I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1664

That knight king, does he want to confront the corpse of the sky head-on?

Enkidu looked at Shirou in astonishment, didn't this guy experience clearly the horror of UO before?

Chapter 56 If it's a nightmare, wake up quickly!

A large number of angels of destruction broke through the gaps in the enchantment, raging like locusts passing through the border, and wherever they passed, life was shattered and flesh and blood disappeared.

Vampires exist by sucking human flesh and blood, but now there are things that treat them as delicacies and eat flesh and blood to their heart's content.

The angels of destruction swooped down to bring about the destruction of death, but those adventurers who were hunted were not vegetarians either. Under the persecution of life and death, their hearts dominated by fear ignited the flames of survival, using various skills to greet those shattered angels.

The three-body destruction angels rushed towards Gilgamesh, their eyes were indifferent, and they obviously regarded Gilgamesh as a hunting delicacy.

However, before the three-body annihilation angel rushed to Gilgamesh, Enkidu stretched out his hand, and countless sky locks appeared from his body, forming a defense line like a spider web, which would destroy the three-body annihilation The angel circles into the net.

"Hmph. How dare you treat me as a prey? This crime is unforgivable! It deserves death!"

Gilgamesh shouted loudly, and radiant balls of light appeared around him, and then those balls of light shot out countless magical light cannons, forming an energy tide that directly engulfed the three-body destruction angel, killing it to the ground.

"Hmph. A vulnerable miscellaneous cultivator."

Gilgamesh crossed his arms, obviously those balls of light were not the treasure of the king, but the skills and props of his game character.


The angels descended in groups from the island of that day, it was like being guided by heaven, it was very spectacular. But this is not the reception from heaven, but the shattering from beyond the sky.

Under the attack of these angels of destruction, people had to retreat to houses that still had the protection of safe areas.

Although the rules of the game have been destroyed by the corpse of the sky, the whole world is still protected by the radiation of the game rules of virtual gamification, and the safe area is still somewhat useful.

"How to do how to do?"

"Why did you encounter such a thing? The rules of the king of gods have expired... Death. You will die. How could this be!"

"What's going on? It shouldn't be like this!"

"I just came to Zaun to join in the fun, why did I encounter such a thing?"

"Quickly contact the guild and learn about our situation. Other adventurers in my guild will definitely form a team to rescue me!"

"No, the system is garbled and disconnected from the guild channel!"

"how so……!"


Outside angels danced wildly, and the sound of destruction came.

In the house, voices were noisy and panic pervaded.

There was chaos.

In the midst of this chaos, Mordred found Shirou.

She looked around the chaotic surroundings, then her eyes fell on Shirou, and she said, "Mom, I'm ready. Let's retreat."

According to Shirou's plan, it should be to use the [God's Brain] to attract the attention of adventurers, and then use Mordred's star cup to escape, but he never imagined that it should be an adventure map. Actually directly chased and killed Zu'an.

Facing Mordred, Shirou shook his head.

"Mom, you can't act emotionally in this situation. As you have seen, being hunted by those monsters is a real death. Even a heroic spirit will be wiped out of the record and disappear from the seat completely. Don't act emotionally, let's withdraw!" Mordred said anxiously.

She knew that her mother had always been kind and responsible, after all, she was a noble knight king in the name of guardian. However, this is not the time to be emotional. Mordred would never want his mother to be in danger.

"No, Mordred." Shirou shook his head, "The original plan has gone bankrupt. We can't get out anymore."

The spores of the celestial skeletons have grown outside the city of Zaun, forming a vast forest for foraging, and the roots of the celestial spores are all over the ground.

Now using the star cup to transfer from the ground, that is not a wise retreat, but an active suicide attempt.

Mordred's star cup can radiate everyone and make them enter a high-dimensional state beyond reality, so they can be immune to all realistic attacks, but that high-dimensional state is not a real high-dimensional state, but hides the body in a In the star cup of reality.

Once sneaked into the roots of the dead bones of the sky, the roots of the dead bones of the sky cannot harm their phantoms that appear outside, nor can they touch them in a high-dimensional state, but they can touch them in reality, the star cup .

And once the star cup is touched by the roots of the dead bones of the sky, it will be left underground forever by the roots of the dead bones of the sky, until Mordred's magic power is exhausted, and the star cup becomes invalid.

As for why Shirou is so aware of the underground situation in the outside world, it is because Shirou has already used the red and black universe · Flower of Evil to check the situation in the outside world in advance.

"how so……!"

Mordred gritted his teeth. Although he lost a lot of intelligence, even in this situation, Mordred still understood the situation of himself and others.

"So, what we need to consider now is not retreat. It's how to fight back the corpse of the sky." Shirou said.

Although the words are simple, how to do it is a fundamentally unsolvable problem.

UO is too powerful, and its scale of existence is not as good as that of Beast. That is not a monster that is still in the interplanetary civilization and Heroic Spirit can deal with it. That is the strongest weapon of the star, stronger than the holy sword of the star, and it is a weapon specially used by the planet to deal with alien invaders who invaded its body.

To put it simply, UO is a weapon used for cosmic warfare.

How can a heroic spirit praised by mankind, a god of a region, or a Beast that threatens six billion people be an opponent of UO, which is used to wage space wars?

It's no wonder that Gilgamesh doesn't plan to confront the Celestial Skeleton head-on, because it's an unsolvable problem.

However, Shirou didn't think so.

There is UO in this connection point, but it is still virtualized by gamification, and UO is arranged into the game background to start the game operation.

And the dead bones of the sky went berserk, the rules of the game still exist, and have not disappeared because of the existence of UO.

Well, this shows that the game is still going on!

UO's runaway is also in the game design planned by the dog.

As an [invincible] unit, the protective shield of Zaan City was broken, and the safe area became unsafe... These are the surface layers, and there is a causal logic line in the deep layer, which supports the continued operation of this game.

In other words, the skeleton of the sky can be defeated!

And the clue to defeating the skeleton of the sky lies in the city of Zu'an!

Ka Ka Ka

Angels of Doom fell from the sky, attacking the houses that were advertised as safe areas.

Under the attack of the Angel of Destruction, the hotel where Shirou and others were staying suddenly swayed and crumbled.

In the hotel, pairs of eyes looked at the Angel of Destruction flying past the window in horror. This crumbling hotel, like their hearts, was in danger of collapsing at any time.

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