This is impossible!"

Someone yelled in horror.

Since the invaders from outer space, the self-proclaimed emperor of the universe, Frieza, descended from the invaders from outer space, and defeated the gods who ruled the world, this world has been virtualized.

It is inherent common sense that death can be resurrected.

But now, this common sense has been broken.

"Killed by those monsters... you will really die!" Someone tremblingly made up his mind.

Fear spread.

After getting used to being able to be resurrected, death came quietly again. The fear was more serious than the world where death itself existed.

"Run! Don't be killed by those monsters!"

People fled in panic.

In the chaos, Enkidu turned to look at Gilgamesh next to him, "Gil..."

"That thing is completely insane, breaking the rules of the game. Retreat before it calms down, Enkidu."

After a pause, Gilgamesh added: "We are allowed to accept those who want to retreat with us."

"I see."

Enkidu nodded.

Under such circumstances, even the aborigines who don't know the true face of the corpse of the sky will know that the horror of the corpse of the sky is not an enemy that heroic spirits or gods can handle.

And those who know the true face of the dead body of the sky will not have the courage to resist. Because if you want to fight against an existence like the skeleton of the sky, you need the restraining power of the planet, or a civilization at the cosmic level.

But at this moment, a high-pitched voice sounded:

"Pattern tucson broken, use prayer, lightning strike!"

In this chaotic situation dominated by fear, the voice was so eye-catching that Enkidu turned his head and saw the King of Knights pointing at the corpse of the sky covering the sky, looking at the brain of the god beside him - the pattern Tucson. The order was issued.

"I see, Master."

The girl held her heart in her hands and prayed for a miracle in the sky.

next moment

The sky dimmed, and then, countless thunderbolts fell from the sky, directly hitting the sky's corpse.


The skeleton of the sky, which was struck by countless thunderbolts, made a strange cry.

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